Chapter 227

The war is approaching, and recently, gods from all walks of life have come to help, there are loose cultivators from all over the prehistoric area, and people from various sects. These people are all here to promote the merits of the emperor.After all, merit is a good thing, everyone wants it.

Even the dragon clan guarding the four seas appeared and sent Yinglong to help.

The Dragon Clan was also the protagonist of the world. It was glorious for a while, but the magical powers were not as good as the sky. A catastrophe between the dragon and the phoenix caused the three clans to retreat and withdraw from the prehistoric stage. The Dragon Clan took the initiative to guard the world and survived.

The Haotian God of the Heavenly Court and the Golden Mother of Yaochi sent the Nine Heavens Xuannv and led some heavenly soldiers to help them.

For these, the Xianjiao immortals naturally had no good looks, after all, there are not many merits and virtues in the first place, and no one will be happy if they are divided by others.However, they came to help, and they didn't say much.Explaining and teaching the immortals is basically the strength of the Da Luo Jinxian, coupled with many magic weapons, there is no need to worry about accidents.


A month later.

Gongsun Xuanyuan and Chi You are in the field of vying for the deer, and they want to have a showdown to win the king and defeat the enemy, and compete for the position of emperor.

I saw that on the battlefield, there was a huge momentum, a grand scene, and a monstrous momentum, rushing straight to the sky.

In the sky above the army formation on Jiuli's side, black clouds and evil spirit gathered into a large area, covering the sky and covering the sun, billowing black smoke straight into the sky, the demon power was overwhelming, and the murderous intent was pressing.

In the black clouds, you can see ghosts flying, blood qi fluctuating, dark green flames flying, black smoke transforming everything, sometimes turning into a black dragon, roaring endlessly, sometimes turning into a black tiger, roaring up to the sky, sometimes turning into a demon god, killing sound Shocking...

The black smoke billowed up and down endlessly, and the wind gusted, making shrill screams.

Chi You is the great witch left behind after the great war between the three tribes of Lich and Monster in ancient times. His strength has already reached the peak of the great witch, even comparable to the ancestor witch, and can fight against the quasi-sage.He is proficient in witchcraft, and most of the Jiuli people practice witchcraft and worship demon gods. His strength is overwhelming, and demons are intimidating.It is completely different from Xuanyuan's side, this is the fierce power of killing, and the demon god Chi You is not just talking.

Looking at Gongsun Xuanyuan's side again, the human army is arranged according to the mysterious array of seven stars, eight trigrams, nine palaces, and ten directions, forming an absolute domain, neatly arranged, and forming a large array. The blue light and mysterious energy are all over the sky, and the evolution of dragons, unicorns, rosefinch, basalt and other divine beasts are not inferior to the formation of the Jiuli clan.

Gongsun Xuanyuan has been to Kunlun Mountain. As a disciple of Chanjiao, he has also entered the Immortal God Building and the Three Realms Building, and has read various formations. The military formation is naturally among them, and it is also the top.The law of war, the formation of troops, etc., as the emperor, he naturally needs to work hard in this area.Moreover, before leaving, Yuan Shi let him go through the life of the emperor again, so he naturally knew what to do.

The armies of both sides are each in the millions. Looking from the top to the bottom, they are so densely packed that it is frightening to death.

Although the army has a large number of people and its momentum is overwhelming, in the final analysis, it is just a foil.

The real strength and the final result still depend on the high-end combat power of both sides.

That is to say, the existence of Jinxian and above on both sides, such as the many Daluo Jinxian who explained the teachings, and the great witches of the Jiuli tribe, the duel between them determines the victory or defeat of both sides.Although the army of ordinary monks is large in number, they are not strong enough. No matter how many people there are, it is useless. A monk with strong magic power can kill a large number of people with a wave of his hand.

Everyone knows this truth, so at the beginning it was a battle between top monks.

On the side of Jiuli, a [-]-foot-tall man walked out of the head of the generals, holding a black magic knife with bloody light mixed with demon energy in his hand, and shouted loudly:
"Xuanyuan, you want to defeat my Jiuli tribe just because of you. You really want to die. If you don't surrender quickly, you won't end up with no bones left!"

