My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 218 Ruthless Emperor

Chapter 218 Ruthless Emperor
When Ye Xie, Ye Fan and others woke up, they found that they and others had undergone earth-shaking changes. Most of them changed from vigorous youths to old grandpas and grandmas, and two of them became middle-aged uncles and 40-year-olds. Aunt Sui, the appearance of the two remained the same, it was Ye Xie and Pang Bo, who turned into a young lady, Ye Fan.

A few people were panicked and desperate again. According to the original trajectory of fate, under the guidance of a girl named Weiwei, the few people joined the sect of cultivating immortals and officially embarked on the road of cultivation!

The only difference from the original trajectory was the addition of Ye Xie.

And without everyone knowing, a stranger stepped into the most mysterious abyss of the ancient forbidden land!

Primal Chaos Taoist originally comprehended the rules of the world in the small fairy world in the ancient bronze coffin, but at this moment he came out.Because of the particularity of this world, the world is not perfect, and the rules of heaven and earth in this world are very easy to comprehend. In just a few days, he has comprehended thousands of ways. This kind of cheap thing, he I never dreamed of it.But it is true.

In just a few days of effort, he has comprehended the rules of the Little Immortal Realm to a great extent, and his strength is constantly rising, which is unbelievable. You must know that every time he reaches his level, every bit of strength is improved. Thousands of difficulties.Tens of thousands of years of hard training are not worth a few days of comprehension in this world. Is this ironic or fortunate?
Of course, this is only the adaptation stage when he first came to this world, coupled with various reasons for his advanced cultivation base, he has such a speed of cultivation.This is like a sponge that goes from dry air to water, it will desperately absorb water, and when it absorbs to a certain extent, it will be saturated and no longer absorb.At this moment, the Taoist Lord of Chaos is like a sponge that has just entered the water, frantically absorbing the principles of the new world, and after a while, it will return to normal speed.

But, even so, he is very satisfied. After all, the rules in the Little Immortal Realm contain the Dao of Immortal Ancient and Chaotic Ancient Periods. Most importantly, there are some Dao of Emperor Huangtian in it. After all, this Little Immortal Realm is Arranged by Emperor Huangtian.

It is a kind of luck in itself to be fortunate enough to comprehend Huang Tiandi's Dao, what else is he dissatisfied with?
At this moment, Taoist Primal Chaos wants to meet this ruthless emperor who is the most talented and brilliant in ancient and modern times in the ancient and forbidden land!

The ruthless emperor, one of the strongest and most mysterious emperors in the past and the present, and one of the longest living time, is the only one in the shrouding world that is worthy of the attention of the Taoist Lord of Chaos characters.

In the Shrouding Heaven Realm, there is never a shortage of Tianjiao.Throughout the ages, there have been countless emperors and supreme beings.

The way of heaven has no beginning and no end, and the end of all dharmas sees nothingness,
A green lotus stunned the ages, and the Nine Saints Lingxiao broke the sky.

Whichever is weaker than the sun and the sun is strong, the mixed Tai Chi will be king;
Fighting and crushing the Nine Heavens Realm, the undefeated and undead emperor.

Kill me to understand the way, but the ancients are chaotic, the emperor's dragon sword is against ten thousand husbands,
Amitabha Buddha is compassionate and merciful, and the Dao Embryo Heaven proves that the Western Emperor came out.

Ascending into feathers and shining in the sky, the king of Jiuli showed his supernatural powers.

The ruthless man swept across the three thousand worlds, and at the end of his reincarnation, he saw the old madman.

The white-clothed god king has been amazed for a long time, with an unrivaled and arrogant style.

The red face and green silk pity the purple moon, and the sky is covered by a leaf of mortal dust.

In the Zhetian Realm, it can be regarded as Tianjiao Ruyu, which enlightened emperor didn't rise to the throne by stepping on the corpse of endless Tianjiao.Who can leave a strong mark in historical legends, who is not a genius among real geniuses.And among them, there are only a few that can be admired by the Taoist Lord Chaos.

Emperor Ruthless is counted as one, so is Emperor Wushi, Emperor Zun is counted as one, Emperor Void is counted as one, Emperor Qing is counted as one, and the future Emperor Ye Tian is also counted as one. Look down on them, but only relatively speaking, these Taoist monarchs can only look up to them.

