Chapter 245 Dark Invasion
Looking at the space turbulence that could destroy everything in front of him, a storm blew past, and the surrounding space was instantly shattered, leaving nothing behind.

"The place you mentioned is here." Yuan Shi looked at the storm in front of him and said calmly.

"That's right, it's here, and that's the purpose of my trip." Daozu nodded.

"I hope I can't guess wrong, but I want to see, who did this decapitation? What's the purpose?" Yuan Shi said lightly.

"Let's go!"

As he spoke, Yuan Shi took the lead to walk forward, seeing the extremely violent space turbulence, even Yuan Shi's strong body couldn't hold it back, his mind moved, and immediately there was a big chaotic clock on his head, the big clock protected the body , was able to let him wander in this turbulent time and space.

When Daozu saw the chaotic clock above Yuanshi's head, his eyes froze. He couldn't see through it at all. What kind of treasure is this?The person in front of him who called himself Yuanshi was really not simple.At the same time, he also took out his magic weapon, a piece of cyan jade, which was suspended above his head, continuously emitting cyan light, buffering the turbulent flow of the surrounding space.

"Good Fortune Jade?"

Seeing this scene, Yuan Shi shrank his eyes and asked.

"That's right, this is the magic weapon of the poor, the Jade Book of Creation." Daozu replied.

"Yeah." Yuan Shi nodded and didn't say much.But I was thinking in my heart, similar worlds, similar endings, similar characters, similar magic weapons, there are too many similarities between this world and the prehistoric.Is there really such a world in the heavens and worlds, and will there be more similar worlds? Then which world is the main world, the only true world, and what is the eternal world?
All this is a mystery, there are too many unknowns, waiting for Yuanshi to explore, but how far can he go on this road of exploring the unknown?


The farther you go, the more intense the storm will be. Most true immortals will probably not be able to live here for an hour or three. In a short time, they will be broken into pieces and blown away with the space storm.

Fortunately, both of them are not ordinary people, and both of them are suppressed by treasures, as long as they are careful not to be swept away by the storm and fall into an unknown dimensional space, even though they are walking slowly, they are at least safe.

After advancing for about three hours, the two finally survived the chaotic space storm without any risk. However, the danger of Jiuding passed, and a new crisis came again.

The two stepped into a brand new area, and all they could see was gray, the sky was gray, the earth was also gray, and an indescribably dangerous wave roared towards them.


The sound, like the wind blowing sand grains, came continuously from the depths of the restricted zone. It seemed slight, but it contained an unparalleled destructive force, as if it wanted to destroy everything.


Yuan Shi looked around, and saw a gray mist appearing in the space at some point, and then, he could see a black air current rushing from the horizon like a tide, the sound was still very weak, so if you don't listen carefully, I can't hear it at all, like the sound of falling leaves, rustling, very soft, and there is no hint of violence at all.

But such tenderness also contained a great crisis, as if being stared at by the god of death, unable to escape or hide.It was a very depressing atmosphere, from far to near, like the gentleness of death.

The black mist contains extremely strong dark energy, which also includes the atmosphere of curse, corrosion, infection, pollution, etc., and it also contains a strong sense of death. Handle carelessly.


There was a slight sound, and the black mist seemed to have eyes, and invaded directly towards the two of them.What surprised Yuan Shi next was that the resistance of the Chaos Clock could not resist this black mist.

The mist penetrated directly through the defense of Chaos Clock and attacked Yuan Shi.Yuan Shi hurriedly circulated the body-protecting qi, and the body-protecting qi finally played a role, resisting the black mist, but soon Yuan Shi's face became ugly, because the qi was consumed too quickly, and those qi were very fast. It was soon swallowed by the black matter. As soon as the black mist entered Yuanshi's body, it began to plunder and devour madly. Endless black breath gushed out, trying to pollute every cell in Yuanshi's body.

What made Yuanshi feel absurd was that he seemed to feel the vitality in this black mist. These black mist seemed to be composed of creatures that were countless times smaller. This kind of creature carried dark energy, mixed with curses, Decay, waiting for energy, at this moment, what Yuanshi thought of was the zombie infected by the virus. The reason why the zombie became a zombie was because his own body control was controlled by the virus, and his consciousness disappeared. He was like a walking dead, unable to live or die. self.

Now the situation on my body is very similar to that of zombies, those black substances are like viruses, they are crazily destroying the tissues and cells in my body, and vying for the control of my body, but these things are more than ten million times more powerful than viruses.

Yuan Shi was not in a hurry, because he found a familiar power from some black matter-dark breath.He is also proficient in the Dark Dao, and he had killed the Dark Demon God back then.

Thinking of this, Yuanshi mobilized the dark principles in his body to attack the black substances that invaded his body, and the result was very effective. Some of the black substances that invaded his body were forced out of the body, but the effect was limited and could not be completely eliminated. forced out.

The law of darkness in Yuanshi is also different from these dark substances. If the darkness in Yuanshi is orthodox, then the dark breath in these black substances is evil and disgusting. If the darkness in Yuanshi is positive, then these black substances The one is negative, the two are right, but not completely opposite.

Yuan Shi also experimented with other Taoist supernatural powers in turn, and found that the Taoism or treasures of the light attribute can basically be suppressed. Yuan Shi was overjoyed, and the two ways of darkness and light were intertwined in the body, dispelling those strange black substances.

Yuanshi looked at Daozu next to him, and saw that Daozu seemed to have been prepared for a long time. He was not invaded by black matter, or he had a way to deal with black matter, but he didn't say it before. Yuanshi took a deep look at Daozu, Without saying much, he continued to move forward.

Whether it was a temptation to him or ulterior motives, Yuan Shi didn't care about it.It's just that at this moment, he kept an extra eye on this Dao ancestor.

"Daoyou's ability to force this black mist out of his body with his own strength, I admire it!" Daozu said to Yuanshi.

"I have to admire fellow daoist. It's amazing that fellow daoist can resist this weird black substance! If I didn't have some magic weapon, I'm afraid I would have died." Yuan Shi pretended to be a little scared, and he didn't say it was on his own The laws force out the black matter, but push everything to the magic weapon.

"Daoyou is lucky, there is a treasure of light, I admire it!" Daozu also thought that Yuan Shi used the magic weapon, and he didn't doubt it too much.

"Fellow Daoist is a bit embarrassing, you actually knew about this earlier, why didn't you say it before?" Yuan Shi said lightly.

"Pindao was tricked into this place last time by Allah. Fortunately, I was lucky. I happened to have a magic weapon on my body to restrain this weird black mist. As for why I didn't say it, I thought fellow Daoists already knew about it." Daozu said.

"Ha ha."

Yuanshi has nothing to say, already knew?Now that I know, do I still need you to lead the way?
The two didn't speak for a moment, and continued to walk forward.

I don't know how far they walked, let alone how long they walked. Suddenly, the two suffered the first attack outside the black mist. A powerful force actually hid in the black mist, avoiding the perception of the two of them. , Boom over here.


The Chaos Divine Bell swayed lightly, the peerless power and brilliance flickered, blocking this powerful blow, and at the same time, the two of them also saw clearly the shadow in the black mist.

That's a shape creature!


(End of this chapter)

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