Chapter 222 Mission Begins

In the Chaos Temple, it is still as mysterious as ever.

"Where is this place..." Suddenly, a clear female voice that implied guarding sounded.

Looking in the direction from which the voice came, suddenly, a nearly perfect woman appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone found themselves in a strange place, and they all looked at each other warily. There were as many as 30 to [-] people in the mysterious space here, some of them knew each other, while some didn't.At the same time, they are also looking at the surrounding environment suspiciously, hoping to find some clues.

They were still in a familiar environment before, but in the blink of an eye, they stepped into a completely unfamiliar place. With their cultivation base, they didn't even notice it, which is a bit scary.

In this chaotic space, the four big characters of "Chaos Temple" are hung high. In the middle is a wide square. It looks narrow, but it is actually wide. pattern.

At the same time, some strange information appeared in their minds.

After a while, after digesting this piece of information, they all understood what this place was.

To put it simply, this is a place where a mysterious great god named "Prince of Chaos" cultivates talents. The temple releases tasks. After completing the tasks, you can get corresponding value points, which can be exchanged for various treasures in the temple.

After knowing what this place was, although everyone still had doubts and puzzles in their hearts, they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief.Although I don't know much, but at least I have a general understanding.At the same time, they also know that they have absolutely no power to resist this mysterious existence.Life is like this, since you can't resist, then try to accept it.

Moreover, although this place is a mysterious place, it also represents a great opportunity, an opportunity that can change their destiny, and this is something they should be happy about.

"Is this true?" A doubtful voice sounded, asking everyone's truest thoughts.

"Whether it's true or not, you'll know once you try it. I've met fellow Taoists in Hua Yunfei of the Lower Taixuan Sect." A young monk in blue said loudly.

"So it's Senior Brother Hua from the Taixuan Sect, my younger sister An Miaoyi from Miaoyu Temple." The beautiful woman in a snow-white dress said.

"It turned out to be Fairy An. This must be Her Highness the Saintess of Yaochi." He said, looking at another equally beautiful woman.

"Yes, I am." The woman replied.

"I wonder if this fellow Taoist from the Yaozu is..." Then he looked at another perfect woman, and he knew at a glance that she was from the Yaozu.

"Yan Ruyu." The woman said lightly.

"I heard that a descendant of the demon emperor appeared in the demon clan. I wonder if the fairy knows about it?"

Yan Ruyu's eyes narrowed slightly, and then said lightly: "I know." After that, she stopped talking.On the other side, an unruly blond man looked this way after hearing this. He is the King of Gold Wing Xiaopeng of the Yaozu.

"I wonder if this little sister is..." Everyone looked at a girl in purple.

The woman's eyeballs were flickering, she didn't know what she was thinking, when she saw everyone looking at her, she showed a dimple, and said with a smile: "My name is Ji Ziyue."

"Little Moon of the Ji family!" Someone narrowed his eyes and said, "I heard that there is a divine body in the Ji family. I wonder if it's true?"

The girl in purple smiled and said nothing.

"What's the Taoist priest's name?" Everyone looked at a fat Taoist priest wearing a blue Taoist robe.

The Taoist priest looked at the crowd and cursed inwardly. He had visited all the tombs of these people's families. He didn't know if he would be beaten to death if he told the truth, so he decided to use a false name. He said with a smile: "Cough, Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, poor way!"

"Hi, all beauties, I want to talk to Yan Yixi, I hope to be friends with you."

A suave and suave man in white said to several fairies, while he was still sizing up the crowd secretly, he sighed in his heart why he had never seen such a perfect fairy. Logically speaking, such a stunning beauty should be famous all over the world. That's right.

"People want to say, I haven't heard of it."

"Hey, the way of human desire is the great teacher of Ziwei star. I want to be a master of Taoism, and I would like to travel with all the beauties." A man in five-color clothes smiled evilly and said hey.

"Ziweixing, aren't you from the Big Dipper?" Someone asked in surprise.

"Big Dipper? Is that the Emperor Burying Star? Are you from there?" Yan Yixi and Li Tian asked in surprise.

