Chapter 221
When the Primal Chaos Taoist came out of the abyss of the ancient forbidden land, there was a figure beside him, which was the Dacheng Holy Body.After all, Daojun is the elder brother who did not resurrect the empress, but he reached an agreement with the empress. Daojun provided a way to break through the cultivation base, and the empress joined the Chaos Temple.

Today's Dacheng Saint Body doesn't have any red hair on his body, and he doesn't have the huge chains before. Today, his body has returned to the peak state, with holy blood flowing all over his body, and his momentum is overwhelming. At this time, if you challenge the emperor, some people will definitely believe it.

This is what Dacheng Holy Body should look like. As for what it was before, it was just a delirious monster.

"Mr. Dao, where do we want to go now?"

Behind him, Dacheng Saint Physique Ling Tian said respectfully.He looked a little puzzled, he didn't know how such a terrifying person existed in this world, and he wondered what such a terrifying person wanted to do.

He personally saw the stretch of time stretched out by the person in front of him, and the pictures in the years were like watching a movie.A thought moved and the sky trembled, and the most surprising thing was that the heavens and the earth did not send down a catastrophe to kill him, it was really terrifying!
The Eucharist curse that has troubled me for countless years was broken by this person. The situation of the person at that time is still vivid in my mind. When the Taoist uttered the word "broken", all the shackles between his body disappeared, and the curse disappeared. It's gone, and the whole body has returned to its peak state, which is really terrifying!
Follow the law!
"Now, of course, we are recruiting again. There are so many resources in the Chaos Temple, and there are only a few people. How can it be enough? What's more..." Daojun said here, and paused.

"What's more?" Saint Lingtian asked in confusion.

"What's more, as the main god, how can there be only so few younger brothers, which main god does not have tens of thousands of younger brothers, just like locusts crossing the border, natural disasters come, and plunder thousands of worlds."

"Lord God, what is it?"

Daojun glanced at him, and said lightly: "You will know sooner or later."

After finishing speaking, Taoist Lord stopped talking, stepped out, and the two disappeared. Immediately afterwards, an inexplicable fluctuation that no one could detect came from the endless void and spread to the entire universe.


In a luxurious room.

"Damn brother, sooner or later I will suppress you and tell you to ignore me!"

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl wrinkled her cute little nose, showed her small canine teeth, and said with a vicious look.But there was a mischievous meaning in the words, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, as if she remembered the brother she was talking about being suppressed.

This young girl was dressed in purple, and she had an indescribable aura. When she smiled, she had a different kind of demeanor, her eyes were moving, looking bright, and there was a small dimple on her left cheek, which looked very charming and playful.

The girl in purple is extremely beautiful, with big eyes and long pupils, giving people an aura, looking very lively and playful, giving people a sense of agility.

"Brother has already become a small child, and it seems difficult to suppress him." The girl seemed to have thought of something, and she was a little confused, "However, I will not give up."

"What should I do? Uh..." The purple-clothed girl stepped out, and suddenly disappeared into the room, and her voice also disappeared.

The room was empty, as if everyone had been there before.


On a mountain peak, the stars are shining brightly, like silver stars shining, extremely dazzling, and the stars are falling down, forming a sharp contrast with other surrounding mountain peaks.

This mountain is called Xingfeng, and it is the main peak of the [-] peaks of Taixuanmen.

Among the jungles on the star peak, there are beautiful mountains and beautiful scenery, mist like smoke, lingering on the top of the mountain, flowing water at the foot of the mountain, ancient trees and old vines, it is very quiet.

"Ding ding dong dong!..."

Among the fragrant grass, a man in blue is playing the piano, his hands are floating like butterflies, giving people a sense of agility and lightness. When he swipe the strings with ten fingers, the music is beautiful and beautiful, which makes people feel peaceful.

The man was tall and slender, but he looked about 23 or [-] years old, and his aqua blue clothes fluttered in the wind, giving people a soft and agile feeling.

He has a unique temperament, like flowing clouds, like floating wind, and has a ethereal and light temperament.

If you listen carefully, you will find that although his piano sound is melodious and pleasant, there is also a feeling of being bound by fate, struggling constantly, and always unable to escape, and there is a bitter taste in it.

"Destiny, you keep struggling and you can't escape. Is it true that I can only make wedding dresses for others in my life? No, I'm not reconciled!" The man felt bitter in his heart, but there was also a firm belief in it.

After an unknown amount of time, the man got up, gently picked up Qin Se in front of him, turned around and walked towards the top of the mountain.

As soon as the man took two steps, he disappeared into the mountains and forests, and no one noticed what was going on here.


"Hit! Hit him to death, hit me hard! Hit him to death!"

A man with a ferocious face shouted viciously at the young man who was kicked down by him on the ground.

A few strong men with ferocious faces behind him hurried forward, punching and kicking the man on the ground without mercy.

"Bang! Boom..."

The sound of violent beatings continued, and the man on the ground was only eleven or twelve years old. He was thin and dressed in tattered clothes, like a little beggar.With a firm face, he stared at the man next to him closely, as if he didn't feel any pain in his body, and he didn't cry like other people at all.

"You dare to steal Master Bao's things, you kid is tired of living, beat me hard!" the man said viciously.

After a while of beatings, the aura on the little beggar gradually weakened, as if it might go out at any moment.

"Master Mao, he seems to be dying soon." A person said suddenly.

The man next to him saw that it seemed to be the case, so he spat out a mouthful of saliva, turned around and shouted loudly: "Go, let him live or die!"

Then, several people disappeared into the alley.

After an unknown amount of time, the boy on the ground suddenly moved. He slowly opened his heavy and tired eyes, and struggled to stand up. His eyes were firm and bright.

"I can't fall down, my sister is still waiting for me to go back." The boy murmured.

He looked around and found no one, so he found a direction and staggered towards the distance.After walking a few steps, he disappeared into the alley, and a gust of wind blew by, rolling up a few dead leaves on the ground.


In the mountains and forests, a boy who just killed an enemy disappeared.

In the building, the beautiful woman in a snow-white dress disappeared.

On the street, a cultivator with a negative sword disappeared, and no one noticed anything wrong.

In an ancient cemetery, an unscrupulous Taoist priest disappeared, leaving only an intermittent voice: "Boundless fucking god..."

In the cave, an outrageously perfect woman disappeared.

High in the sky, a golden-winged roc disappeared.

A woman wearing a white veil disappeared.

Two men who were hunted down and seriously injured suddenly disappeared, leaving only a group of enemies looking at each other...


These disappeared people all came to the gray temple at the same time, and before they had time to inquire about the situation, a message came into their minds, and then, a mysterious voice rang in their minds sounded:
"Welcome to the Temple of Chaos, lucky or about to be unlucky people, demons, Buddhas, demons, or others. Immortals can do anything, and the Temple of Chaos can do anything!"


(End of this chapter)

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