Chapter 220
The Ruthless Emperor, also known as the Desolate Lord, is not in a very good condition at the moment, blocked by chains composed of countless fairy gold, or in other words, she sealed herself!
This sounds unbelievable at first, but it is the truth!

The Queen's current state is definitely not too good, of course, it's not too bad either.Her Dao Fruit is not on her body at the moment, so her spirit is sometimes clear and sometimes blurred.She was afraid that she would do something she didn't want to do during this period of time, so she blocked herself.

Taoist Primal Chaos took a closer look, of course, what he saw was not only the empress's beauty, but also her cultivation and!
Dao Lord Chaos can calculate the life of the empress at a glance, from childhood to adulthood, one life, two lives, three lives...the life of the empress has no secrets in the eyes of Tao Jun, and he can know what he wants to know.

After reading it, Daojun also had to sigh in his heart.The empress is worthy of the name of a ruthless person, it is terrifying to be able to get to this point with a mortal body.Her current cultivation base is already a half-step Daluo Jinxian, which is also a half-step Hongchen Immortal in this world.As long as the Dao Fruit is complete, you can be promoted to Daluo Jinxian with Dao Fruit.

The half-step big Luo Jinxian doesn't look like much, and there are even more in the prehistoric world.But that was the prehistoric world, and here is the Shrouded Heaven Realm, a world of low-level gods and demons with incomplete avenues and a lack of long-lived matter. It is a world that has gone through countless epochs, and a world where resources are almost consumed.To be able to survive for several lifetimes in such a world, even to reach such a state, would be terrifying.

How can there be big fish in the pond?This is because the world restricts her. If such a person was born in the prehistoric, then the achievement, even if it is not sanctified, can reach the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

There is another person like her in the Shrouding Heaven Realm, the Great Emperor Wushi.Such talents should be utilized, and it is shameful to waste them.

Do you want to send such a person to the prehistoric world?Daojun thought of this and thought it was very interesting. If people like Emperor Wushi and Emperor Wushi came to Honghuang, Honghuang would be extremely lively and even more interesting.But, can the protective cover outside the prehistoric world allow people from other worlds to enter?Daojun was a little uncertain.

He thought a lot, and all of this happened in a flash, and there was no change in his complexion.Daojun still looked at the empress.

At this moment, the empress seemed to notice that her eyes that had been blurred and dazed suddenly became strangely bright, maybe for a moment, maybe for eternity.The empress' gaze suddenly became fierce, the heavens and the earth trembled, and the Tao trembled, as if a supreme and terrifying existence was awakening!The terrifying aura rushed towards the Primal Chaos Daoist, but when it got to his side, it dispersed naturally.

In just a moment, the world returned to calm again, as if nothing had happened.

The empress returned to the original state, but the blank eyes before were no longer blank, nor did they become dazzling, but became flat, ordinary, and there was nothing in the eyes.That unbelievably beautiful figure, supernatural and elegant, is clearly in front of her eyes, but it seems to be in a fairy world.

This is the ruthless emperor!
The real peerless beauty, she looks so beautiful and peerless, but once she becomes fierce, the whole world will be destroyed, and there are few people in ancient and modern times who can stop her.

She stared at Chaos Daoist lightly, although he couldn't see through his strength, she knew that he was stronger than her, and there was no emotion in her eyes, she was still so indifferent and indifferent.

"Not to become a fairy, but to wait for your return in the world of mortals!" Suddenly, the Taoist Lord Chaos said this sentence.

The Empress' eyes fluctuated slightly, flickered a few times, and murmured: "I'm back...Brother..." Immediately afterwards, she regained her composure.

"Fellow Taoist, have you ever thought about what you would have done if it wasn't 'him' who you were waiting for? As time goes by, two similar flowers will eventually appear in the world, but they are only similar. The 'him' in your heart It may not really come back!" Daojun said indifferently.

The female emperor's gaze suddenly became fierce, the space shattered, and the universe shook. Her gaze was like two sharp sword auras, piercing through the void and shooting straight at the Taoist monarch. It was extremely terrifying!
Daojun smiled slightly, but he didn't see any movement, those two sharp eyes turned into nothingness, and the space instantly returned to calm.At this moment, the empress focused her eyes slightly, frowned, and wanted to say something, but she didn't speak in the end.

"Fellow Daoist, have you ever thought about resurrecting the person you are waiting for yourself?" Daojun continued, and the empress turned her eyes to him, letting him continue.

Daojun was not annoyed, and continued: "You must have tried, fellow Daoist, but you couldn't. Have you ever thought about it, fellow Daoist, it's not that you can't be resurrected, but other problems, such as...your strength is not strong enough."

The empress' eyes flickered, obviously she knew this too.Daojun ignored her, and continued: "When the strength reaches a certain level, it is omnipotent. What about resurrecting the dead, that is the simplest thing."

When Daojun said this, he obviously paused, and then he swiped towards the void with one hand, making a cut, and he continued to grab towards the void without stopping.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth changed, the Tao trembled, and the universe shook.Daojun looked at the void, and then hung down a light curtain to cover the surrounding void, so that the way of heaven could not enter, and the secrets of heaven could not be revealed.

A slightly illusory long river of time exudes the breath of time, extending out of the void, and gradually becoming solid.The big river is surging, and the years are long, running through the past, the present and the future, and the shadows of countless people are struggling in it.

In this long river, you can see the past, present, and future, countless ancient people, countless present people, and countless future people.

As long as it does not jump out of the long river of time, everything, whether it is people or things, is struggling in it.

As soon as the long river of time appeared, the void shook endlessly, as if it could not withstand such a powerful force and was about to collapse and destroy.Fortunately, Taoist Lord has fixed this void, and at the same time covered the secrets of heaven and blocked the way of heaven, otherwise the world will shake at this moment and a catastrophe will come.

The long river of time is something against the sky, it must not be shown in front of people, otherwise it will be condemned by heaven, unless it is able to resist the way of heaven, otherwise the long river of time should not be easily called out.

The Empress looked solemnly at the long river of time in the void. How terrifying is this person in front of her, who can summon the legendary long river of time and look at him effortlessly? How is this possible?

Whether she believes it or not, the Taoist Lord of Chaos indeed summoned the long river of time, his eyes fixed, he stretched out his hand, and the time was reversed, and scenes after scenes emerged in the void, just like a movie on the screen is going backwards.

Time is in front of Daojun, and he stretches it at will, just like watching a movie. It can be fast forwarded, paused, and even regressed.

Time flows against the current, the scene recedes, and the two of them saw the blue emperor with a lotus plant in the eternal blue sky, the chaotic emperor who was defeated all his life, who is the peak at the end of the fairy road, and the infinite emperor who saw the beginningless way become empty, saw For several generations of the Great Emperor Ruthless, the Nanling Heavenly Emperor who created the God-speeding Art, the Immortal Emperor who became the Emperor of Chaos, and the Swallowing Emperor who swallowed up the heavens.

Finally, they saw a boy, who came up to the altar with tears in his eyes.

"I'm going to die, who me take care of my sister?"

"God's blood, demon blood, Buddha's blood... have been poured on it, and it will be my turn soon. It doesn't matter if you die, but who can help me take care of my sister, she is still young, so I don't worry about it."

With regret, unwillingness, and pleading, the boy will eventually perish.


Seeing this, an unparalleled terrifying aura erupted from the empress, shaking the heavens.Daojun waved his hand to disperse the long river of time, and at the same time disperse the destructive momentum exuded by the empress.

With a slight smile, Daojun said calmly: "This Daoist can easily revive him, but, fellow Daoist, don't you want to revive him by yourself?"

(End of this chapter)

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