Among them, the most admired by Taoist Primal Chaos is... this ruthless emperor!
As the most amazing and brilliant emperor in history, the most talented woman since ancient times!The ruthless emperor disdains the past and the present. She competes with the sky, the earth, and herself. She is not gifted, but with her own strength, she kills all the kings and stands alone in the nine heavens. Even the gods cannot stand in her way. Fanti's physique finally reached its peak and became one of the most powerful figures in ancient and modern times.

Physique is nothing to her, she can kill any bloodline!
How many people in ancient times dared to call themselves the Emperor of Heaven!She is one of them, Nanling Tiandi is famous all over the world!
The Ruthless Emperor competed with the sky all his life, and he had an amazing talent for eternity. He could kill the gods outside the nine heavens, stand above the nine heavens, and make the gods tremble.

The ruthless emperor, a powerful empress, has been known as the most beautiful since ancient times.

She can cut the stars, pick the sun and the moon, kill all over the world, and is the only one in the world. She is the most incomprehensible woman in ancient times.

She looks peerless and magnificent, but once she becomes fierce, the whole world will be destroyed, and no one can stop her since ancient times.

The ruthless man is different from other great emperors. At first he was known as the Heaven Swallowing Emperor, and the whole earth trembled because of her. Back then, the Swallowing Heaven Great Emperor washed the world with blood. Later, even if there was an immortal merit in the human race, it was not passed on, and was wiped out artificially. Achievement.

The ruthless emperor walked against the sky, stood on the most extreme peak that the human race could reach, looked down on the ancient emperor, looked down on the later emperor, and was astonishing forever.

Who is the ruthless man?Eternally beautiful, stronger than the people in the age of mythology, overwhelming the gods.

Her life is full of legends, and many things are unknown and brilliant to the extreme.

At the last critical moment of the dark turmoil in the future, the ruthless emperor in the barren ancient forbidden land awakens and fights against the invincible all over the world. He forcefully kills the most sublimated Qitian Supreme, forcing the Stone Emperor to return to the Undead Mountain decisively to quell the dark turmoil.At the time of Ye Fanping’s Shenxu, the ruthless emperor stood on the bronze fairy palace hanging above the ancient restricted area, proud of the ancient times, ready to strike at any time, deterring the three restricted areas. In the end, no one was born in the three restricted areas. become the past.

In such a world where the longevity is scarce, the ruthless emperor has lived against the sky for several lifetimes, and he has been a figure against the sky in every lifetime!

In the first life, he was the Great Emperor Swallowing Heaven. In his later years, he created the "Indestructible Heavenly Art", shedding the devil's womb, breaking out of the cocoon from the old body like a creeping butterfly, and sloughing out a god womb, cutting off the cause and effect of the past, and transforming into a new life. chaotic body.

In the second life, a chaotic body was evolved, breaking the restrictions of heaven and earth, and refining the old body into a sky-swallowing demon jar.

In the third life, he continued his life with the magic medicine of immortality, and gained the longevity of the first life, and the divine fetus regained its youth, but no new divine fetus was born.

In the fourth world, half of the corpse was left in the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest.

The fifth life, the desolate master who doesn't know how to live out the fifth life, is also the current master of the ancient forbidden land.

In the future, it is not known how many lives he has transformed in the ancient forbidden land, or whether he has remained the same. All this is unknown.

A ruthless person has created countless mysterious and powerful secret arts in his life.The "Swallowing Heaven Demon Art" that swallows all the creations in the world, the "Indestructible Heavenly Art" that can last forever in the body, the "Sacred God Art" that saves all the kings of the world, and the nine mysterious secrets "Flying Immortals" that are specially used to deal with the nine secrets. Jue", "One Thought Blooms, The King Comes to the World", "Only I Revere the Holy Art", "Killing My Wisdom Jue", etc., can be called terrifying!
The ruthless talent can be seen from this!

At this moment, Taoist Lord Chaos has come to this frightening abyss of the ancient and forbidden land, and met this ruthless emperor who is proud of the past and present!

(End of this chapter)

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