Chapter 225

Cang Jie let out a loud shout, and at the same time, with the carving knife in his hand, he carved a strange character stripe on the huge bone plaque in front of him, as vast as the sky.


At the same time, the world shook, and above the sky, a strange rune exactly the same as that on the bone plaque hung up, which was the word for heaven.


Cangjie yelled again, while his subordinates continued to engrave strange runes in layers, thick and heavy loads, and next to the word sky above the sky, a word earth appeared again.








Every time Cangjie opened his mouth, he would carve a strange character on the bone plaque, and at the same time, the same character would appear on the sky, which could be clearly seen by everyone in the prehistoric world.

Such methods are really incredible!

The voice of the Dao was transmitted from heaven to earth, and the sound spread throughout the entire prehistoric world. The big characters hanging high above the sky seemed to be the axiom of heaven and earth. The huge movement instantly aroused countless powers of retreat.Many powerhouses in the prehistoric world have explored their divine thoughts and gathered over the human race to pay attention to what is happening at this moment, even the saints are no exception.

Words are an indispensable medium in the spread of civilization. This moment is the birth of words, which represents a brand-new avenue.As the saying goes, the way of heaven is to make up for what is lacking.

The way of heaven is incomplete, but the way of humanity makes up for it!
The Three Ways of Heaven were created, Heaven, Earth, and Man, but the Way of Humanity was lacking. Nu Wa created man, which led to the great prosperity of the Way of Humanity. Daxing!
Heaven, earth and man, the balance of the three talents!

The newly created Wen Dao, like Xuantian's creation of Martial Dao, will spread all over the world. This is the best stage to comprehend Wen Dao. Every character represents a kind of Dao in Wen Dao. There will be no such opportunities in the future. up.

Many ancient gods are comprehending this new literary way, even the sages are no exception, and Yuanshi paid attention to Cangjie for the first time.

Yuanshi Avenue, ten thousand ways return to Yuan.Wen Dao, as a kind of avenue that can stand aside from martial arts, is naturally no exception.

This kind of Dao is naturally a lot of goodwill, and the more he understands, the stronger his Yuanshi Dao will naturally be.

Dao light flickered in Yuanshi's eyes, he didn't look at the big characters that appeared above the sky, but at the characters carved by Cang Jie himself.Under Cangjie's carving knife, Yuanshi felt a different kind of truth of heaven and earth, and a kind of mysterious power surrounded those characters.

The ancient tea tree of enlightenment hangs behind Yuanshi's head, and the light of good fortune and wisdom disperses in Yuanshi's heart, helping him to comprehend the Dao.All kinds of mystical truths flowed in his heart and turned into mysterious runes, which were absorbed by his Yuanshi Dao.

A character is a kind of way, and all kinds of characters converge into a vast avenue, which is—Wen Dao.

The way of writing converges in the characters of Yuanshi and is absorbed by it. It is a more magnificent way-Yuanshi!
A moment, or countless years, or eternity!

Yuanshi's countless thoughts moved together, and he quickly comprehended the truth. In this world, apart from Cangjie himself, Yuanshi may have gained the most.

Kunlun Mountain, Longevity Mountain, Western Sumeru Mountain, Taihua Mountain, Heavenly Court, Underworld, Nether Blood Sea, Northern Darkness, Shouyang Mountain...

Famous mountains and seas everywhere in the prehistoric region showed a majestic and astonishing aura, obviously the top powerhouses of the prehistoric region were dispatched.In particular, Shouyang Mountain, the ancestral land of the human race, the Human Ancestor Hall, the Nuwa Temple, and the Martial Palace all showed an astonishing aura.

The sea of ​​luck of the human race is churning endlessly, and the mighty luck is coming together, and the luck is growing, boiling, and excited.A five-party seal suppressed it, suppressing the luck of the human race. It was the treasure of luck for the human race-Kongtong seal!

"The human race is booming! The human race is booming!"

Many ancestors of the human race were very excited when they saw this scene, and sighed that the great prosperity of the human race was unstoppable.These all existed in the mythical period of the human race, and many of them participated in the three-clan war, and now they all stay in the Human Ancestor Hall and practice in seclusion. Most of them are wheel-running emperors, comparable to quasi-sages.

There was the Xiong clan, and Xuanyuan was discussing with many gods about the final decisive battle with Chi You. After seeing this earth-shattering scene, he walked out of the house and shouted: "Come on, hurry up and visit Cangjie with me!"

"Yes, co-lord!"

