My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 226 The Immortals Come to Help

Chapter 226 The Immortals Come to Help
At this moment, Hong Huang lost his voice.So many great powers, so many supernatural beings, never imagined that Cangjie would have such determination, such perseverance, such courage, to face up to the gods with a weak body, to prove the way with literature, and to prove the status of literary sage.

This kind of will, this kind of courage, can be called invincible!

Between the heavens and the earth, the hearts of the saints were shocked, their faces were very solemn, and several real-like eyes fell on Cangjie, with the feeling of admiration.

"Cangjie, this son, really has great courage!" Master Tongtian admired the supreme will, and praised aloud.

"If Cangjie doesn't die, there will be another cultivation system in the prehistoric world!" Taishang Daoist's eyes were venomous, and he thought of a lot at once. The future of the human race is limitless.

"Cangjie, who created the way of writing, should be the ancestor of humanities, on a par with Xuantian, the ancestor of martial arts!" Empress Nuwa exclaimed.

"The luck of the human race has increased greatly, and it is worthy of being the protagonist of the world! Dongfang is really outstanding!" As if thinking of something, the leading Taoist sighed secretly, and his face became more sad.

"The human race is really enviable. Martial ancestor Xuantian, together with Wensheng Cangjie and Emperor Fuxi, really..." Zhunti Saint was helpless, his face was full of bitterness, and his heart was worried about the future of Western religion.

"Wenzu Cangjie can create the Wensheng Palace in the ancestral land, which is on a par with the Wudi Palace!"

At this time, the voice of Martial Ancestor Xuantian came from the ancestral land.Obviously, he recognized Cangjie's status.Many masters of the human race showed joyful moods, and the human race added another master who proved the way, and their luck increased greatly.

"Thank you, Renzu!" Cangjie nodded his thanks.

"One piece of paper, one piece of martial arts, one piece of paper, one piece of relaxation, literary way, martial way, not bad!" Even the always stern Lord Yuanshi also praised.

A group of great supernatural beings also expressed their admiration. Apart from congratulating Cangjie on his enlightenment, they felt a little bitter. Even a descendant of the human race has proved his enlightenment. They, the great gods of the ancient mythology era, have not yet succeeded. Some hits.

After some congratulations, they all dispersed. At this time, Xuanyuan, the grandson of the Xiong family, came to the tribe and asked to see Cangjie.

Cangjie thought for a while, and realized Xuanyuan's purpose for coming here, to invite him to deal with Chiyou.However, from the moment he was sanctified, he knew that a saint must not directly interfere with the affairs of the human race, otherwise it would affect the human emperor's testimony, and then affect the fate of the human race.If the saint wants to make a move, he can only do so through his disciples and others.

So, he opened his mouth and said to the people next to him: "You go and tell Xuanyuan that I'm going to the ancestral land to open up the Wensheng Palace. The sage is not allowed to intervene in the affairs of the emperor, so let him go back."

"Yes, Wen Zu!"

Cang Jie sighed slightly, and stopped meddling. At the moment of his enlightenment, he obtained the following things through the secret of heaven, so he didn't need to worry about it.

Outside, Xuanyuan had no choice but to return disappointed after hearing the report from the visitor.For the affairs of the human race, you still have to rely on yourself.In the war between the two clans, the unification of the human race was in sight, so he had to worry about it, because it was related to his position as the human emperor.

In the Kunlun Mountains, Yuanshi summoned Baihe Boy and said to him: "Go and ring the golden bell, and call your brothers and sisters, I have something important to tell you!"

"Yes, master!" Boy Baihe bowed and stepped back.

Soon, Yuanshi's major disciples came to the main hall of Yuxu Palace.

"Meet the teacher!"

All the disciples looked at Yuanshi, who was more and more majestic, and bowed down.

