My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 214 A moment of life and death

Chapter 214 The Moment of Life and Death

After spending a few minutes, everyone ran back to the five-color altar again. Unfortunately, it was only 10 minutes before the one-hour mission, and there were still 10 minutes before the mission ended.

"If we can't get in, what should we do?" Someone tried it and found that he couldn't get into the Chaos Temple, and said in despair.

"What should I do?" Everyone was desperate, watching the students around them die one by one, they only had endless fear in their hearts at the moment, and now that they couldn't even enter the Chaos Temple, which was the last straw, they were even more desperate.

"There are still 10 minutes left for the task. As long as we stay for 10 minutes, we will be safe. Don't be discouraged." Someone comforted.

"Yes." Someone suddenly remembered the task assigned by the Chaos Temple, and hope seemed to be burning in his heart.


A black light flashed, and someone fell to the ground again.


There were bursts of panic, chaos outside the altar, and black light flashing, which represented the arrival of the god of death.The few people who didn't have any fetishes immediately rushed to Ye Fan, Zhou Yi and others, catching them and not daring to relax, sharing the Buddhist artifacts.But around Ye Xie, no one dared to go up to share the Buddhist vessel with him, and he himself did not force it.

"Wow..." Suddenly, in the storm, there were bursts of creepy roars, earth-shattering, and the thunderous sandstorm was covered by it.

"What is that?" At this moment, many people turned pale and were terrified.

"Could there be any other creatures on Mars?" Many people speculated.

"Come on!"

There was a sound from the corpse on the ground, which made many people's hearts tense.The sound seemed to be chewing something, and it sounded uncomfortable. After all, it was a human head, and there were unknown creatures eating in it, and the hairs on everyone present stood on end.


The sound of bones being ground was heard, and the atmosphere at the scene was oppressive and tense. No one dared to speak, and the scene suddenly fell silent.

Time passed bit by bit, this is a kind of torment, the sound of eating, the sound of crushing bones, the roar of unknown creatures, the howling of cold wind, the roar of wind and sand... Many sounds are mixed together, like The horror song of hell, tormenting people's mind.

Many girls are helpless with their mouths wanting to cry, but they dare not cry out. This situation makes many people's hearts almost collapse.

Then something came out of the blood hole in the skull, and everyone held their breath, looking at the black shadow of the unknown creature. This thing was the death god that brought them endless death.

It was a strange creature shaped like a crocodile. It came out of the blood hole. Not only was it stained with blood, but it also had white brains, which made one's scalp tingle.


Just when everyone was terrified, they heard a sharp cry. The sound was extremely harsh and unpleasant, and it rang in everyone's ears, giving people an extremely uncomfortable feeling.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw a burst of dense black spots flying by not far away, and everyone's faces turned pale.


There was a sound of piercing through the sky, and countless black spots in the sky flew over like locusts passing through, surrounding everyone.

Everyone's face turned extremely pale immediately, and everyone showed a look of incomparable fear on their faces. Some even broke down and burst into tears.

bang bang bang bang bang bang...

Immediately afterwards, there were countless bangs and bangs, but it was these disgusting crocodiles attacking the crowd. A black light flashed, and patches of yellow light suddenly lit up on the crowd, covering the crowd, and the brilliance flashed, like a god descending , the crocodiles cannot break through.


Of course, there were also people who were attacked. They screamed and fell to the ground, but they lost their lives.

Although the people with fetishes were protected for a while, as time went by and those fierce crocodiles continued to attack, the brilliance emanating from the fetishes became increasingly dimmer, and it seemed that they would not be able to last long.

Every attack of the crocodile will increase the fear in everyone's hearts.

How to do?
"You bitch, you're not as tall as a rat, yet you dare to kill so many of my classmates, I'll smash you to death!"

Pang Bo picked up the bronze plaque of the Great Leiyin Temple, and slapped it vigorously at the surrounding black spots.There were bursts of thunder, the rays of light soared into the sky, the bronze plaque was radiant, and the lightning was surging, interweaving into a net of heaven and earth.

Immediately, there were several shrill screams. The sound was so loud that people were shocked, like a ghost screaming, and it made people feel chills down their spines.

Seeing this, other people also waved the fetish in their hands and attacked the surrounding "black spots".No one wants to sit and wait for death, even if they die, they can't die so aggrieved.Although they don't know martial arts, but because of the light of the gods, they can still resist one or two.

Ye Xie held the vajra in his hand and waved it towards the surroundings. The vajra was so powerful that it emitted a large amount of light. In addition, Ye Xie was a killer with the most unique vision and the most precise timing of his attacks. He killed many crocodiles .

Ye Fan stepped forward with the blue lantern in his hand, and blew on the wick Mengmeng. Suddenly, a scorching flame shot into the sky, burning the surrounding crocodiles to death.

Immediately, apart from the sound of the "black spot" piercing through the sky and the whistling sound of dust, there was also the shrill scream of the "black spot", and this area was like a ghost.

With the passage of time, the brilliance of the fetish in everyone's hands became dimmer, but the attack of the crocodile became more and more ferocious.


Someone fell to the ground, but the fetish in his hand had lost its function, the light dissipated, the divinity dissipated, and it couldn't resist the attack of the crocodile.


With the first one, followed by the second, and the third...

Immediately, everyone's hearts sank, and infinite fear shrouded them. Could it be that they are really going to die here today?


Immediately, there was a rattling sound, and everyone raised their eyes to look up. Suddenly, everyone's pupils shrank, and their faces were full of despair.

Because, the light shield covering this place has already begun to appear cracks at this moment, and outside the light shield, there is still the violent sandstorm roaring enough to sweep the world.

"What should I do? I don't want to die yet!"

"Woohoo! I want to go home, I don't want Xianyuan anymore! Woohoo..."

"Are we all going to die, God, how could this be!"


"Crack... Kick..."

Immediately afterwards, there were continuous clicking sounds, and the mask was already covered with cracks, which were about to shatter, and the fate of everyone would be out of control.


Immediately, the mask was shattered, endless storms rushed in, the sky and the earth shook, the universe turned upside down, the sun and the moon faded, and the endless wind and sand rolled up thousands of wind and waves, surging and surging.

At the moment of life and death, everyone was in despair.

At this moment, the long-lost voice rang in their ears, and that indifferent voice, at this moment, was like fairy music, which was unforgettable:

"Ding! Time is up, the mission is over, welcome back to Chaos Temple!"

Immediately afterwards, everyone felt a cyan light shining from their hands, wrapping everyone up, and they were dizzy for a while, and they returned to the familiar temple again.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... saved!"

"Praise you! Lord God of Chaos! We thought we were going to die just now." Lin Jiamei said with emotion.

"Asshole, I just had a brush with death." Pang Bo said rudely.

Ye Fan and Ye Xie looked at each other, and they both had lingering fears. They both thought they were going to die just now. No one wanted to experience this feeling a second time.


The copper coffin shook for a while, and the light flickered, shining in all directions, and the road to immortality set sail again!


(End of this chapter)

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