This person is Chi You, the demon god, sometimes called him "God of Soldiers". What he holds in his hand is his demon soldier tiger soul sword. It is said that it was refined by killing a white tiger. The soul of the white tiger is sealed in it and can devour blood. Swallow the soul, keep evolving, the more enemies you kill, the stronger the magic knife will be.Now that Chi You has killed countless people, the power of this knife is already comparable to most innate spirit treasures.

Facing the immortals in Xuanyuan at this moment, he didn't think that he would lose, he never thought that he would lose, because he had the capital.

He himself is a top witch, with a strong body, can fight quasi-sage, and is the closest to the existence of the ancestor witch.

Among the Daluo Jinxian and the Dawu, he is also the strongest, and he also participated in the Three Clans War back then.No matter how strong Gongsun Xuanyuan is, he is only a Daluo Jinxian. He has cultivated for a much shorter time than him, and he only pays a little attention to it. If it hadn't been for his sudden rise recently, he would not have taken it seriously.

Moreover, the most important thing is that he also has top wizards on his side, such as Rain Master and Feng Bo.These are not the human-human-shaman hybrids, the Rain Emperor Yubo and the Fenghuang Fenghou, but the direct descendants of the Water Ancestor Witch and the Wind Ancestor Witch. They are the second generation of the Witch Clan. Just weak.

Moreover, he also believed that his Jiuli Demon Soldiers would not be defeated.The Jiuli Demon Soldier is a legendary warrior composed of nine thousand powerful witch clan powerhouses, including 81 of his brothers, 81 great witches comparable to the Great Luo Jinxian.Although, that's just an ordinary big witch.Jiuli's magic soldiers have always been invincible and invincible, and they have always been frightening.

On Xuanyuan's side, although it seems that there are many immortals coming to court, there are also quasi-sages and Daluo Jinxians, but the number is not as large as his great witch, so he is not worried.

Faced with Chi You's shout, Gongsun Xuanyuan was not afraid, stepped forward and said loudly:
"Bold Chi You, your reckless use of swords and weapons has caused chaos among the human race and devastated the human race. Heaven and earth will not tolerate it. If you retreat at this time, you will be saved from catastrophe. If you do not follow, you will be punished by heaven!"

"Haha, scourge? A joke, is it up to you? Haha..."

Chi You laughed loudly after hearing this, his tone was full of disdain and arrogance, obviously he didn't take them seriously.

At the same time, Chi You felt a little desolate in his heart. Thinking about how powerful the witch clan was in ancient times, the demons controlled the sky, and the witches dominated the land is not just talk.How weak the human race was at that time, and they needed to come to the witch race for protection. At that time, they still laughed at the weakness of the human race.But now...

The splendor of the Witch Clan and the Monster Clan has long since disappeared. The Witch Clan, there are no Witch Clans, only some Witch Clans are hiding in the wild lands, and the Human Race, which was so weak that they could be bullied at any time, has become the leader of the Lich Clan and the Witch Clan. The enemy has become the protagonist of the world, what an irony!
The prestige of the Wu clan is really lonely!

Gongsun Xuanyuan remained unmoved, and would not be afraid just because of the opponent's strength. His Xuanyuan name was not in vain. If he still refuses to accept it, he will be killed.He wanted to fight decisively, facing the ancient great witch Chiyou, he was also a great Luo Jinxian, so he dared to fight.

The two have clashed many times, and although he has always been at a disadvantage, he is not without resistance.Chi You's strength has not increased much, but he has the luck of the human race, and his strength has been improving over the years, so it is still unknown who will win or lose in the end.

The body of the Wu clan is strong, and he has also practiced the seventh turn of the "Nine Turns of Xuan Gong" by Chanjiao. His body is comparable to that of a great witch, and he also has the method of cultivating the soul. Not afraid.

Gongsun Xuanyuan's performance made the immortals very satisfied, as worthy of being the emperor, this kind of demeanor is admirable, and it also greatly increased their confidence.The attitude of the leader of an army determines the face of the army.Since Xuanyuan is not afraid, they have nothing to be afraid of.

Seeing Gongsun Xuanyuan sinking into his dantian, he shouted loudly:
"Chi You, dare to fight!"


(End of this chapter)

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