My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 223 Ten Thousand Worlds Killing God Pavilion, Taichen Palace

Chapter 223 Ten Thousand Worlds Killing God Pavilion, Taichen Palace
"Ding! The reincarnated Pangbo is dead!"

An indifferent voice suddenly sounded in the ears of Taoist Primal Chaos.


In Taoist Primal Chaos's always indifferent eyes, there was finally a little more interest. He let out a light snort and said, "Interesting! Let me see what happened."

Pang Bo is the partner of the protagonist Ye Fan. He has some great luck on his body, and he has the blood of the monster race. Curious.

With a thought of Taoist Primal Chaos, his spiritual thoughts spread to Lingxu Cave in an instant, because that is where Ye Fan and Pang Bo are.

In an instant, an interesting picture appeared in front of his eyes.In the picture, a man in black is holding a black dagger and stabbing at Ye Fan quickly. Ye Fan quickly dodges to the side, dodging dangerously, but there is a person lying on the ground next to him, lying in a pool of blood , it is Pangbo.

Daoist Chaos could tell at a glance that the man in black was about as strong as the Golden Core Stage, but now that he assassinated Ye Fan, who was a little stronger than ordinary people, and held a magic weapon, it was really strange that he couldn't kill him with one blow.

And what interests Taoist Primal Chaos the most is that the cultivation system of the man in black is incompatible with this world. His appearance did not attract the attention of the Dao of Heaven, and only when he assassinated Ye Fan did he have an inexplicable power. The pressure appeared in the sky, and the thunder in the sky flickered, coming together, as if to destroy something.

"Not good! Damn it!"

The mysterious man in black suddenly yelled, and with the dagger in his hand, he hurriedly killed Ye Fan. The speed was as fast as lightning, and he paid attention to killing with one blow.It was estimated that there was Pang Bo's obstruction before, which prevented him from killing Ye Fan.

"Interesting, I'm not from this world." Daojun seemed to have encountered something of great interest, he stepped out and disappeared.

"Time—stand still!" A faint voice sounded, in the ear of the mysterious man in black, it was like a thunderclap, setting off a stormy sea in his heart.

As the voice fell, the whole world became completely silent.The birds in the sky are still, the insects in the grass are quiet, and the trees blown by the wind are still leaning...

The world became completely still, as if the picture on the screen was suspended, everyone kept their original movements unchanged, and their thoughts also stopped at this moment.


The Dao Lord said the Dao sound, and an invisible force surged in an instant. Pangbo's soul that had just dispersed gathered at this moment, condensed into a person, and got into Pangbo's body.


Another beep sounded, but unfortunately no one could hear it.However, Pangbo's assassination wound on the ground was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. The blood spilled on the ground flowed upstream and re-entered his body. The heartbeat that had stopped began to slow again. Jump up.

"Oh, what a hassle!"

Daoist Chaos said softly, flicked towards Pang Bo and Ye Fan, and then grabbed the mysterious man in black and disappeared.

After Daojun disappeared, the still state instantly returned to its original state. The bird that should fly is still flying freely, and the tree that should be shaken is still shaking according to the original trajectory.

No one found anything wrong, as if the world should be like this.

"Uh, Pangbo, what's going on? Why did you fall to the ground? Also, why did I also fall to the ground?" Ye Fan got up from the ground, looked at Pangbo on the ground, and asked in a daze .

"We seem to be... asleep?" Pangbo asked a little confused.

"It seems to be true?" Ye Fan was a little uncertain.

"What's wrong with him? Hurry up to practice is the last word. The task of the main god is not easy. Be careful to be obliterated, especially your deceitful ancient holy body." Pangbo said carelessly.


So, the two of them stopped caring about other things, and hurried back to continue their cultivation. After all, the Temple of Chaos had always been a knife hanging above their heads, and it might fall down at any time.


In the Chaos Temple.

There was a mysterious man in black in front of the Taoist Lord Chaos, who was the one who assassinated Ye Fan before.

"Who are you, and why did you appear in the Heaven Shrouding Realm?" Daojun asked.

The voice was heard in the man's ears, as if someone closest to him was asking him something, so he was completely unprepared, and he couldn't help but answer: "My name is Wang Yi, and my code name is "Death Envoy". A member of the pavilion, I came here because I took the task of assassinating Ye Fan."

"What is the Ten Thousand Worlds Killing God Pavilion?" Primal Chaos Taoist stared slightly, with some guesses in his heart, and asked aloud.

"The Ten Thousand Worlds Killing God Pavilion is a place for cultivating killers. No one knows where it is. This is a mysterious existence all over the heavens and ten thousand worlds. It specializes in accepting tasks and assassinating people. I just entered it, and I don't know much about it. many."

"Cultivate killers? Are they all over the world? It's interesting!" Daojun chuckled, but secretly suspected in his heart whether this was a system flow or something else.So he went on to ask:
"How to enter the Ten Thousand Worlds Killing God Pavilion?"

"I don't know, every time the task is completed, the Shen Pavilion will guide it by itself. Ah..."

As he spoke, before he could finish speaking, he heard the man yell, and his body exploded in an instant.

"Hey, in my field, I can actually control the self-explosion, the Ten Thousand Worlds Killing God Pavilion, it's really not easy! Interesting, it's getting more and more interesting. Haha!"


At the same time, in a distant, unknown place, stands a tall and magnificent palace. Outside the palace, there is endless chaos, but none of them can erode the palace. It seems to have stood here since ancient times.

The palace is resplendent and magnificent, and the precious light is shining, and the three large glazed characters of "Taichen Palace" are shining.

In the palace, there are singing birds and fragrant flowers, gorgeous colors, dancing clouds, falling divine waterfalls, auspicious dragons and phoenixes, radiant divine lights, and the appearance of a fairyland on earth.

In the depths of the palace, two men in their 50s and [-]s were playing chess and discussing.A man was wearing a blue Taoist robe, his expression remained unchanged, and he had a certain majesty.The other person was wearing a white robe, handsome in appearance, with a faint smile on his face, like a spring breeze blowing on his face.


Suddenly, the man in Tsing Yi let out a light snort, as if he had discovered something.The man in white on the other side said, "What's wrong?"

"A few little guys came into my world and fucked."

"It's not a big deal, so what's the matter? Your world has always been like this, and it will attract many outsiders. My world will also be like this. It doesn't matter if the world is in chaos, it's not a good thing to stay the same." The Taoist in white robe listened After that, he smiled slightly and said indifferently.

"That's right, that's just one of my many worlds. It's not the main world, but an attached world derived from the main world. If the world is destroyed, I'll just recreate it. When we reach the realm of you and me, as long as the main world exists , creating a derivative world is just a matter of hand." The man in Tsing Yi didn't care.

"I heard that you are creating another main world recently?"

"You mean the Holy Ruins Realm!"

"That's right. I heard that the Land of Origin is about to open. When will we try our luck? We haven't broken through for many years."

"At our level, it is not that easy to break through."

"Yes, I want to create a new world recently, how about I discuss it?" said the man in white.

"As you wish, don't dare to quit!"


So, the two mysterious gods continued to discuss the Dao, but the Primal Chaos Daoist didn't know that he had been discovered, so he continued to start his career as the main god.


(End of this chapter)

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