In the Jiuli tribe, Chi You, the demon god, also came out to watch, and sighed the good luck of the human race.

Among the tribes, Cangjie was still carving characters. On the bone plaque, densely packed runes were engraved. As more runes were carved, he struggled harder, but his aura became stronger and stronger.


Thunderclaps exploded in the nine heavens, and boundless thunderclouds gathered, which contained the power of destroying heaven and earth, as if they wanted to destroy everything.

But Cangjie created characters, and each character represents a kind of principle of heaven and earth, so the secret of heaven and earth was leaked, and God wanted to destroy it.


A dazzling crack flashed, cut through the sky, and slashed straight towards Cangjie.


Several divine lights shot up into the sky, they were the divine lights bursting out of the characters written by Cangjie, with an indescribable sense of vicissitudes and antiquity, with a click, they collided with the thunder that descended from the sky, one yellow and one white , are intertwined with each other, containing the chance of life and death, destruction, rebirth, good fortune, withering...


The divine light collided with the thunder, and the zizzing sound continued, and finally, it turned into a piece of spiritual energy and disappeared.


God was furious and quite dissatisfied, and sent down a more powerful thunder to destroy these writings.Cang Jie accelerated suddenly, quickly burned the characters, and at the same time spit out big characters with divine light one by one from his mouth, and rushed to the nine heavens to block the thunder and punishment from the sky.

The sun is shining across the sky, the moon is shining into the sky, the thunder dragon is furious, the rainstorm is like a waterfall, and the electricity is like sparks...

One after another, visions soared into the sky, containing powerful laws of air movement, magnificent and majestic.

The thunder became stronger and stronger, and spiritual energy with a radius of tens of thousands of miles swept over. Cangjie's face was as pale as paper, and he was sweating like rain. During this period, he almost fell under the thunder several times. Only then did we cross over dangerously.The final coinage is two thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight.


The sky became even more furious, the wind and thunder roared, lightning pierced the sky, endless thunder gathered, and a world evolved, and in the world, various amazing visions evolved, including the vast star field, the misty fairy palace, and the nine heavens and earth, There are brontosaurus tumbling, four elephants flying...the vision is amazing!
Cangjie stood up on the Taoist platform, he stood still, let the boundless thunder fall, but it couldn't hurt him at all.The purple-gold thunder light turned into a gigantic pillar of thunder, which bombarded Cangjie with a destructive force.

The sky and the earth are dark, the world is silent, the sun is hidden, and the stars are retreating!
Cang Jie's expression was very serious, he looked up to the sky, and in the depths of the Vientiane Thunder, he quickly carved the two big characters "Wen Dao" on the bone plaque.

As soon as the word "Wen Dao" appeared, the [-]-character text seemed to have found a leader. When they were quickly arranged, the word "Wen Dao" was like the general outline of these characters, and it was the most essential part.

"Today, I, Cangjie, want to use literature to prove the Tao, to initiate the practice of literature and Taoism, and to prove the Tao of literary sage!"

Cangjie shouted suddenly, his voice was like thunder, resounding through the heavens.

"Boom boom boom!"

Cangjie's old body became like a mortal. At this moment, the aura in his body suddenly became strong, and it was still rising, rising, seemingly endless.

The old body before was returning to its youthful state at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The ancient characters on the sky, one after another, bloomed with thousands of brilliance, the divine light was incomparably bright, illuminating the whole world, like a fairy garden, like an ancient picture, like a god's domain, floating up, rushing into the endless thunder, Those violent thunderbolts were wiped out from life to life.

The three thousand ancient characters are like the three thousand great avenues. In the end, each ancient character got into the two characters of "Wen Dao".The two characters became stronger and stronger, and the momentum became more and more majestic.

In the end, only one word, one word, and two words remained.Cangjie holds characters in one hand and Dao characters in the other, evolving into ten thousand ways.

A momentum completely different from that of martial arts rose from Cangjie's body, and the righteous energy of heaven and earth came together, rising from the Tianling Cape to the sky, shaking the heavens and the earth!
"The sun and the moon enter my arms, the mountains and rivers hide my heart;

Heaven and earth gave birth to my chest, and all things nurtured my spirit.

To prove the Tao with writing, you should be named a literary saint! "

At this moment, the thunder and thunder in the sky and the earth were dispersed, but there was a beam of light that was bigger than the thunder, upright, sacred, bright and dazzling, and it was slowly dissipating.

At this moment, the world lost its voice!

(End of this chapter)

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