My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 244 Allah, Slaying the Immortal Terrace, Dao Ancestor

Chapter 244 Allah, Slaying the Immortal Terrace, Dao Ancestor (fourth update)

The border gate has always been a battlefield between foreign lands and local monks. It was from here that foreign lands attacked the starry sky. At the same time, this is also the ultimate pass for the king's trial, and it is also the place where the cosmic boundary wall is located.

On this day, Yuan Shi came to the border in a red dress. Looking at the border where the corpses were piled up, he was quite moved. War is always the cruelest. I really don’t know if Hong Huang will launch a border war one day. If If there is such a day, what should he do?
He walked forward step by step, completely ignoring the eyes of others.

"Look, what does that man want to do?" Someone in the distance spotted Yuan Shi and exclaimed.


"Look, that person is gone." One said excitedly.

Looking in the direction the man pointed, I saw a huge crack slowly healing, and the endless chaotic air around it surged and destroyed the surroundings. If it weren't for the large guard here, I'm afraid it would have suffered.

"Just now that person actually tore open the boundary wall with his bare hands! Am I right?" The man's voice carried an unbelievable expression.

"That's right, it's indeed unarmed, but I didn't expect to see the Supreme Power?"


Yuan Shi, who has disappeared, didn't care about this matter. He came to the chaos and was already familiar with it. The chaotic space is still the same monotonous and endless.Yuanshi was in the chaos and saw a huge road leading to the distance.He immediately knew that this was the path arranged by the Almighty, which could make those low-level monks enter chaos.

Not everyone can enter the chaotic space. If the cultivation base is low and cannot stop the erosion of chaos, they will die. This way can solve such problems.In order to attack the starry sky, the foreign land really spent a lot of thought.

Yuan Shi flew over along the road, and soon saw the boundary wall of another universe.


At this moment, a loud shout rang out, accompanied by a powerful supreme coercion pressing towards Yuanshi.Yuan Shi looked for the sound, but saw a big man with two horns on his head and wings on his back guarding the boundary wall.Behind him, there are dozens of people, all of whom are at the level of kings, and they are staring at Yuan Shi closely at this moment.

"Space confinement."

Yuan Shi didn't talk nonsense, he directly imprisoned the surrounding space, and turned his vitality into a big hand to hold the Supreme Supreme in his hand, while the others took advantage of the situation and smashed it to pieces. Yuan Shi had no interest in foreign powerhouses.

"Soul search!"

Without even asking, Yuanshi directly started a compulsory soul search. He wanted to know the situation in the foreign land. As the Supreme Being, this person should know a lot.


The man screamed, and being directly searched for his soul was like being torn apart, making him in agony.After a long time, Yuan Shi slapped the man to death, and he had already given the news he wanted.

He directly tore open the boundary wall and entered the foreign land.The world that this foreigner lives in is different from the previous world. In this world, there is only one continent of life in the entire universe, which is like an independent world. Unlike before, there are countless life planets in the starry sky, and this universe is also It is infinitely smaller than the previous universe.

No wonder there is a boundary war. Compared to this place, the starry sky is like a big cake. There are countless places to live and endless resources. It will make people crazy.

Yuan Shi didn't bother to check carefully, he directly swept out his powerful divine sense unscrupulously, and scanned the entire continent in an instant, and the situation of the entire continent appeared in his "vision".

"Who dares to be so presumptuous!"



There was an extremely strong supreme coercion rising from several places. They felt Yuan Shi's unscrupulous glance, and they were furious and wanted to come out to stop it.


Yuan Shi faintly uttered a word, stretched out a finger, and slowly pointed at a supreme being.

"Immortal, how could it be? How can there be immortals in this world?" The man was horrified. He couldn't even muster up the courage to resist in front of that finger. The aura was too great and vast.

After killing that person, Yuan Shi kept on shooting out several chaotic sword qi, killing the remaining supreme beings.

"You really surprised me, I didn't expect there to be a master like you in this world."

At this moment, in this universe, a powerful aura that surpassed the Supreme suddenly rose, destroying the chaotic sword energy that Yuan Shi casually shot out. At the same time, a figure walked out of the void. It was a middle-aged man with a red body. Brocade robe, red hair, a single horn on the head, and a pair of real phoenix fire feathers burning raging fire on the back.

"Your appearance makes me very interested. I have something on you."

