Chapter 215
In the Chaos Temple, there is still the same chaotic color. In the darkness, some people are crying, and some people are trembling. When they close their eyes, the terrible scenes before will flash in the minds of everyone.

It's hard to forget the tragic appearance of the classmate's death, it's hard to forget the disgusting look of the crocodile crawling out of the blood hole, it's hard to forget the terrifying storm that covered the sky, it's hard to forget...

More than 20 living lives died in front of them like this.There were more than 30 people when I went there, but now there are only ten people left.Who would have thought that they would die on the same day?
With the intervention of the Chaos Temple, more people died this time than in the original book. At least 13 people died in the original book, but at this time, there are only ten people left!

Although they are temporarily safe at this moment, they still cannot calm down. Who can guarantee that they will not die next time?They never want to experience this feeling of involuntary life and death again.

At this moment, deep in everyone's fearful hearts, a seed of wanting to become stronger was planted.

After resting for a while, Ye Xie got up and came to the small coffin shining with nine-colored lights in front of him, and stopped.Seeing this, the other nine people immediately cast curious eyes on him, not knowing what he was going to do.

"Lord God, settle my value points!" Ye Xie said.

"Ding! Prepare disciple Ye Xie, complete the task, and return to the temple alive, the reward value is 25 points. Kill [-] crocodiles, the reward value is [-] points. In addition, the Buddha's broken spirit weapon vajra, [-] points, Broken ruler, [-] value points, damaged copper bell, [-] value points, damaged wooden fish, [-] value points, do you want to exchange it?"

Ye Xie's face was stern, no one knew what he was thinking, but deep down in his heart he was recalling the contents of the original work. These things seemed to have no other effect, so he uttered a word:


Immediately afterwards, the three spiritual weapons in Ye Xie's hands disappeared immediately, and there was no movement around.

"Ding! Prepare disciple Ye Xie, worth [-] points in total."

After receiving the value points, Ye Xie turned to the others and said, "You can also settle the value points, and the value points you get can be exchanged for various treasures in the main god's space. We may encounter various dangers in the future. We It takes some preparation."

"Uh... can it still be like this? Let me take a look!" After hearing this, Pangbo's eyes lit up, he walked to the front, and shouted at the small nine-colored coffin, "Lord God, I want to exchange it!"

"Ding! Preparing disciple Pang Bo, complete the expedition mission, get [-] points, kill eighteen crocodiles, get [-] points, and get a copper plaque from Daleiyin Temple, worth [-] points, do you want to exchange it? "

Pangbo thought that Ye Xie had also exchanged the treasure just now, and his own staying there might not be of much use, not to mention that the light of his fetish was already very dim, and he might not be able to use it a few times, so he called out to exchange it.

"Ding! Preparatory disciple Pangbo is worth [-] points in total!"

"Let me try!" After Pang Bo, Ye Fan also came up and shouted.

"You can recite silently in your heart, you don't have to say it out loud." At this time, Ye Xie reminded lightly.

"Yeah." Ye Fan nodded, trying to meditate in his heart, and sure enough, an indifferent voice sounded in his mind.

After a while, Ye Fan finished exchanging. Ye Xie didn't know how many value points he got, but judging from the expression on his face, he knew that there must be a lot of value points.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yi, Wang Ziwen, Zhang Ziling, Lin Jia, Li Xiaoman, Liu Yiyi, and Kaide also went to the main god to settle the value points in turn. Although the individual value points are different, the one thousand points that completed the task The value point can't escape.

"Are you also exchanging treasures here?" Ye Fan asked.

"Well, you guys can try to exchange it silently in your heart, and that's it." Ye Xie said to everyone.Everyone nodded after hearing this, and didn't ask how Ye Xie knew this. They guessed in their hearts that Ye Xie must have detected it when they were resting.

At the same time, Ye Xie silently said "exchange" in his heart.Immediately, in the depths of his mind, a huge light curtain appeared, with six golden characters written on it: Dharma, Technique, Formation, Tool, Medicine, Miscellaneous.

Ye Xie randomly clicked on the word "Fa", and his eyes were instantly blinded.At this moment, as long as anyone who sees the above content, no one can calm down, only to see that it says:

"Pangu Kaitian Jue", Pangu opened the sky's supreme Taoism scripture, is divided into nine layers, above the nine layers, can open up the world.Worth 999 trillion value points.

"Zixiao Tiandao Jing", the scriptures preached by Dao Patriarch Hongjun, contains three thousand Dao, which guides hundreds of millions of Dao.Worth 99 trillion value points.

