My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 243 Bronze Coffin, Wheel Chapter Coffin?

Chapter 243 Bronze Coffin, Reincarnation Coffin?
After Yuanshi left Honghuangxing, he did not go to the Emperor Clan or the Holy Land in the starry sky, but came to a dead star deep in the starry sky.

There are people or things on this star that he is interested in.

This star is completely dead, there is no life on it, the whole star is also very special, it looks black as a whole, the earth in the star seems to be made of black iron, and when you look at it, the undulating mountains are all It was pitch black.At the very center of this star, there is a huge black mountain peak as high as tens of millions of feet, like a pillar of the sky, towering into the sky. On the top of the giant peak, there is a huge black hole, like a crater. It was pitch black, like an unfathomable abyss.

Yuan Shi's figure landed next to the huge black black hole, without attracting the slightest attention from others.Yuan Shi's eyes suddenly flooded with an incomparably bright light, and he looked into the depths of the abyss.

Inside the abyss, there is a dead silence, and what you can see are pieces of bones, which are randomly placed and piled up like a mountain.These skeletons are big and small, big ones are like huge mountains, small ones are like human beings, and some bones have a faint golden luster. Obviously, the skeletons were very repaired before they were alive. Even after countless years of death, the bones are still immortal !

Surrounded by a black and strange mist, it is easy for people to lose themselves. More importantly, in this mist, there is a strong resentment and the power of death, which cannot be touched easily. will die.

In the center of the many skeletons is a black pool with a radius of tens of feet. The black pool is quiet and far-reaching, full of dead silence, without the slightest wave. The pool is like a black mirror, so black that it shines.

In the center of the pool, a small island with a size of tens of feet rises. The small island is still pitch black. It seems that there is no other color except black here.

On the small island, there is an altar, and on the altar, there is a bronze coffin.

The purpose of Yuan Shi's trip was precisely the small bronze coffin.

This coffin is called the reincarnation coffin. It is said that it existed before the heaven and the earth were split, and it can bring people back to life.

The reincarnation coffin has only existed in legends, and no one has seen it before, but now it appears in front of Yuanshi.

What's more, the reincarnation coffin, the word reincarnation is enough to express everything.

Resurrection may be only part of the ability of reincarnation coffin, if not, only the ability of rebirth, how can it be comparable to Good Fortune Qinglian.

Yuan Shi jumped into the abyss without any scruples about the countless strange fogs of death and the piles of corpses that rushed towards him.


A melodious and far-reaching bell sounded, and a chaotic big clock appeared above Yuanshi's head, and the big clock covered him. As soon as the bell rang, all evil spirits were warded off, and the weird mist covering the entire space receded like a tide in an instant. .

Yuan Shi walked to the edge of the pool, the pool was terribly quiet, and Yuan Shi felt a strong sense of death in it.

"Hey! It turned out to be the power of death condensed. With so much power of death, how many people should die?"

Yuan Shi was deeply surprised. At first he thought it was just some kind of dark water that he didn't know, but after careful observation, he realized that the force of death in this pool was condensed.You must know that the power of death is not so easy to condense. Dozens of people die to condense a drop, and it must be in a special environment. Otherwise, it is impossible to succeed. It will dissipate as soon as it is condensed. But such a big pool...

In this way, how many people died?

"This power of death should be a special product of the underworld. I heard that the god of death is the innate god residence formed by the condensed source of death." Yuan Shi was a little uncertain.

Yuan Shi looked at it for a while, then turned his attention to the altar on the central island and the bronze coffin on it.After looking at it for a while, Yuan Shi seemed to understand something, and murmured: "So, the secret of reincarnation coffin is so, the ultimate of death is life, and the mystery of reincarnation is the mystery between life and death? No , I'm afraid it's not that simple."

"The reincarnation coffin is getting more and more interesting." Yuan Shi stretched out his hand and grabbed the bronze coffin on the altar. At the same time, he also saw the person lying in the coffin, or the dead person.

"Is the emperor?"

When Yuanshi rolled his eyes, he understood a lot.When he entered this world, it was already in the Middle Ages, the three ancient emperors had already proved the Tao, and the five emperors began to compete.At that time, the Three Emperors had disappeared.Then the five emperors also disappeared one by one. They probably came to the starry sky to avenge their past.

It's just that the Imperial Clan and the Holy Land have a rich background, and there are supreme masters sitting in command, revenge is not so easy.Now it seems that they have failed, and the price of failure is death.It's just that Xuanyuan was lucky and got a reincarnation coffin that can bring the dead back to life.Fuxi is because the person behind him is not simple. He got a Qijueqin from an unknown world, which brought him to the prehistoric.