"Yes, we are from the Big Dipper, how about you?"

"Oh? So that's the case. No wonder we don't know each other. It turns out that we are fellow Daoists from Beidou. That's right, we are from Ziwei Star."

Everyone thought it was inconceivable that they were not from the Big Dipper. It was inconceivable that the Chaos Temple was so good.

"What about you?" Someone looked at the others.

"I'm the Eternal Star Mo Yu."

"Flying Immortal Star Li Yuan."


"I'm Zhang Qingyang, the celestial master of the lower earth."

Everyone looked at each other and found that they were all from different planets, some had heard of it, while some had never heard of it.The more they thought about it, the more horrified everyone became. No one knew how strong the Taoist Lord of the Chaos Temple was, but now it was incredible that people from all over the universe could be gathered in one place.

This kind of cultivation is at least a quasi-emperor.

Just when everyone was secretly suspicious, an indifferent voice sounded in the hall:

"Ding! Release the mission now!
Task background: The Ziweixing Taiyin Sect destroyed the ancient emperor Taiyin and the ancient queens of the human race, occupied their sect, snatched the inheritance of the human emperor, and sought to seize the orthodoxy. They called themselves the Taiyin Sect and regarded the descendants of the ancient queens as slaves.The Ancient Sun Sect, the sect inherited from the Holy Emperor of the Sun, has plummeted since the ancient scriptures were lost. The Jinwu Clan is eyeing this and wants to destroy the ancient religion.The son of the Taiyin God Sect will gather with the ten princes of the Jinwu tribe. "

"Main task: Kill the Son of the Taiyin Sect and the top ten princes of the Golden Crow Tribe within three days, and complete the task together. Those who complete the task will each have [-] value points. If they fail, they will be wiped out collectively!"

"Sub-task: Kill as many disciples as possible from the two factions. Every time you kill a bitter sea monk, you will be rewarded with [-] value points, [-] value points for the life spring monks, [-] value points for the monks of the other shore, [-] value points for the monks of the Dao Palace— ——[-] value points; four extreme realm monks, [-] value points—[-] value points. Dragon Transformation monk: [-]—[-] value points. Xianyi monk..."

"Mission reminder: The mission will start in an hour."

"What?! There is such a mission?" Everyone looked at Yan Yixi and Li Tian, ​​because they were Ziweixing's people.

"The situation is roughly the same." The two said with a wry smile.

"Damn it, someone actually murdered the ancient empress of the human race!" The actions of the two sects chilled the hearts of the people. "Is no one in charge?"

"I don't know how strong the two religions are?" Hua Yunfei asked.

"The strength of the two sects is unfathomable. There are saints sitting in the sect. This task is really..." Yan Yixi smiled bitterly, not knowing what to say.

"Saint?" The hearts of the people froze. A saint is not a trivial matter. There has not been a saint in Beidou for many years. This shows that saints are rare, and saints have not been seen in many sects.Of course, it's not that there are no saints, but saints generally don't appear.

"I don't think the Lord God will issue tasks that we can't complete. Our goals are the ten princes of the Golden Crow and the sons of the Taiyin Sect. How strong are they?"

"Their strength ranges from four poles to dragon transformation, and their cultivation levels vary." Human desire and Tao said solemnly.They have lived among tens of thousands of flowers, not a single leaf touches their bodies, and they often have experience with fairies of some sects, but they know something about it.

"Dragon Transformation?" The hearts of the people are a little heavy, they can deal with the four extremes, because there are monks in the four extremes among them, and the dragon transformation needs to work hard, and it may not be successful.

"It seems that we need to exchange some treasures." Speaking of treasures, everyone immersed their minds in their minds, and at the same time, silently said "exchange" in their hearts.

Immediately, in the depths of their minds, a huge light curtain appeared, with six golden characters written on it: Dharma, Technique, Formation, Tool, Medicine, Miscellaneous.

Hua Yunfei randomly clicked on the word "Fa", and saw various scriptures flashing on it:

"Pangu Kaitian Jue", Pangu opened the sky's supreme Taoism scripture, is divided into nine layers, above the nine layers, can open up the world.Worth 999 trillion value points.

