My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 248 The Horror Truth

Chapter 248 The Frightening Truth (Fourth Update)

The further they advanced, the thicker the darkness became. In the end, the two of them simply gave up resisting this dark substance, and just kept their hearts close to their souls.The soul is the most mysterious place in the human body, once something goes wrong there, it will be over.

Fortunately, Yuanshi has already formed his own realm of spirit and soul, and there is even a chaotic clock to protect Yuanshen. There will be no accidents for the time being, but it may not be certain after a long time.

Stepping into the palace, they didn't know how far they walked. Before the deepest hall, the two stopped. They saw a layer of black light in front of them, covering the entire hall.

"There is a living creature!"

The two were shocked. Through the black light, they could faintly see a humanoid creature lying on the cloud-patterned jade bed above the main hall, motionless but extremely majestic.

Yuanshi's eyes shined, he operated his Dao eyes, penetrated layers of fog, and watched the people inside carefully.

Finally, he saw it clearly, in the dilapidated hall, on the dilapidated cloud bed, there was a black mist, and there was a person lying there.

His whole body was pitch black, and his body was dilapidated. The thick black mist emanated from his body, and he was the real origin of all dark matter.

All the darkness came from that corpse.

He was very dilapidated, as if he had been bombed, from head to lower limbs, it was very dilapidated.

More than half of the upper body is missing, only half of the head is left, and only the bones are left on the feet, and even the bones are pitch black.His chest cavity was also extremely tattered, a heart slightly bigger than a fist lay quietly there, extremely dark.

His whole body exudes an extremely evil aura, but at the same time, there is also a vast and boundless aura, and there is also a coercion and aura that far exceeds that of a strong Hunyuan.

Even if he is dead, he can do this, which shows how terrifying his cultivation base is.

The dark matter was completely emanating from his rotting body, thus infecting the palace, and then spreading outside, and spreading out into the entire mysterious realm.

Look carefully, there is a golden chain on his body, which binds him to the bed. At the same time, that layer of black light should also be suppressed here, but it is polluted by darkness and becomes black.

Yuanshi took a closer look and found nothing else, but the dark matter here made people feel very uncomfortable.Because the black substance is so thick that it almost turns into a liquid state, and it is necessary to assimilate them.

"The technique of cause and effect, retrospective restoration, time reversal, and the reappearance of the past!"

Yuan Shi shouted loudly, urging the supreme principle in his body, and began to deduce the past of this place according to the causal relationship.

Like the beginning of the world, this place began to evolve many scenes.


Yuanshi encountered great obstacles, because there are Hunyuan strongmen here, and this level of strongmen will naturally be deceived by themselves. If he did not use the technique of cause and effect to deduce, with his cultivation base, he would not be able to deduce anything.Even so, he will suffer a huge backlash.

Finally, he saw some vague but real scenes.

When he saw the corpse, he opened his eyes and spit out a large amount of black matter. He saw that countless essences were absorbed by this person to resist the dark matter in his body, and those essences... turned out to be The essence of those supreme or true immortals.

Obviously, these supreme beings or true immortals were the ones they encountered before, but they were claimed by Zhanxiantai, so Zhanxiantai was arranged by this person.

Moreover, Yuanshi also saw that after this person sucked away other people's principles and energy, some of the dark matter in his body would be expelled.

Yuan Shi felt dizzy for a while, and he understood that the source of all the troubles lies here, and the platform to kill immortals was also arranged by this person.

Later, he saw again that this person fell from a hole in the chaos, and fought with Pangu, who had just opened up the world in this world. During the battle, they broke the universe and shattered the law. He killed Pangu abruptly, and sucked away the essence of Pangu and this world. After that, he was unable to fight anymore, so he had to seal himself in the turbulent flow of time and space. Every million years, he would absorb some of the world's supreme or The real immortal came to replenish the essence.

At this point, Yuan Shi already knew everything. This person must have come from another higher-level interface. Because of the war, he was destroyed and landed here by accident.At the same time, he also knew that this world is not a small world, it is actually not much worse than Honghuang, it was only because of the great war that man absorbed most of the energy of this world, which caused the world to regress and degenerate into what it is today.

