Chapter 216 Exchange
In the space of the main god, the supreme skill has appeared, which dazzles everyone, and blinds the eyes of everyone around them.

It goes up to the supreme celestial skills created by Pan Gu, down to the heavenly scriptures created by the saints, then to the various skills in the world of martial arts, and finally to the basic inner skills.

The value ranges from 99 trillion, 99 trillion, [-] trillion, [-] million... to [-], [-], [-], [-], a value point, all kinds of things.

It's against the sky!
Even though Ye Xie and the others couldn't exchange the items above, it didn't prevent them from appreciating them. After all, these items seemed high-end!
At the same time, they also thought in their hearts, what exactly is this chaotic temple, even Pangu, Daozu Hongjun, and several heavenly sages have the skills?
There are tens of thousands of exercises of all kinds, and everyone's eyes are dazzled.

After a long time, Ye Xie took a deep breath, resisted the reluctance in his heart, left the "Dharma" door, and clicked on the "Skill" door.

The eight forms of opening the sky, Pan Gu's supernatural powers of opening the sky, the ax and the way, are worth 90 trillion value points.

The Nine Seals of Yuanshi, the supernatural seal method created by Yuanshi, is worth 90 trillion value points.

Chaos nine skills, worth 50 trillion value points.


Pan Gu's great supernatural power, the great supernatural power created by Pan Gu, is worth 9 trillion value points.

Myriad Taos, the magical powers created by the demon ancestor Luohu, are omnipresent, worth 9 trillion value points.

The great dream is eternal, created by the Zhunti sage, and the magic power of fantasy, sinking into the eternal dream, seems virtual and real, and cannot be distinguished, worth 9 trillion value points.

Nine Heavens Divine Skill, created by Martial Ancestor Xuantian, is worth 9 trillion value points.

Tiangang has 36 changes, worth 9 million value points.

Earth Sha 72 changes, worth 5 million value points.

"Buried Sword Jue", one of the supreme sword arts, is worth 9 million value points.

"Chaos Sword Art", one of the highest determinations, is worth 9 million value points.

The Great Immortal Art of Wanlong Refining Realm, created by Martial Ancestor Xuantian, is worth 9 million value points.

The art of turning into a rainbow, with supernatural powers of movement, turns into a flying rainbow, and in an instant, it is a million miles, worth 9 million value points.

The end of the world is so close, one step is so close, but the end of the world is easy to step over, with supernatural powers, worth 9 million value points.


Wind blade technique, worth 100 value points.

Fireball, worth 100 value points.


Ye Xie was still dazzled by the many magical spells, wishing he could keep them all for himself.With deep reluctance and still fiery eyes, he looked at the "array" door, and was suddenly amazed again.What is the Great Formation of Zhoutian and Stars, the Great Formation of All Gods, the Great Formation of Killing Immortals, the Great Formation of the Nine-Twisting Yellow River, the Great Formation of Ten Thousand Immortals, and the Great Formation of Ten Uniques, there are simply not too many of them.

One yuan, two appearances, three talents, four images, five elements, six elements, seven stars, eight trigrams, nine palaces and ten directions, evolved all kinds of strange formations, which dazzled people, but Ye Xie didn't waste much time on the formation. He was not very good at fighting. interested.

When he came to the "vessel" gate, he once again blinded his titanium alloy eyes. All kinds of innate artifacts made him

Opening God Axe, Chaos Bead, Xuanhuang Bead, Tai Chi Diagram, Pangu Banner, Chaos Clock, Four Swords of Immortals, Five-Colored Banner, Eight Diagrams Furnace, Suet Jade Purifying Bottle, Plantain Fan, Seven-Star Sword, Purple Electric Hammer, Hunyuan Whisk, Yin and Yang Two One Lamp, Reincarnation Realm, Tongtian Monument, Fantian Seal, Sun and Moon Pearl, Duobao Pagoda, Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, Kunlun Mirror, Zhitian Sword, Fuxiqin, Shennong Ding, Haotian Tower, Tailun, Nuwa Stone, Dongtian Bead , Demon Locking Tower, Cornucopia, Luotian Net, Dingtian Hairpin, Youtiantai, Suotian Bolt, Fengtian Gate, Zhentian Tower, Fantian Seal...

