My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 219 Dacheng Holy Body, 6 Chakras

Chapter 219 Dacheng Holy Body, Six Paths of Reincarnation

The ancient forbidden land, one of the seven life forbidden areas of the Big Dipper, is also one of the most mysterious forbidden areas.

At this moment, the figure of the Taoist Lord of Chaos came directly to the abyss, and then stepped down without hesitation, but disappeared into the void.

As soon as he landed, there was a terrifying aura rushing toward his face, wantonly invading his body. Unfortunately, although this aura was terrifying, it still couldn't hurt the Dao Lord in the slightest.He knew that this was the wild power of the ancient forbidden land, the more terrifying it got to the center, he ignored the comparison.

All the way down, the more you go down, the stronger the power of the wilderness. Ordinary people will be eroded if they don't take a breath, and then they will age directly and turn into fly ash. Even monks at the level of the great sage quasi-emperor dare not set foot here easily .The power of desolation contains strong power of time, and it is a very domineering power in itself. It silently takes away people's lifespan, which is extremely terrifying!
A huge stone gate appeared in front of Daojun's eyes, quiet and deep, full of vicissitudes of time.This place seems to be connected to a vast fairyland, and the empress has been waiting for something on this fairy road!
Daojun felt a strange feeling. The tranquility of this place makes people feel a little scary. The power of the wild here can almost plunder the energy of a great emperor. I really don’t know how the empress chose such a place in the first place. of.


At this time, with a bang, the fairy mist surged, as if opening a fairyland and entering a strange world, this door is like a gate of heaven!
There is a blurred fairy world ahead, but the Taoist Lord knows that this is created by the empress's supernatural power.

Stepping into the door, you can see all kinds of magical medicines and spiritual materials everywhere, and they are thrown on the ground like garbage.The empress is really grand, but think about it, this is her territory, who in this world would dare to take away the magic medicine here without her consent?

At this time, an old Taoist in blue clothes with a withered face came to the door, gave a slight salute to Taoist Primal Chaos, and then turned around as if leading Taoist to meet someone.

If the Taoist Lord thought about it, this might be a desolate slave.I heard that there are several wild slaves in the ancient forbidden land. They are all peerless masters who invaded the holy land of the ancient forbidden land. A different kind of immortality.

On the contrary, Daojun was not surprised by the behavior of the old Taoist in Tsing Yi.If he doesn't want people to know his whereabouts, no one in this world can know him.But at this moment, he came to see the unparalleled empress, not to steal anything, so he didn't deliberately hide his aura, it's normal for the empress to find him, it would be strange if she didn't!
Walking along with the old road in Tsing Yi, he saw several desolate slaves, who were the saint sons and daughters of Tianxuan Holy Land back then.Going forward, he saw a golden retriever monster!


The whole body of this monster was covered with strange golden hairs, and his face was a bit hideous, as if he was enduring great pain.On his body, there are several huge and strong chains. The material used for these chains is Daojin. It is these chains that lock him and prevent him from committing murder.


At this time, a terrifying aura rose from him, golden light flashed suddenly, the sound of waves continued, thunder and lightning blazed, and the golden divine light covered the entire sky. Violation!

This is Dacheng's ancient sacred body!Daoist Chaos looked thoughtfully at the monster whose golden fur had gradually faded.

It is said that the Daoist Holy Body can be called Ban Dadi, Daojun felt it and shook his head slightly.After all, Dacheng Holy Physique is only Dacheng. It is said that it can challenge Ban Dadi, but in fact it can only fight against ordinary great emperors. In the end, it is not enlightened, and it cannot defeat or suppress Dadi. It's nothing.

"Are you the Dacheng Holy Physique?" Dao Jun asked lightly, although he was asking, but his tone was extremely certain.

"I am!"

That person looked at Taoist Primal Chaos with an incomparably dignified expression. He couldn't see through this person's cultivation. You must know that he was a great saint, comparable to a great emperor, but he couldn't see through this person in front of him.And this person gave him an unfathomable feeling, even more dangerous than the empress gave him.As long as he has a little bad thought, he will feel that there are endless dangers covering his heart, and he will die without life.

"What's your name?"

"Ling Tian." Even though he didn't know what this man was going to do, he still answered his question.

"Ling Tian?" Daojun watched the Dacheng Eucharist for one night, and said, "Are you interested in hanging out with me?"

"..." Dacheng Holy Body.

"This Taoist Lord can help you get rid of the unknown in your body, and can also restore you to a full state. You can do what you want. Think about it, your enemy is still at large, don't you want to take revenge? What can I do as long as I surrender to my Daoist Lord?"

After hearing this, Dacheng Shengji fell silent. He remembered that his former enemy was hiding in the restricted zone at the moment, and he didn't want to die just like that. He remembered that he had turned him into this hell, and he still had a lot of things to do He was unwilling to die like this.

At this time, he thought of the words of the man in front of him, thinking about the benefits in his heart, maybe this is an opportunity.As for whether what the man said was true or false, he had no doubts at all. Such a strong man would not even bother to lie to him.

"Think about it carefully, I am not in a hurry."

The Primal Chaos Daoist said a word, and then continued to walk forward. His purpose of this trip has not been achieved yet. As for the Great Accomplishment of the Holy Body, it was just an accident.There is no shortage of people around him, there is no shortage of one more than him, and there is no shortage of one missing him.

Walking a few hundred meters again, Taoist Primal Chaos saw two sky-reaching giant monuments in the mist in front of him overnight, and they both exuded a vast and ancient atmosphere, with the power to suppress the universe!
There are three large characters engraved on a stone tablet: Road to Immortals!

This kind of character is very ancient, and few people can understand it. Some people say it is fairy language, while others say it is divine language of the age of mythology.

On the other huge monument, there are also large characters engraved, but not three, but four: six reincarnations!
Six Paths of Reincarnation, this is naturally not the real place of Six Paths of Reincarnation, but a stele recording inheritance.Daojun could tell at a glance that what was recorded on it was a boxing technique called Liu Dao Reincarnation Boxing!
Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist, legend has it that it is the special boxing technique of Holy Body, peerless and overbearing, it is a supreme killing technique!
Daojun knows that the origin of this boxing is not simple.In the chaotic ancient times, there was an immortal king named Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal King, who created a supreme heavenly skill called "Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Skill", which later became the inheritance of the Supreme Palace for some reason.If it is said that there is no relationship between the two, Daojun will not believe it.

Daojun looked at the Taoist tablet, his eyes flickered, and there was an inexplicable brilliance flowing.

one breath.

two breaths.

three breaths.

After three breaths, Daojun returned to normal, his face was indifferent, he had already comprehended this kind of boxing.

He didn't stop, continued to walk forward, stepped out, and he came to the deepest point.

The mist was heavy, and he saw a slender figure, that figure was peerless and aloof, with loose hair, eyes as clear as water, light mist like veil, hazy, as if there was a mysterious force that made it difficult to see clearly.

Daojun could see clearly at a glance that it was a woman with a slender body, arrogant and independent, with peerless grace and elegance!
On her body, there are also iron chains composed of phoenix blood red gold, fairy tears green gold, eternal blue gold, dragon pattern black gold, etc., shining soaring into the sky!
Daojun knows that this is the goal of his trip, the desolate lord, or the ruthless emperor!
(End of this chapter)

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