The picture is cut off from here, and above it, it is impossible to deduce where this person came from.


Yuan Shi gasped, his eyes widened, and he looked at the corpse in the temple, or it couldn't be regarded as a corpse, after all, he might still be alive.How terrifying is this person? Absorbing so much energy, he can only suppress the darkness and live on his last breath.So how terrifying is the person who fought against him?
On the other hand, Dao Ancestor next to him was not cultivated enough to see those pictures clearly, so he was not as horrified as Yuan Shi.But looking at Yuan Shi's expression, he roughly guessed what happened, and his expression was very heavy.

Yuan Shi looked at the main hall, pondered for a moment, then found a place to sit next to him, he was going to start a breakthrough, this matter is beyond his control, even if this person's body is broken and his cultivation base is greatly damaged, it's not that he doesn't have it Those who break through the Hunyuan can deal with it.

He can't control so much now, this matter can only be resolved by the deity.He took out the Taixuan Remnant Plaque and began to comprehend the Dao above. He needs to break through as soon as possible. This is no longer the time to worry about the dark matter. Anyway, he is just the corpse of the deity. He will be taken back sooner or later. He only needs to comprehend the Dao. No matter whether he is eroded by darkness or not, darkness is also a terrible way. He is not afraid of the original way. On the contrary, the original way comes and never refuses. Such things are so beneficial.

Seeing this, the Taoist ancestor next to him asked, "Did fellow Taoist understand the reason for this incident?"

Yuan Shi looked at him indifferently, and said: "Yes, this matter is what he did, but this matter is too much beyond your and my ability, I advise fellow Taoists to leave it alone."

Daozu was also silent when he heard the words. He is not the kind of person who doesn't know the importance. From Yuanshi's words, he already knows a lot. Yuanshi didn't dare to care about this matter, let alone him.He watched Yuanshi comprehend the remnant plaque, and asked again:

"Has fellow Daoist ever found a way to solve the darkness in us?"

"No!" Yuan Shi replied lightly, this time he didn't even lift his eyelids.


Seeing this, Daozu didn't say anything, he also sat down and comprehended the Dao on the plaque. He has already seen the next realm, and he must be able to break through in a short time. If he breaks through, he must be able to find a way.

In this way, the two found a place and began to comprehend the Taixuan Dao. No one knew when the characters in the palace would wake up, and they needed time to break through.


I don't know how long it took, Yuanshi woke up and found that the dark matter could not invade the soul deep in his soul. In his soul, a small white flame was burning quietly, and no one could get close to it. The black matter As soon as he approached, he was burned by the white flame.

Soul fire!

Yuanshi was surprised for a while, and he didn't expect the fire of the soul to have such an effect.But after thinking about it carefully, he also understood that the fire of the soul is a kind of fire of will, the fire of hope, and the invasion of his soul by black matter is equivalent to taking him away. How can the fire of the soul be tolerated? .

"The fire of the soul can burn dark matter, then..." Yuanshi's mind moved slightly, intentionally drawing the black matter deep into the soul.Sure enough, no matter what it is, as long as it invades the soul, it will be burned by the fire of the soul.

"Huh? There's still something left, that's... the source of darkness?" Yuan Shi was surprised, but he didn't expect that the dark matter would be burnt, but some pure source of darkness remained.

The source of darkness is also the source of darkness, which is the source of the Tao. It can not only increase the cultivation base, but also enhance the understanding of the laws of the Dao. To the extreme, you can condense the origin of the Dao, also known as Daoyuan, Hunyuan, and Hunyuan.

The Dao is not a law, but it is related to the law. The Dao contains thousands of things, and there is no high or low, but the law has strengths and weaknesses.

The origin of darkness is a source of dao, and naturally it is also a kind of avenue. Yuanshi was overjoyed and refined it.After that, under Yuanshi's deliberate guidance, the dark matter was continuously burned and refined by the fire of the soul, leaving the original source for him to practice.

In this way, 500 years have passed.

On this day, a violent shock suddenly woke up Yuanshi who was immersed in comprehension.


(End of this chapter)

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