Chapter 217
"Ding! The second mission is released, the cultivation mission."

"Cultivation mission: walk out of the ancient forbidden land of Beidouhuang alive, join a sect of cultivating immortals, and embark on the road of cultivating immortals!"

"Task requirements: within three months, successfully open up the sea of ​​suffering and step into the road of cultivation!"

"Task reward: success, [-] value points, failure, [-] value points will be deducted."

"Mission reminder: In half an hour, we will arrive in the ancient forbidden land."

Just when everyone was playing with the various skills exchanged this time with joy, the indifferent voice sounded again, breaking everyone out of their joy.

Because when they heard about the task, they would think of what happened a few hours ago. At this moment, everyone's faces were full of worries again, both about their own lives and about the future.The barren ancient forbidden land, one can tell by the name that it is not a good place.

Half an hour later, with a bang, the copper coffin reached its destination again.

This time the copper coffin did not fall to the ground, but a light flashed directly, and a light curtain hung down. Everyone was dizzy for a while, and then fell from the light curtain.After that, the void fluctuated for a while, and the copper coffin was hidden in the void and disappeared.

In fact, it has not disappeared, it is still above the barren ancient forbidden land, temporarily suppressing the power of barrenness, but ordinary people cannot find it.


"I finally see the light!"

"It's such a familiar world of light!"

"Where is this place? Is it the ancient forbidden land?"

Everyone looked nervously and excitedly at everything around them.

The fresh air rushed in, even with the fragrance of earth and flowers and plants. The natural atmosphere permeated everything around, and there was no such dim and bloody desolation on Yinghuoguxing before.

In the distance is the rolling repairing mountain peaks, and the beautiful trees are verdant.Near the top of the mountain are grotesque rocks and vigorous ancient trees, old vines as thick as buckets coiled like horned dragons, green grass and fragrant wild flowers, full of vigor and vitality.

"Could this be Beidou's ancient forbidden land? Why doesn't it look like a forbidden area at all?" Someone asked cautiously.

"Desolate and forbidden..." The three of Ye Fan came to a stone tablet, which was only in half, and was wrapped with vines, showing signs of artificial polishing.Unfortunately, only three words can be seen.

"This is indeed a barren and forbidden land!" Ye Xie said with emotion.

At the same time, he was very clear in his heart that at this moment, there were probably several pairs of eyes staring at himself and others under the abyss.Usually, many big figures dare not approach the barren ancient forbidden land. Flesh and blood creatures cannot last forever. Even the ancient sages can hardly bear the erosion of the barren power here, and almost no one can live here forever.

Since ancient times, it is unknown how many peerless masters have been buried. Even the most prosperous holy land here has been destroyed and turned into ashes.

He knew that he and the others could not stay here for long, otherwise, their lives would be taken away by Huangli. If it weren't for the suppression of the copper coffin at this time, they would have already been turned into ashes.

"I'm afraid this place is not a pure land. Have you noticed? There don't seem to be any birds or beasts nearby. It's too quiet!" Careful people sensed something was wrong.

"Huh?" As soon as these words came out, the hearts of several people were shocked. It was too quiet, and it was not a good sign.

There are flowers, grass, vines, and trees here. It looks vibrant on the surface, but when you look closely, it is very unusual. There are no animals around.

On such a huge mountain, you can't hear any birds and beasts, and you can't see any traces of ants' activities. It's almost dead silent, which is very scary.

"Who said there are no animals anymore, what do you see in the sky?" Ye Fan looked up at the sky at this moment, and found something, pointing his finger to the sky.

In the distance, there seemed to be an eagle circling, which was very special, because it turned out to be golden all over. Even though it was far away, it could still see that kind of splendor, as if it was made of gold, and the whole body shone with golden light.

At this time, the golden eagle flew to this area for a certain distance, and it became clearer and clearer. Then he suddenly swooped down to a mountainous area, and then soared into the sky after a while. fly away.

"No, I... I read it right, right?" After seeing this scene, Pangbo, who was always carefree, stuttered on the spot, not to mention the others, who were almost petrified.

"That's probably the golden-winged roc." Ye Xie said.

"It seems to be." Ye Fan nodded in a daze, and said.

