My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 249 Blasphemer of the Holy Lord——Kill Unforgiven

Chapter 249 Blasphemer of the Holy Lord——Kill Unforgiven
A huge shock exploded around him, Yuan Shi suddenly woke up, his spiritual thoughts swept away, it turned out that the Taoist ancestor beside him was breaking through the quasi-sage realm.

The Dao is ruthless, and the Dao condenses into a blade of nothingness, cutting towards the good thoughts condensed by itself, and finally, beside Dao Zu, a person in a white Taoist robe who is seven or eight times similar to him is condensed. This person gradually condenses from the illusion It became real, and finally jumped out completely. He held a purple palace in his hand, which was the spiritual treasure he used to kill the corpse-Zixiao Palace.

"I'm Zixiao, and I've met Daoist friends." The man smiled kindly at Daozu who was immersed in the breakthrough.

After a long time, Daozu woke up and looked at Zixiao with a slight smile. It felt so good to break through. He looked at Yuanshi at this moment, and suddenly he was not as invisible as before. It's the same realm now.

"Congratulations fellow daoist for breaking through to quasi-sage."

Yuan Shi looked at Dao Zu and congratulated him.At the same time, he felt somewhat complicated in his heart. The Dao ancestor is the Dao ancestor. Without anyone's teaching, he still used the method of beheading the corpse to break through the quasi-sage. In another flood, the method of beheading the corpse was created by the Dao ancestor. The same person, but the fate of the trajectory is still very similar, which is really a strange thing.

At the same time, he is also guessing, perhaps, this Taoist ancestor is a "he and I" body of Hongjun Taoist ancestor in the prehistoric world.There are countless similar "others and me", who is the real body and who is the corresponding body, I am afraid no one can tell.However, in the end, they cannot escape the fate of being fused.

"Congratulations, fellow Daoists must not be far away from breaking through." Daozu also congratulated Yuanshi.

Yuan Shi smiled and didn't answer. For the past 500 years, he has been comprehending the Dao, and at the same time refining the source of darkness.However, after all, he was influenced by some sources of darkness. His avenue is mainly based on darkness, and it incorporates some unique dark avenues of other Taoist stars.

The dark avenue is not the dark avenue, the dark avenue is dominated by black, supplemented by the other three thousand avenues, the avenue is condensed with darkness, and has all the characteristics of the dao, the more black laws condensed, the stronger the avenue, and the dark avenue The Dao is dominated by darkness, and darkness is not black. Darkness refers to all dark avenues, including darkness. The two are very similar, but not exactly the same.Among the three thousand demon gods, there are two kinds, the dark demon god and the original dark demon god. In fact, they are not alone.

Suddenly, Yuan Shi felt a strong death crisis. He suddenly looked up and looked into the depths of the hall, because he felt cold all over his body, as if falling into an ice cave, as if he was being targeted by something.

Daozu also felt the same way, and turned to look deep into the hall.

Sure enough, in the depths of the palace, in the dark mist, a pair of slightly empty eyes slowly opened, staring at the two of them, making them feel cold all over.

This person really didn't die!

The extremely powerful air mechanism completely locked the two of them, leaving them nowhere to escape. Yuan Shi had a feeling that if he just moved outward at this moment, he would be greeted by a powerful attack.Although there seemed to be a problem with this person's state, causing him to lose his mind, even if he was as strong as Yuan Shi, he didn't dare to test it out. He had a hunch that he might not be this person's opponent.

The same is true for Daozu. The two looked at each other and felt the weight in each other's hearts.

"Latecomers, where did you come from?" An extremely indifferent voice came, and after a long time, the corpse on the bed actually spoke and questioned the two of them.

"For you!"

Yuan Shi looked at the man in the dark depths indifferently and vigilantly, and replied lightly.In his opinion, it is impossible for the other party to let them go today, and they may even devour them to replenish their energy. Since they will be enemies sooner or later, naturally there is no need to waste words, and he is not a person who likes to gossip.

That flat voice made the man's eyes suddenly darkened, revealing an extremely terrifying aura, making the atmosphere even more dull.

"The blasphemer of the Holy Lord—Kill without pardon!" An indifferent yet majestic voice pierced through the darkness. The temple was trembling, the floating island was shaking, and the entire space seemed extremely fragile.

In the darkness, that layer of black light emitted gray light, enveloping the entire hall, and a layer of sealing power appeared, as if suppressing something. At the same time, the divine chain above the cloud bed also emitted golden light, enveloping the The corpse was firmly trapped, preventing him from moving.


In the darkness, the corpse exuding rotten aura made a loud sound and pierced through the black light.

A strong will came, through the black light, even though it was weakened a lot, it was still extremely powerful.The will directly invaded the primordial spirits of the two, trying to annihilate their will and then control their bodies.

That person's will was very domineering, with an aura of supremacy, he directly transformed into a huge palm that covered the sky, and grabbed the depths of the souls of the two of them.

Yuan Shi's body shook, and deep in his soul, the fire of the soul was burning fiercely. Seeing a powerful will invade, the flames showed a huge mountain, stabbing fiercely at the big hand transformed by the powerful will.


The big hand was shattered, turned into aura and scattered, but the fire of the soul was also uncomfortable, becoming crumbling and extremely dim.Although the fire of the soul is a good thing, and this thing is not something that can be obtained with a high cultivation base, it also needs a strong cultivation base to activate it, otherwise if the difference in strength is too large, no matter how powerful the fire of the soul is, it will be destroyed .

"Hmph, I'm not someone who only knows how to be beaten. If you make a move once, then come and try my trick." Yuan Shi snorted coldly, and he was very upset when he was attacked by someone. He was accidentally plotted against, and he had to fight back.

"The art of karma, cursing, pulling, and darkness erupting!"

Yuan Shi followed the huge line of karma in the dark, and used a strange and mysterious technique of karma, and cast a curse-killing technique on the line of karma, thus detonating the dark breath on the opponent.He knew that his karma could not deal with the opponent. After all, the gap in strength between the two sides was too great, and no matter how strong the supernatural power was, it would not be able to bridge the huge gap, and the opponent was afraid of the darkness, and even self-proclaimed, so detonating the darkness was a very good way.


Sure enough, the dark aura on the other party's body became violent all of a sudden, and Yuan Shi could even faintly see that there was a strange and strange black rune flashing on the other party's corpse. The rune was extremely complicated, but with Exuding a strong dark original breath.

"Ah, damn it, you actually know the law of cause and effect?"

The man yelled, and at the same time, the dark aura on his body became more and more intense, and even transformed into countless ghosts and phantoms, roaring and boiling on the man, and there were countless black auras in his mouth, nose, eyes, and ears Like boiling water, it gurgles out.

"Those who violate the will of the Holy Lord - die!"

The boundless dark matter that erupted formed a shocking storm, and when the man opened his mouth, it turned into a huge black sword, carrying a thick and dark aura, piercing through the black light, and flying towards him.Although it was somewhat blocked by the light curtain, the power was still enormous.

Yuan Shi could even feel the sharp sword piercing through the void, piercing through the breath of time, the endless darkness rushed towards his face, and the sharp sword energy pierced people's skin painfully.


 Please let me know that there are two updates every day from Monday to Friday, and the time will be around [-]:[-] pm, and four changes on weekends, also in the evening. The class time is tight, sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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