"Zixiao Tiandao Jing", the scriptures preached by Dao Patriarch Hongjun, contains three thousand Dao, which guides hundreds of millions of Dao.Worth 99 trillion value points.

"Yu Qing Yuan Shi Jing", that is, the exercise method created by the sage Yuan Shi of the Heavenly Punishment Lord Dao Yin Tianzun, is the fundamental method of elucidation and teaching, worth 9 trillion value points.

"Taiqing Tao Te Ching", that is, the exercises created by the Taishang Daoist Dao De Tian Zun Taiqing Saints, is the fundamental method of human education, worth 9 trillion value points.

"Shangqing Lingbao Jing", that is, the exercise method created by the master of Tongtian Sword, Lingbao Tianzun, Shangqing sage, is the fundamental method of cutting teaching, worth 9 trillion value points.


After that, he clicked on the other light curtains one by one and saw other things.Most of them are unknown to him, but looking at the introduction and value points, he knows that they are not ordinary things.Seeing these treasures, no one can calm down.He saw a lot of treasures he wanted, but he didn't have enough value points to exchange them.So, with a ruthless heart, he exchanged his ruthless inheritance to the main god.

""Swallowing Heaven Devil Art", the supreme magic art created by the Ruthless Emperor, is worth 1000 million value points."

"The "Sacred Art of Ten Thousand Transformations", a ruthless person created a supreme offensive technique, worth [-] value points."

""One Thought Blooms, The King Comes to the World", a ruthless secret technique, worth [-] value points."

"The "Taixuan Sutra", inherited from the Taixuan sect, is worth 50 value points."

""Tao Jing", (incomplete), worth [-] value points."


Hua Yunfei exchanged all the things he didn't need one by one, in exchange for a large number of value points, and he focused his attention on the exchange catalog again.

""Swallowing Heaven Jue", a peerless magical skill, gathers the spirits of the five elements, the soul of yin and yang, and the source of time and space, condenses the heaven-swallowing furnace, swallows everything, and refines everything. It is worth 5000 million value points."

"The "Immortal Sutra", condensing the blood of the immortal, transforming into an immortal body, worth 1000 million points."

""Immortal Sutra", cultivate the meaning of indestructibility, become an immortal body, become an emperor with a physical body, 1000 million value points."

""Longevity Sutra", slender and invigorated, with a long lifespan, 1000 million value points."

""Avenue of Tianyin", Tianyin becomes enlightened, 3000 million value points."

These are all he wants to exchange, not to mention "Swallowing Heaven Jue", his own "Swallowing Heaven Demon Art" is someone else's furnace, and he wants to get rid of his fate. "Swallowing Heaven Jue" is more domineering than "Swallowing Heaven Demon Art", Even more powerful, practicing it can naturally abolish the influence of "Swallowing Heaven Demon Art". The ruthless inheritors confronted. "Avenue of Tianyin" is his favorite.

It's a pity that there are not enough value points, otherwise he would like to exchange them. In the end, after making some decisions, he decided not to exchange the exercises for the time being.He looked at the device gate and array gate.

"Shooting arrows to the sun, shooting the sun with one arrow, specifically targeting the blood of the Golden Crow, worth 500 million points."

"Sun chasing boots, chasing mountains and chasing the sun, 500 million value points."

Seeing this, his eyes suddenly brightened. This mission was to deal with the ten princes of Jinwu, and the sun-chasing boots and the sun-shooting bow were a perfect match.

As soon as his mind moved, he exchanged two magic weapons. Although the two magic weapons were said to be designed to counteract the blood of the Golden Crow, they were equally powerful against other people, but they didn't want to be as powerful as the Golden Crow.

After exchanging, he opened his eyes and looked at the others. Seeing the excitement on their faces, they seemed to be frightened by the treasures in it.

After a while of exchange, it was almost an hour.

"Ding! The mission begins|!"

For a moment, everyone felt that their eyes were dark, and in the next moment, they found themselves at the foot of a strange mountain.

"The Temple of Chaos is really... powerful!"

(End of this chapter)

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