My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 261 Nezha Making Trouble in the Sea

Chapter 261 Nezha Making Trouble in the Sea (Continued)

The Haihe River is swaying, the waves are raging, the surrounding waves condense into mountain peaks, the wind roars on the Jiuwan River, a thick funnel-shaped black water drop rises into the sky, spins rapidly, and moves quickly to the depths of the sea, the water column gradually rises, until later There are dozens of miles high and low, more than ten miles thick and thin.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, the sky was dim and lightless, the wind was roaring, and the white light was shining continuously in the dark clouds, it was not a muffled thunder-like sound.

Among the dark clouds, Ao Bing, the Third Prince of the Dragon, shook the halberd repeatedly, and the body of the halberd screamed, and a green light spit out more than ten feet, which was extremely sharp, turned into hundreds of streaks, and swept vertically and horizontally.

Seeing this, Nezha seemed to be born with supernatural powers. He threw out the circle of heaven and earth, and the circle of white light rippled out, turning into countless halos. He put these halberd lights into the circle of light one by one. He was so stubborn that he couldn't break free.

The water was pouring into the sky, the sound of the wind was shrill, and the sky was full of water spray. Ao Bing secretly rejoiced: You kid, you have caught my way.

He quickly waved the painting halberd in his hand, blocked Nezha's white light, abandoned the battlefield here, swayed his body, and flew into the sky, chanting a spell silently, and then pointed the painting halberd in his hand downwards In an instant, the water splashes below began to become cold, the cold air was overwhelming, the cold wind was raging, and the white mist rolled.

In an instant, white ice formed on the surface of the water, and the water columns also became icicles. Standing between the sea and the sky, they were crystal clear, and the sun was shining, and they could also reflect light.

Among the icicles, Nezha, with his left hand in the sky silk and his right hand in the circle of heaven and earth, stretched out his limbs and opened his angry eyes, but he was frozen by the sea ice and could not move.

"You little thief, you are shouting, you are really arrogant, you are trapped by me now. Hmph!"

Ao Bing shook his sore arm, looked at Nezha who was frozen, and shouted.Ao Bing is a member of the dragon clan, and he is naturally proficient in the art of calling the wind and calling the rain, and harnessing the power of sea water, not to mention the art of turning into ice, which he has also practiced hard.

But at this moment, the icicles began to melt rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, the icicles shrunk circle by circle, leaving only about Zhang Xu in size.Ao Bing said inwardly that he was not good, and he hurriedly used his supernatural powers to blast Nezha into ice.

Suddenly, Nezha's eyes shone brightly in the icicle, and then, there were continuous clicking sounds, and countless cracks appeared on the icicle, which rapidly expanded outward.


Nezha stretched out his arms and shouted violently, the icicle exploded, and the shards of ice scattered like hailstones.Nezha took this opportunity to throw out the Qiankun circle in his hand, the golden light was shining, and it hit Ao Bing's chest amidst the whistling sound.Ao Bing was beaten until he vomited blood.


Ao Bing let out an angry roar, revealing his original shape, it was a white dragon, hundreds of feet long, with a silvery body, like ice and snow.The white dragon wailed, stretched its five claws, and was about to part the water waves, dive into the water and escape.

Unexpectedly, Nezha saw the white dragon showing his original shape, as if he had touched the memory of his previous life, his eyes were red like blood, his expression was distorted, and his heart was full of killing intent.The Huntian Ribbon rolled out of his hand, became tens of feet in size, and restrained the white dragon Qicun.Nezha roared loudly, Huntian Ling tightened his grip, entangled the white dragon in unending pain, his eyes protruded, his mouth kept screaming, he turned around and bit Nezha.

Nezha yelled, and threw the Qiankun circle in his hand at the dragon's head. With a bang, Bailong was hit dizzily and lost his direction.Nezha took this opportunity, flew forward, propped up the dragon's head, held up the upper jaw with one hand, and pulled up the lower jaw with the other. He used his magical powers and became huge. With a violent shout, he tore the white dragon in two. Half.

