Chapter 250 You Are Here


A huge chaotic bell stood in front of him, and at the same time, Yuan Shi also urged the supreme mana on his body to blast towards the giant sword.The bell rang through the space, shattered the void, and a huge explosion sounded. The giant sword was finally blocked, but it was still not destroyed.


Yuan Shi yelled, held the divine bell in his hand, and blasted the past. After a great battle, he finally shattered the black sword.

Yuan Shi's eyes were sharp, and he finally realized that the man's state was not right, only the obsession of the body was left, and his soul had long since disappeared, or died, or left by himself.

But even so, the gap between them is like a chasm.

"Some virtues, but not enough. If you are an enemy of me, you should be prepared to die!"

The man didn't seem to have recovered, his eyes were gloomy, and there was a cold light in those dark eyes, and he looked at Yuan Shi.

"You talk too much." Yuan Shi said lightly, "I thought about breaking through for a while, but I didn't expect this to happen, but it doesn't seem too late to break through now."

Yuan Shi urged his own supreme principles, and the endless black mist around him was sucked back like a tornado and injected into his body, making Yuan Shi's already extremely dark body even darker.He urges the fire of the soul to burn those dark substances, removes other impurities, such as the breath of death, curse, decay, dilapidation, decay, etc., leaving behind the purest source of darkness, although it is not much, but it is better than nothing.

"With darkness as the heart, blackness as the catalyst, and three thousand ways as fire, condense my primordial dark avenue!"

Yuanshi's mind was moved, and the endless way in his body was urged, and the prototype of the original dark way, coupled with the infusion of the source of darkness, quickly condensed.

In the endless core of Yuanshi's body, a black flame was burning, and the flame swayed like a little darkness in the endless light, and then in the process of other Taoist sacrifices, the flame grew rapidly, and finally swept the sky .

Black flames erupted all over the sky, darkness descended on the world, and light retreated.


At the same time, the corpse in the depths of the hall made a sound again, and countless black substances rolled outside his body, condensing endless ghosts, there were real dragons, divine phoenixes, gods and demons, and evil ghosts... They came to kill Yuanshi, Breaking through the barrier of the light curtain, roaring endless darkness, each one is comparable to the Dzogchen quasi-sage, this is still a weakened power.


Yuanshi activated the Supreme Dao method, strengthened with strength, held the Chaos Divine Clock, and fought against endless phantoms. The battle was earth-shattering, and the surrounding space seemed to be unable to withstand the strong impact, and it was broken inch by inch.

The black divine dragon soared through the sky, endless black flames descended, and rushed over. The black dragon soared into the air, its giant tail shattered the space, and hit it with a powerful force.


The divine bell rang in unison, and facing the masters of the same level, Yuanshi was fearless, using the supreme mana to activate the treasure of opening the sky, the endless divine power descended, the supreme sound channel was continuous, the sound waves were chaotic, moving his spirit, the stars condensed, and the gate of the heavens was opened , Suppressing the past towards many black shadows.

The space that had just been shattered had not had time to recover, and it was washed away again. The space evolved into a black hole, and the storm continued. Coupled with the turbulent flow of time and space here, the situation became more complicated.

The Chaos Divine Clock seemed to turn into a huge Heaven-opening Divine Gate, occupying all the space in this area, suppressing all ghosts with supreme divine power.

At the same time, in Yuanshi's body, the raging black fire burned even more vigorously, as if it was going to burn everything up and turn it into the darkness of Yuanshi.

The war continued, and the Dao ancestor over there seemed to be in trouble, because he also had secrets in his body, so he was not replaced by that person's will. It broke apart, but had to condense again.His face was extremely pale, it was obvious that he was exhausted, and he was not feeling well, and he might die if he came a few more times.

In the hands of Taoist Ancestor, the Good Fortune Jade Card was shining with good fortune blue light. He was leading the supreme mysterious existence, and an invisible powerful will descended, carrying a strong majesty of heavenly majesty, indifferent yet powerful.

That mysterious power gathered on Daozu, intending to replace Daozu with supreme will.

"Ah, how could this be? There is something wrong with this good fortune jade document, no—"

Daozu was shocked. He never thought that he would replace it with the mysterious existence that he had attracted by using the Good Fortune Jade Document. He wanted to resist, but he couldn't. The mysterious power was too powerful. At this time, he remembered that he had obtained It seems that the fortune jade butterfly was not accidental, but premeditated. At this moment, he wanted to laugh, but he couldn't.

"Fellow Daoist, this thing is for you, I hope you can survive this calamity!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Yuanshi's ear, and then, a mysterious light prism shone with endless brilliance, illuminating the earth here, and the mysterious dark matter melted and retreated strangely like spring snow when it saw it, as if encountering To the nemesis in general.

The prism flew towards Yuanshi like a sun, and the phantoms composed of endless dark matter began to dissipate and retreat. Yuanshi took the opportunity to activate the divine clock and suppress everything. After a few rounds, these shadows were completely wiped out.

At the same time, Yuan Shi took over the mysterious light prism. With his eyes, he couldn't see the origin of this thing. He just knew that it was a light treasure, and its quality was extremely high, beyond the category of innate treasure. What is it.

Yuanshi looked at Taoist Ancestor, but saw that his will had dissipated, replaced by a strange aura with endless majesty, he was full of Tianwei, and those eyes were filled with endless Indifferent, cold, lonely, without any emotion.

Looking at this scene, Yuan Shi felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.Suddenly, his heart trembled, and then he looked at "Taozu", with an unbelievable expression in his eyes. The "Taozu" at this moment is like Hongjun Daozu after he joined the Tao, no wonder he is so familiar.This indifferent breath is the breath of heaven.

Looking at the "Tao Ancestor" again, Yuanshi's gaze was a little more complicated. He knew that this "Tao Ancestor" was different from the Honghuang Dao Ancestor after all. He has become extremely indifferent, but he still has his own consciousness, but this Dao ancestor, his consciousness has dissipated, and it is replaced by the consciousness of Tiandao, which has completely occupied this body.

He and Daozu have only met a few times, and they are not even considered friends, but the other party was able to give him a mysterious treasure before he died. Although there is a suspicion that he does not want to cheapen the enemy after death, it is also commendable , Before he died, he asked Yuanshi to owe him a karmic favor. Daozu was really not easy.

Yuan Shi understands his thoughts, that is, if Yuan Shi can escape this catastrophe, he needs to protect this world for him.

"Forget it, since I have accepted your favor, I should also bear your share of karma. I will protect this world for you." Yuan Shi smiled wryly, and replied secretly in his heart.

"You are here." At this moment, the corpse deep in the temple did not look at Yuanshi, but looked at Daozu, and said lightly.

"I'm here." Daozu looked at the dark corpses in the hall, frowned, and said indifferently, "However, you have fallen after all."

"You're not the same either." The wreckage sneered and said flatly.

Yuan Shi was puzzled when he heard it, what does this mean, these two people know each other?What is the relationship between the way of heaven in this world and this mysterious corpse?

(End of this chapter)

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