"What kind of world have we come to?"

"Everyone, don't be dazed. There may be danger here. Let's quickly find a way around and leave as soon as we find it!" Ye Xie said at this moment.

"That's right, this place is not suitable for staying for a long time!" As soon as the words came out, other people agreed, and everyone felt that this place was a bit weird, and it was not a place to stay for a long time.

After that, Ye Xie took Pang Bo and Ye Fan to the top of the mountain intentionally or unintentionally.

When they came to the top of the mountain dozens of meters away, the three of Ye Xie saw a few old vines as thick as buckets surrounding a clearing, where there was a spring pool one meter square, gurgling like a divine spring of nectar.

There are more than a dozen small trees more than half a meter high on the edge of the spring pool. The leaves are wide and green, and they look like human palms. It seems that there are several small people with many arms standing there.Each small tree must have hung a bright red fruit, shaped like a cherry, but as big as a chicken egg.

"Good stuff!" The strong fruity aroma could be smelled from a distance, and the three of them hurried forward, regardless of whether it was poisonous or not, they just grabbed it and ate it.

The three ate two each, leaving three for Ye Fan's classmates.

"You'd better take another one, it will be good for you." Ye Xie comforted him. He knew that Ye Fan was an ancient sacred body and needed ten or a hundred times more resources than others. , is the good medicine to help him start the road of practice. Without them, I really don't know when Ye Fan will be able to open up the sea of ​​suffering.

Ye Fan looked at Ye Xie and saw his serious appearance, so he listened to his words and ate another fruit.

"Do you know what this is?" Ye Fan asked.

"Yes, this is one of the elixir. It contains mysterious power, and you have a special physique. You need it to help you, so that you can save a lot of time and embark on the road of cultivation." Ye Xie didn't hide anything, directly Said.

"That doesn't mean it's a good thing!" Pang Bo's eyes lit up immediately.

"Yes, this is one of the best things in the world. Don't talk about it in the future, or you will cause trouble." Ye Xie warned.

"That's right, whoever has good things will talk nonsense, making a fortune in silence is the kingly way." Pang Bo said, patted his chest.

"This spring water is also a good thing!" Ye Xie smelled the bubbling spring water, full of fragrant aroma, and quickly bent down to drink it.

Seeing this, Ye Fan and Pang Bo drank unceremoniously.

"This divine spring is also extremely difficult, and it contains great vitality. It can save lives at critical moments, so hurry up and collect more."

Ye Xie didn't speak until the three of them couldn't drink anymore.As he said that, he opened up a space in the storage ring and took the spring of life into it.This thing has a strong vitality, can revive the dead, flesh and bones, there is no reason to give up this kind of good thing.

"Ah? We only have this in hand, isn't that a loss?" Seeing this, the two of them took out mineral water bottles and filled two full bottles, a little dissatisfied.

"Let's go, don't be too greedy!" As soon as he finished pretending, Ye Xie pulled the two of them out, if they didn't leave, they might be in trouble.

As for the other medicines of immortality, although Ye Xie was jealous, he also knew that they were not what he deserved. He was already taking advantage of Ye Fan by getting two fruits.Only by following the protagonist can there be benefits.

After several people met, Ye Fan gave the two fruits to Liu Yiyi and Zhang Ziling as in the original book, and then the ten people walked out of the mountain under the leadership of Ye Xie.

With Ye Xie leading the way, and without the grievances in the original book, it saved a lot of trouble and time.Soon, they saw a stone tablet again, with the four characters "Desolate Ancient Forbidden Land" still engraved on it.

Several people immediately knew that they had walked out of the ancient forbidden land.

At this time, everyone saw a large-scale building on the peak in the distance. It was a stretch of palaces, like a palace in the sky.

The ten people still kept chasing towards the palace. They encountered many strange things along the way, including some ferocious beasts. Gradually, everyone felt their bodies heating up, as if a fire was burning. After a while, some people fainted past.

With the first one, there will naturally be a second one, a third one... until the last one, and finally, all ten people fainted.The power of desolation, or the power of divine fruit, is transforming their bodies.


 It will take a day and a night to take the train to Hangzhou today. It may not be updated during this time, sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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