Ye Xie has become numb to the sight of the top-level artifacts, the innate spirit treasures, the acquired spirit treasures, and then the general magic weapons and spirit weapons.Of course, he didn't know that these were artifacts refined by Taoist Chaos imitating Honghuang's spirit treasures, not the real Honghuang innate spirit treasures.Of course, even if it wasn't, the power was extraordinary, much stronger than the emperor soldiers in this world.

In the end, he went to the "medicine" gate and the "miscellaneous" gate in turn, and there were many things, including the previous treasures.He was already numb to seeing, he was no longer surprised when he saw the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir, such as Tianwu Poxu Fruit, Zixiao Thunder God Fruit, and Sanshenghua.On the other hand, Miscellaneous is worthy of miscellaneous. There are all sorts of miscellaneous things, from the most common to the weird and weird.

Taking a deep breath, it took a long time for Ye Xie to return to his mind reluctantly. With a thought, he began to think about what he wanted to exchange now.

"Lord God, check out my talent." Ye Xie murmured in his heart, he wanted to see if he had any talent, and then he could choose his future path accordingly.

"Ding! It will cost one hundred value points, whether to proceed!"

Ye Xie hesitated for a moment, and then chose "Yes". Although he didn't have many value points, for the sake of the future, this value point can still be spent.

"Ding! Prepare your disciple, Ye Xie, who has a real demon body. He is naturally close to the laws of the magic way. When he practices the magic way, his speed will be increased."

Ye Xie took a deep breath. He didn't expect that he really had a special physique, and it was a real devil body. Although he didn't know what a real devil body was, nor how powerful it was, or how it was compared to the ancient holy body, he Know what a real devil is.

True demons are a race opposite to true immortals.And this true immortal is not an immortal who has cultivated to the realm of a true immortal, but a real immortal.Immortals are born with the laws of immortality. They are born as true immortals, become golden immortals when they grow up, and become Daluo Jinxians when they grow up.It is said that the fairy body is a weakened version of the real fairy body. Of course, it is impossible to know whether it is true or not.

As for the true demon, it is said that it is a race that is hostile to the true fairy clan. It is also born in the extremely real demon realm, and then becomes the Daluojin fairyland, and is naturally compatible with the magic law.

Ye Xie thought that the real devil body might be similar to the real fairy body, but for some reason, he still didn't have the cultivation level of the real fairy state, that is, the five sages in the sky-shrouding world.In fact, the origin of his magic way has already been chopped off by the Taoist Lord Chaos and sealed in his body. Only when he re-cultivates to the realm of the Immortal Five Saints can he break the seal.This is equivalent to abolishing the cultivation base and starting over, just like Emperor Wushi did back then.

"I only have [-] value points now, and I'm afraid I won't be able to exchange for a decent magic scripture. Let's be more realistic." Ye Xie smiled wryly, the value point is too little, and seeing so many treasures can't be exchanged, Really upset.

Ye Xie recalled the plot in the original book, and then combined with his own situation, he exchanged for what he needs now.

"I can't practice the exercises for a while, so let's think about other things."

After thinking for a while, Ye Xie exchanged two thousand value points for an invisible storage ring for convenience.As long as the ring is carried in the hand, no one will see it after the owner is recognized by dripping blood.This is a must-have artifact for monks who have just started to practice.

After that, he exchanged [-] for a Little Wisdom Pill to increase his soul cultivation.Because he knows that mana is easy to cultivate, but soul is difficult to cultivate.Although the effect of the Little Wisdom Pill is far inferior to the real Wisdom Pill, it can still make his mind extremely clear. In the future, practicing exercises will be an invisible help, because this is the foundation of increasing understanding.

In the end, he only had [-] worth points left, and he didn't dare to exchange them, because those worth less than [-] points would be wiped out.

After casually exchanging some value points for some food, Ye Xie would not exchange them for anything else.

After Ye Xie finished exchanging, the other few people came to their senses from the shock one after another. After that, they exchanged one after another. However, because there were very few value points, none of them could exchange for real treasures.

However, some basic immortal techniques and spiritual weapons, or martial arts mental techniques can still be exchanged, and it also allows everyone to experience the addiction of a martial arts master.

Seven or eight hours passed in the blink of an eye.


(End of this chapter)

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