My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 213 Unpredictable people

Chapter 213 Unpredictable people

Just when everyone was panicking, someone suddenly fell silently, hitting the ground and making a noise.





Immediately afterwards, the sound of falling to the ground sounded one after another, which immediately alarmed everyone.People followed the sound and saw that several people were lying in the dust, motionless.

Their faces were full of horror, and there was a blood hole as thick as a thumb on their foreheads, and blood flowed out. They seemed to have seen something extremely frightening before they died.

"What's going on?!" Everyone felt a chill in their foreheads, and a creepy feeling hit their hearts, and their hearts were suddenly filled with fear.Four or five fresh lives died suddenly like this, and the cause of their death was unknown, which gave them a great sense of shock.

The unknown is the scariest thing!

Some things, because others know the truth, they are no longer afraid.Of course, there are those who are ignorant and fearless.However, it is not the case.

"Don't get close to them!" Ye Xie suddenly stopped two people who were about to approach the corpse on the ground.


Suddenly, the bell sounded melodious and majestic, as if Huang Zhong Dalu was shaking.

An extremely bright light rushed from Wang Ziwen's body, and his whole body was enveloped in the light, as if wearing a thick golden battle suit.His broken yellow bell was shaking gently, and the grand sound came from there.

"What's going on?" the person closest to him asked nervously.

"It seemed like something was attacking me just now..." Wang Ziwen said in horror.

"Can you see what it is?" Pangbo continued to ask.

"No, I just felt a huge danger covering my whole body, and then this yellow bell suddenly vibrated." Wang Ziwen said with lingering fear, his face was extremely ugly.

Hearing this, all the people who had gained something in Daleiyin Temple tightened their hands. This thing has now been proven, and it does have extraordinary power.

Ye Fan and Pang Bo suddenly looked at Ye Xie, and they immediately remembered Ye Xie's exhortation to keep them from giving up the Buddhist artifacts in their hands. Now it seems that he already knew it.

"Hurry up, everyone, it's not suitable to stay here for long!" Ye Xie suddenly shouted.


The screams sounded again, and another classmate fell on his back. On his forehead, there was also a blood hole the size of a thumb.


There was a sound of piercing through the air, and Ye Xie moved his ears. He looked stern, and said to himself, "I'm courting death."

He swung the vajra in his hand and slashed towards the void. The vajra suddenly emitted golden light and collided with a black shadow.


Suddenly there was a burst of sparks in the air, and with a "chirp", a black shadow was burned out in the flames.


Ye Xie didn't say a word, just rushed towards the distance.Seeing this, the others woke up like a dream, and hurried to the distance, at the same time they were also extremely surprised, this person actually knows martial arts, how is this possible?


Someone fell to the ground again, and the state of death was still the same as before, extremely miserable and shocking.

"Ye Xie, what is that?" Ye Fan and Pang Bo ran to Ye Xie and asked.

Ye Xie glanced at the two of them and said, "It is said that the Great Leiyin Temple was used by the Buddha to suppress eighteen demons, and there are eighteen levels of hell sealed beneath it."

"You mean...that's the demon suppressed by the Buddha?!" The two of them suddenly widened their eyes, with incredible expressions in their eyes.

"If the demons are really so weak, do they still need Buddha to suppress them? If I'm not wrong, they are the descendants of the divine crocodiles suppressed in the first level of hell." Ye Xie said expressionlessly.

"That's right." The two thought about it and felt that it was true.


A black light flashed, and a strange blood flower bloomed in the void. A male student fell to the ground with his eyes wide open, without a sound.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo on of us who will save us?" Someone was relatively weak, and was hit by the successive deaths, and the line of defense in his heart had been completely destroyed, and he burst into tears.

"Ah, what should we do if we didn't get the sacred object?" Some students were panicked because they didn't get the Buddhist artifact.

"This thing should be shared, let's try it!" Someone suggested that two people share a fetish, but unfortunately, no one wants their own lives to be in danger, and no one dares to take this risk.

The more dangerous the situation is, the more people's nature can be revealed.Usually best friends may not be as good as a passerby at this moment.The trust between people becomes fragile at the moment when life is in danger.