"Yuqing Yuan Shi Jing", that is, the exercise method created by the Heavenly Punishment Lord Daoyin Tianzun Yuqing Saint Yuan Shi, is the fundamental method of elucidation and teaching, worth 9 trillion value points.

"Taiqing Tao Te Ching", that is, the exercises created by the Taishang Daoist Dao De Tian Zun Taiqing Saints, is the fundamental method of human education, worth 9 trillion value points.

"Shangqing Lingbao Jing", that is, the exercise method created by the master of Tongtian Sword, Lingbao Tianzun, Shangqing sage, is the fundamental method of cutting teaching, worth 9 trillion value points.

"Ni Mi Tian Jing", which is a reference to the exercises created by saints, is worth 9 trillion value points.

"Dream of Thousand Years", Zhun mentions the magic method of saints' sanctification, worth 9 trillion value points.

"Wa Huangjue", the martial arts created by Nuwa sage, turned into heaven, proved the way and became holy, worth 9 value points.

"Yuanshi Anonymous Heavenly Scripture", Yuanshi Tianzun practiced value skills, worth 99 trillion value points.


"Nine Turns of Shenyuan", created by Yuanshi Tianzun, is the supreme skill of cultivating the primordial spirit, the nine turns of Shenyuan, the immortality of the primordial spirit!Worth 9 trillion value points.

"Xuan Huang Immortality", the supreme body cultivation method created by Yuanshi Tianzun, is divided into nine layers, and each layer is a large holy body. After the ninth layer, the body is as immortal as Xuan Huang, worth 9 trillion value points.

"The Method of Cutting Three Corpses", cut off one's own good corpses, evil corpses, and holding corpses, entrust them on the innate spiritual treasure, cut out the incarnation, and have infinite magic power.

After the three corpses are cut off, there will be a state of great silence and great purity. Then the three corpses will become one, the incarnation and the body will merge, regardless of each other, and the body will be transformed into billions, which is only one step away from the Hunyuan proving the Tao and becoming a saint.Worth 9 trillion value points.

"Magic Code of Myriad Tribulations", the supreme magic book created by the ancestor of the demons, specializes in the cultivation of the energy of heaven and earth, can control the heaven and earth, prove the Tao Hunyuan, and is worth 99 trillion value points.


"Nine Turns Xuan Gong" was created by Sanqing according to the law of ancestor witches. It is divided into nine turns. After nine turns, the body is sanctified.Worth 90 billion value points.

"Eight Nine Xuan Gong" was created by the two sages of the West according to the method of ancestor witches. It contains 36 transformations of Tiangang and 72 transformations of Earth Sha.

"Wudi Code", the supreme martial arts created by Xuantian Wuzu, the first ancestor of the human race, is the supreme martial arts code that opened up the heavens, the earth, and the people, and refined the human body with three wheels. It is worth 90 billion value points.

"The Sutra of the Sun", a method created by Donghuang Taiyi, cultivates the real fire of the sun, and when it reaches the sun, everything is burned, and it is worth 10 billion value points.

"Tiandijing", the cultivation method created by the demon emperor Dijun, opened up the heavenly court and ruled the heavenly realm, worth 10 billion value points.


"Jie Tian Sword Dao", the supreme sword scripture created by the leader of Tongtian sect, is the supreme sword scripture of kendo, worth 90 billion value points.

"Blood Nerves", a technique created by the ancestor Ming He, the leader of the Nether world, the sea of ​​blood will never dry up, and the Ming River will never die.Worth 10 billion value points.

"Secret of Longevity", created by Guang Chengzi, is worth 9 million value points.


"The True Explanation of Qi Dao", the supreme skill of refining weapons created by Yuanshi Tianzun, is worth 1 million value points.

"True Explanation of Alchemy", the supreme method of alchemy created by Daode Tianzun, worth 1 million value points.

"True Explanation of Formation", the supreme skill of array formation created by Lingbao Tianzun, worth 1 million value points.


"Three Points to Yuan Qi", Xiongba's martial arts mentality, worth 1000 value points.

"Nine Suns Divine Art", Zhang Wuji's martial arts heart method, worth 900 value points.

"Beiming Shengong", a technique created by Xiaoyaozi, which transfers and absorbs the internal energy of others, is worth 1000 value points.

"Dugu Nine Swords", a skill created by the sword demon Dugu Qiubai, worth 1000 value points.


"Basic Internal Strength", worth 50 value points.

"Basic Sword Technique", worth 50 value points.

"Basic Lightness Skills", worth 50 value points.

"Basic Marksmanship", worth 50 value points.


(End of this chapter)

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