The man squinted his eyes, looked at Yuan Shi, and said lightly.Although he doubted that he couldn't see through this person's cultivation, he was confident that he would not lose.In my heart, I just thought that this person had some secret method or treasure, which covered up his breath.He didn't care, even Daozu was killed by him, let alone other people.

"Is that what you're talking about?" Yuan Shi said calmly, and slowly took out a bronze coffin from his sleeve.

"The reincarnation coffin, I didn't expect that you took away the things I left behind." The middle-aged man said.

"Is it a coffin?" Yuan Shi whispered, looked at the man in front of him, and said lightly: "God, I ask you a question, do you know why there can't be immortals in this world, and there will be a platform to cut immortals when you cross the catastrophe?"

Allah was not surprised that the other party was able to call out his name. On the contrary, it was the question asked by the other party that made his eyes shrink, as if he had just thought of something, he sneered and said: "There is no fairy, what is this seat?" ? As for why there were no immortals before, it was because they died."

"Die on the Severing Immortal Platform?"

"That's right, they all died on the Immortal-Zhantai. As for why the Immortal-Zhantai appeared when they became immortals, it was because the sky was about to hunt them." Allah believed in his own strength, so he didn't hide these things and said it out.

"Hunting? Immortal?" Yuan Shi was thoughtful.

"Not just immortals, sometimes supreme."

"I see." Yuan Shi seemed to understand something.

"Boy, how can there be so many problems, I'd better die obediently to this seat!" As he said, Allah stretched out his big hand and grabbed Yuan Shi fiercely. There was an extremely fierce force in the big hand. The Supreme Being had just been touched. It exploded into blood mist, and the space was a little distorted.Obviously, this Allah is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He uses all his strength when he makes a move, and he is either killed or injured.

"I heard that this coffin is called the reincarnation coffin, so I will use this coffin to send you to the next life." Yuan Shi said indifferently, playing with the bronze coffin in his hand.

"go with!"

Yuan Shi flicked his fingers, and the bronze coffin in his hand flew out quickly, and at the same time, it was also growing rapidly, breaking through the mahamudra of Allah in an instant, and suppressing it towards Allah.

"Huh, there are still two things left. Back then, I was able to kill Dao Patriarch, so you still want to send me to die?" Allah said with a disdainful smile, and then the real phoenix and fire feathers spread out behind his back, covering the sky and covering the sun, and killed Yuanshi.

Yuan Shi smiled and said lightly: "Oh? Are you sure you killed Dao Zu?"

Seeing Allah killing him, Yuanshi reacted without haste. Allah's cultivation was perfect in Daluo, but after all, he did not break through the quasi-sage, and Yuanshi had already completed the quasi-sage. To deal with Allah, Yuanshi could suppress it at will, but he Didn't do that.

"Of course Daozu was killed by me." Allah didn't know, so he didn't explain, waved his spear, and killed Yuanshi.

"Allah, be safe and sound!" At this moment, an abrupt voice sounded.

"Taozu!" Allah's face changed drastically, but before he could see the other party, a huge hand pressed down from the top of his head. This hand looked ordinary, but it carried infinite power, and it hit directly on the opponent. behind Allah.


Allah's entire back collapsed, and when he turned his head, he saw an old man with white hair in a Taoist robe walking out of the void.

"You are not dead!" Allah's face was ugly, and his face was full of surprise and doubt.

"You're not dead, how can poor Taoist die?" Daozu said with a calm expression on his face.

"How is it possible that you didn't die? You were able to escape from there, it's impossible!" Allah's face was full of disbelief.

"The reincarnation coffin is just to send you to rebirth, you talk too much nonsense." At this moment, a huge bronze coffin fell from the sky, crushing Allah's body, and at the same time the coffin mouth opened, and a blue light flashed, dragging his body inside, The coffin lid closes automatically.

"Ah! How is it possible?"

Allah yelled, I still can't believe it until now, I will die on my own weapon in the end, but unfortunately, even the primordial spirit was obliterated in the end.

"I've met a fellow Taoist, but don't know the name of the fellow?" Daozu took a deep look at the person in front of him, and felt that he was unfathomable. Seeing him put away the reincarnation coffin, he asked.

"The name of Yuan Shi, Dao ancestor, has long been heard like thunder. I never thought that I would meet a real person today. It's a pleasure to meet you!"


(End of this chapter)

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