Of course, there are also people who are willing to try and share an artifact with them.

People kept running towards the Temple of Chaos. At this moment, the Temple of Chaos became their only place of salvation. They really couldn't think of any place that could protect them now.

Running all the way, dying all the way, brushing shoulders with death all the way, fearing all the way, some people went crazy, some cried, and some had other thoughts.

After all, there are still many people who do not have this so-called "artifact", and some people, instigated by Liu Yunzhi, did something to Ye Fan, and wanted to use the opportunity of sharing a blue lantern with him to snatch his blue lantern away. Walk.

It's a pity that he met Ye Xie, and he was discovered as soon as he took action.

With a flash of Ye Xie's vajra, he knocked the man unconscious to the ground.With cold eyes, he glanced at the surrounding people lightly, and then walked directly to Liu Yunzhi and the other three.

"You, are you Liu Yunzhi?" Ye Xie's faint voice rang in the ears of the three of them. The voice was filled with endless killing intent, as if it came from hell.

"What about me? How dare you do anything to me?" Liu Yunzhi's eyes shrank, and he felt an ominous premonition in his heart. Being stared at by Ye Xie like this, he felt a little terrified.

"Hehe, it's fine if it's you." Ye Xie chuckled, lightly flicked Vajradhara in his hand, and threw it directly at Liu Yunzhi.


The golden light was brilliant, and the divine light filled the air. The ruler in Liu Yunzhi's hand also emitted golden light to resist it. Unfortunately, Ye Xie's power was too great, and the ruler could only automatically resist part of the power. Not strong.

The huge power was transmitted directly to Liu Yunzhi through the Vajra Pestle, Liu Yunzhi's expression was suddenly horrified, he never imagined that the person in front of him would have such power, and he also could not imagine that this person would not care about other people's opinions, directly He shot, making him hard to guard against.

A huge force impacted on him, causing him to fly upside down three feet away. As for the ruler in his hand, it was also scattered by this huge force.

Ye Xie jumped up, and the vajra in his hand emitted a huge radiance, piercing Liu Yunzhi straight through.

"You... how dare you..." Liu Yunzhi's eyes were full of disbelief, until he died, he didn't understand why Ye Xie dared to kill him.

"Idiot, this is no longer the earth." Ye Xie said faintly.Ye Xie's words are very simple, this is not the earth, and the laws on the earth can no longer control this place.In the universe, the weak have always been prey to the strong.

He took out the vajra, went to the side and picked up the ruler. This ruler should be able to exchange a lot of value points in the Chaos Temple.

"You..." There were still two Liu Yunzhi's lackeys left. When they saw Ye Xie walking towards them, their faces turned pale and they wanted to run away, but why didn't they have the slightest strength under their feet.

They could only watch Ye Xie kill them, even if they escaped, it would be impossible.Ye Xie was originally a killer, but now that he had a magic weapon in hand, it couldn't be easier to deal with two ordinary people.

After killing the two, Ye Xie got two Buddhist utensils again, a copper bell and a fish drum.


Everyone else's eyes were wide open at this moment, their faces full of disbelief. At the same time, they also came to their senses, yes, this is the universe, and the laws on the earth are no longer suitable for them. Everything here is based on strength.

Even so, they still didn't dare to get close to Ye Xie. The way Ye Xie killed people just now was very scary.So much so that they looked at Ye Xie with deep awe in their eyes.All of a sudden, the atmosphere on the scene became delicate.

People's hearts are unpredictable, why not!
Only Ye Fan and Pang Bo dared to come to him and talk to him.

"Okay, I've been annoyed by Liu Yunzhi for a long time, and it's great to be dead now. But, Ye Xie, you were very majestic just now, have you learned anything?" Ye Xie's murder was a bit shocking, but it wasn't that big of a deal. What's more, Ye Xie did it for their own good.

"I've learned some martial arts before." Ye Xie smiled, and didn't say that he was a killer before, and he was a killer who traveled over here.

"I see, no wonder you are so vigorous!" The two suddenly realized.

"Let's go quickly. I think the danger is far from resolved."

"Yes, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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