"Well, I called you here today as a teacher to inform everyone that the final battle for the Human Emperor is about to begin. If you are willing, you can go to help your nephew Ji Xuanyuan and help her obtain the Witness Emperor status "Yuan Shi glanced at the crowd and saw that the cultivation bases of the crowd had not fallen, and among them, Guang Chengzi and Kong Xuan had broken through to the quasi-sage, which made him very pleased.He said lightly.

"Remember, I am not afraid of anyone in teaching, if anyone bullies me, I will beat him back!"

"Yes, teacher!" Everyone heard this, their eyes flickered, and they didn't know what they were thinking, but at least on the surface they all respected Yuan Shi.

"En." Yuan Shi let out a soft sound, and then disappeared.

All the disciples look at me and I look at you, at least on the surface they are amiable.Everyone said to Guang Chengzi:

"Eldest brother, I'm willing to help, if there is anything I can help, just say it."

"Thank you all juniors!"

Guang Chengzi naturally has nothing to do, although they will share a lot of the merits of the emperor, but there is no way, who makes Chi You, a demon god comparable to the ancestor witch, too powerful, and his Jiuli demon soldiers are even more powerful. It's frightening.

It is not only the Chanjiao family who value the merits of the Emperor in the world, the Heavenly Court, the Western Sect, etc. are also eyeing it.Heavenly Court sent Nine Heavens Xuannv to help Xuanyuan, which meant that everyone could see that the West even wanted to send Maitreya to obtain a share of merit, but it was resisted by the Eastern Immortal Realm. When he was the teacher, he had already made it clear and agreed to the outside world.

This battle has attracted the attention of countless people in the prehistoric age. Among them, not only the human race, but the other hundred races, even the dragon race, have shown signs of coming back. Now that the human race is in civil strife, no one wants the human race to be unified, otherwise there will be no one from the ancient hundred races. status.

The ancient dragon, phoenix, and unicorn clans battled, and hundreds of prehistoric clans participated in it, and finally ended up in the end. With the help of the civil war of the human race, seize the position of the overlord of the world.

These things cannot be ignored by the human race, and no one wants to have a group of enemies running from behind to sneak attack during a big battle.


In the human race, there is the Xiong clan.Guang Chengzi led the educating people to meet Emperor Xuanyuan.

"Xuanyuan met the teacher, met all the master uncles."

Gongsun Xuanyuan looked at the dozen or so Taoist priests with different descriptions and extraordinary manners in front of him, and said respectfully.He had already seen these people in Kunlun Mountain back then, so he was not very curious.Moreover, he also knows the abilities of his senior teachers and uncles, and this time he has something to ask for, so he respects them very much.

"Well, Xuanyuan doesn't need to be too polite!"

Guang Chengzi laughed.He is very satisfied with Xuanyuan, his apprentice, his cultivation base has improved rapidly, and he is now a Daluo Jinxian. He is decisive in killing and attacking others, and he also respects his master very much.

"The emperor doesn't need to be too polite."

Kong Xuan and other disciples did not dare to receive such a big gift from the Emperor for no reason. After the Emperor's enlightenment, his status is equal to that of a saint. They did not dare to let the Emperor salute.

"Xuanyuan." Guang Chengzi looked at Gongsun Xuanyuan and asked, "How about Chi You when I'm not here?"

"Hey——" Gongsun Xuanyuan sighed, and said, "That guy Chi You is really powerful. I have lost a lot to the Xiong tribe in several battles."

Thinking of how many people had been lost in the battle, Gongsun Xuanyuan couldn't help but feel dark, with a look of regret on his face.

"Xuanyuan doesn't have to worry, now that all the immortals are here, I am naturally not afraid of him, the demon god Chi You." Guang Chengzi laughed.

"En." Seeing this, Gongsun Xuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "I will wait for the decisive battle in Zhulu in a month, and then I will need the help of all the masters."

"I will help myself to help the Emperor get rid of that Chi You." Everyone nodded.

All the immortals gathered together, only waiting for the final decisive battle. The battle between the emperors is also the day of the unification of the human race.


(End of this chapter)

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