My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 224 8 Runner Chapters, Cangjie Creates Characters

Chapter 224 Eight Turns of Reincarnation, Cangjie Creates Characters
Just when the Primal Chaos Daoist was carrying out the Lord God's plan in full swing in the Shrouding Heaven Realm, Yuanshi's deity also improved a lot in cultivation in the prehistoric world.

On the top of Kunlun Mountain, in Yuxu Palace.

Yuan Shi sat high on the cloud platform, surrounded by clouds and mist, the sound of Taoism curled up, the divine light flickered, and all kinds of visions were astonishing. Obviously, his cultivation had reached an incredible level.


Suddenly, two golden lights flickered, breaking through the heavy clouds and mist, Yuan Shi opened his eyes, visions appeared in his eyes, life and death were disillusioned, and finally returned to Yuan, returning to the original normal state.


Exhaling lightly, the air cloud was like a white horse, flying five feet away, and then slowly dissipated into the space.

"Finally broke through the Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian Ninth Heaven, and it is not far from the Hunyuan consummation." The corners of Yuanshi's mouth slightly raised, revealing an imperceptible smile. Obviously, the breakthrough in cultivation made him feel happy.

"It's time for "Shen Yuan Nine Revolutions" to break through to the next level." After a long time, Yuan Shi murmured.

"Nine Turns of Shenyuan" is the Yuanshen cultivation method created by Yuan Shigang Duoshe Yuqing. Even the last two turns were completely created by him.

The eighth turn of "Shenyuan Nine Turns" - reincarnation, as the name suggests, if this turn is successful, he will be able to control the way of reincarnation soon, and it will make his primordial spirit go further.

The ninth turning back to one is the real power, the ninth turning back to one, returning to the original one, the original yuan, which was prepared by Yuanshi to break through the realm of heaven.

"Using the gods to control the law, using the soul to reincarnate, and using the heart to understand the Tao, three thousand mortals, thousands of reincarnations, endless seas of suffering, sinking in it, boundless seas of law, all changes return to one..."

"Soul Xi - Li Xi!"

With the sound of a mysterious Tao, thousands of new souls were bred in Yuanshi's soul, and they flew out of the soul world and flew towards the underworld.

Yuanshi's eyes flashed, and he said silently: "If you don't experience thousands of reincarnations, how can you realize reincarnation, how can you not enter the world of mortals, how can you cleanse the heart of heaven, how can you not swim in the endless sea of ​​suffering, how can you transcend the sea of ​​suffering?"

Seeing many newborn souls entering the underworld, Yuan Shi didn't care about other things.New souls are born every day in the underworld, and souls are not necessarily produced only after the death of a living being.Now that there are more of his tens of millions of new souls, no more, no less, the underworld will not eat too much to take care of these things.

Under the intentional or unintentional arrangement of Emperor Sansheng, these new souls will either enter the six realms of reincarnation for reincarnation, or enter the nether world to start their career as ghosts.

They will be reincarnated endlessly, becoming humans, vegetation, insects, fish, birds, beasts, gods, demons, Buddhas, immortals, ghosts, Shuras, and even a stone, a drop of water, a piece of soil, a ray of fire...

Some of them will even lose their souls and dissipate in the world, while some may live forever and become ordinary, but no matter what, they will never know their last life.

Until a certain day in the future, waiting for the call of a supreme being, they will return one by one, endless experience, endless reincarnation, endless comprehension, and will eventually return to one...

After doing this, Yuanshi's expression remained unchanged. These souls did not cause any loss to his cultivation base. Perhaps he had already started to prepare. For him who comprehended the Dao of Soul, this is an insignificant matter.

Yuan Shi didn't continue to practice at this moment, he turned his eyes to the prehistoric land, a medium-sized human tribe, and a simple house.

There, there are people or things he is interested in.

After Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs and created the "Shennong Baicao Jing", hundreds of years later, Shennong became the emperor of the earth, and his Zen was located in Xuanyuan, the grandson of Xiong's family. He flew into the Huoyun cave by himself and suppressed The luck of the human race.

After all, Shennong did not have the luck of the emperor Fuxi. In the end, he was only an emperor who achieved half-step emperor status, but failed to break through to the extreme emperor status and prove the Hunyuan fruit status.

After Gongsun Xuanyuan succeeded to the position of the co-lord of the human race, he began to vigorously develop his military power. He thought that the human race had different tribes, different civilizations, and was too scattered. He wanted to unify the human race and end the chaotic state of the human race.

However, there are many human tribes with different people's hearts. After all, they are difficult to tame. After years of fighting, there are only two powerful forces left in the end. One is the Huangdi tribe led by the human grandson Xuanyuan, and the other is the Jiuli tribe led by the demon god Chiyou. .

After a series of wars, because Gongsun Xuanyuan's family occupies the righteousness, with the help of various gods and gods, it gradually grows from weak to strong along the way, annexing the princes, killing demons and demons, and finally gaining the upper hand.After all, Jiuli Chiyou relied on his strong combat power to make the opponent submit, and his combat power was only temporary. His strong combat power also made his inner ambitions inflate. In the end, he could only lose people's hearts step by step and fall into a disadvantage.

The final battle is not far away.

In Gongsun Xuanyuan's side, in a shabby house of a central tribe, a man with the image of an old man with a vicissitudes of life came out of the house, and in his mouth, he said with some insanity: "I succeeded, I Success, I finally succeeded! Haha!"

His voice became louder and more excited, showing the joy in his heart.

The old man is only 50 years old, but his appearance is already 80 years old. In this human race where martial arts are prevalent, this situation is obviously extremely rare.Obviously, he put all his energy into other things and didn't have time to practice martial arts.

The old man’s name is Cangjie, he was born in a human tribe, and he has a pair of eyes that dare to discover since he was a child. He was grateful for the chaos of the civilizations of the various tribes of the human tribe, which led to the chaos of the human tribe, so he wanted to invent a way for all tribes to communicate with each other. thing.

At this time, he thought of the creation of the demon script by the demon master Kunpeng in ancient times to pass on the demon way. He was deeply influenced by it and decided to create a script used by all races, especially the human race.

So, he comprehended the world, traveled the land, observed all things, recorded all beings, returned to the tribe, sorted out and analyzed them, and imitated the shape of all things in the world. Today, he finally created a special kind of writing - oracle bone inscriptions!

Arriving at the center of the human tribe, Cangjie took out a huge bone plaque, held a sharp knife, and sat on the central altar.


Cangjie's body trembled softly, and a huge aura rose from his body to the sky. This aura was not overbearing like martial arts, nor ethereal like fairy way, nor weird like demon way, but contained a It is full of righteousness, tranquility, and peace, like a spring breeze blowing on your face, like a drizzle without sound, it seems to have the truth of heaven and earth, and there is infinite wisdom contained in it.

At this moment, Cangjie doesn't have the decadence of an old man. At this moment, he is a wise man full of wisdom!
"I, Cangjie of the human race, feel that it is not easy for civilizations of all races to communicate. I feel that the world and all things are for the benefit of all races. Today, I successfully created characters and passed them on to all beings!"

Cangjie looked up at the sky, and shouted loudly, his voice was like the sound of heaven and earth, and also like the sound of the great road, spreading across the prehistoric land, piercing the sky above and piercing the secluded world below, it was boundless and boundless.


(End of this chapter)

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