Yuan Shi shook his head, lamenting that the prehistoric times in this world are really miserable. The heavenly court that ruled the world in the age of mythology was destroyed, the supreme beings were all dead, and the three emperors and five emperors were all dead. It's weak.

"Huh, the power of death is dissipating?" Yuan Shi let out a light snort, he found that the "water pool" was being evaporated, he thought for a while, and then he understood. "It turns out that the coffin of reincarnation is gathering the power of death. Now that the coffin of reincarnation is taken by me, there is nothing to suppress it, and the power of death will dissipate."

"Waste is shameful." Yuanshi took a black bottle from nowhere, squeezed the seal formula with his hand, and the surging power of death was collected into the black bottle. A bottle that can hold the power of death is no small matter.

After absorbing the power of death, Yuan Shi turned his attention to the bronze coffin in his hand again.

"Huh? The principle of bringing the dead back to life with the reincarnation coffin is like this. A soul is bred in the corpse to replace the dead soul. The new soul will swallow the memory of the corpse. This is considered to be a resurrection." Yuan Shi saw the emperor's face. In this state, one can almost see the essence of bringing the dead back to life.

"It's just, is such a person still the original him?" Yuan Shi shook his head and sighed.He knew that doing so would have sequelae, ranging from memory loss to becoming a monster who can only kill.

"Hey, no, there is something strange about this bronze coffin, it's far more than that simple on the surface." Yuan Shi began to open his eyes and looked at the bronze coffin carefully. After a long time, he opened his mouth and said:

"It's a good plan, it's a good plan! You actually want to use this coffin to cultivate a real immortal corpse puppet! The real function of this coffin is not to bring the dead back to life, but... Looking at it now, I'm afraid this coffin is not called the reincarnation coffin."

"This coffin is not without an owner, but the real owner is not in this universe, then it is a foreign land. And the owner of this coffin is at least a true immortal."

After the invincible supreme is the real immortal.True Immortal is the name of this world. A true Immortal in this world means to jump out of the long river of fate and cut off the past and future, which is equivalent to the Great Luo Jinxian in the wild.

In this world, only the Dao ancestor and the Allah of a foreign land have reached this level. According to legend, the Dao ancestor led the Allah away during the battle, and then both disappeared. I am afraid that this matter is not that simple.From this point of view, this coffin is very likely to belong to Allah.

As for the purpose of Allah leaving this coffin in the starry sky is also very clear, to prepare for the future attack on the starry sky.

At this moment, Yuan Shi looked at the emperor in the coffin with a different look. He was such a sad child, and he would be calculated when he died.

"Forget it, because you are also called Xuanyuan, I will help you out. As a reward, this bronze coffin is mine."

Yuan Shi shook his head, stretched out his hand and moved the emperor out of the bronze coffin, let him hang in the air, stretched out his hand, a jade bottle appeared in his hand, and gently poured out a drop of emerald green liquid. After the liquid appeared, It quietly floated in the air, and the brilliance flowed like morning dewdrops.After several breaths of time, the brilliance was restrained, without the slightest breath coming out, just like a drop of ordinary green liquid.

This is the morning dew of life, life and death, flesh and bones no longer matter, just one drop contains countless vitality, it is comparable to the mother of the tree of life.

This is Yuanshi's harvest in the chaos. He killed a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian level wood creature in the chaos. He only extracted ten drops, and each drop was priceless.

Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian has jumped to another level of life, and the essence of his body is transformed, which is a great supplement to the emperor who has not yet become Da Luo Jinxian.

The green water droplets entered from between the Human Sovereign's brows, and spread to his whole body in just an instant, nourishing his body, which is much stronger than the power of life transformed from the power of death.

"There is still the soul. After all, the time to die is too long, trouble!"

Yuanshi's ten fingers moved together, and they kept moving in Renhuang's eyebrows, temples, chest, heart, dantian, and Tanzhong, and made a series of mysterious and complicated movements.

"Soul Gathering!"

Yuan Shi let out a low cry, and his ten fingers suddenly shone brightly. The colorful streamers moved with his ten fingers, and a mysterious force came together, followed Yuan Shi's ten fingers, and flowed into the Emperor's body.

In the end, Yuan Shiyi pointed at the center of Renhuang's eyebrows, and suddenly his light shone brightly, and finally calmed down quickly.

"Okay, the soul is reborn and needs to be cultivated. This is a good place. You can repair it here. After a hundred years, you should wake up, and your strength will break through."

In the end, Yuanshi moved the sleeping Emperor into the altar, and set up restrictions here to prevent outsiders from coming in to make trouble.

Yuan Shi looked up at the distance, stepped out and disappeared.


(End of this chapter)

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