The blood was soaring, and Nezha was sprinkled all over his body. The dragon body fell into the sea, the waves rolled, and the violent waves hit the shore, and the sea was dyed red.Nezha held the dragon's neck with the Huntian Ling, stuck out his tongue and licked a mouthful of the dragon's blood, showing a ferocious smile.

Suddenly a gust of cold wind blew by, Nezha shuddered, woke up, looked at the blood-red water, saw Bailong dead in the sea, and murmured:

"I don't want to really beat this white dragon to death. It's okay to die. I heard that this dragon tendon is the most precious, so I pulled it out and took it back to make a belt for my father."

After finishing speaking, he went into the sea, really pulled out the dragon tendon, and took it home.

Not far from the Jiuwan River, on a mountain peak, white clothes fluttered, and the golden light in the eyes of a young girl shrank. She watched the battle from the beginning to the end. She saw clearly and wanted to save the white dragon's life, but There is no way to take action, otherwise accidents will happen and others will be blamed, not to mention that even if she takes action, she may not be able to save him.The girl shook her head, turned around and flew into the cave, adjusting her breath and resting her mind.

She is Empress Shiji under the Jiejiao Tongtian seat. She knows the cause and effect of others, but she doesn't know that her master and apprentice will be killed in a few days.This is the destiny, no matter how powerful you are, you can't stop it.

Empress Shiji returned to the cave and began to cultivate with peace of mind. She focused on guarding her dantian, wandering beyond the sky, and channeled the innate heavenly black and yellow energy to travel through the [-] meridians of Zhoutian...

After a few days like this, her whole body shook, her spirit platform was clear, her soul was transparent, and she felt that she had made a further step in her Taoism.She looked up to the sky and let out a small whistle, expressing the joy in her heart.Afterwards, she regained her composure and rejoiced in her heart. Since entering this mountain, she has never gone out. She practiced here so as to avoid the calamity of the divine measure.

"Caiyun! Biyun!"

Empress Shiji was overjoyed and began to call for her Tong'er.However, after calling for a long time, there was no echo.She had a bad premonition in her heart, and when she went out to look, she saw flowers and plants scattered on the edge of the cliff, Caiyun boy kneeling on the ground, holding Biyun boy's body and weeping bitterly.

She stepped forward to look, but saw a black arrow sticking out of the boy's neck, and the boy Biyun had already died.The empress drew out the black arrow, and saw that although the arrow looked black, it was very heavy, weighing at least several thousand catties, and had the power of ice-cold, penetrating into the bone marrow. "Arrow" three odd-shaped ancient seal characters.

Seeing these three words, Empress Shiji was startled, and she thought to herself: The Sky-shaking Arrow and the Qiankun Bow were forged by Xuanyuan Huangdi himself, and he used them to break Chi You's magic treasure. There are twelve in total, and now I don't know how many are left His whereabouts are even more unknown.She was thinking in her heart, but she was constantly calculating the results in her hands.

Soon, she knew the reason, it turned out to be the child who killed the white dragon a few days ago.Empress Shiji was so sad that she had no choice but to go to Li Jing to explain.

When he arrived at Li's residence, Shi Ji directly explained the reason, scolded Li Jing, and asked him to hand over Nezha.Li Jing had no choice but to call Nezha out. When he asked why, it turned out that Nezha was bored and went upstairs to shoot the arrow with the Qiankun Bow, but he didn't know where it was going, which led to the death of Boy Biyun.

Nezha killed Ao Bing that day, the Dragon King was furious, and came to Chentangguan, wanting Li Jing to hand over Nezha, and wanted to report the matter to heaven, but unexpectedly, Nezha blocked him in front of the gate of heaven and beat the Dragon King severely. Take off the Dragon King's dragon scales, return to Chentangguan, and show off to Li Jing.Li Jing was furious after hearing this, and locked him in the pass, not allowing him to go out, so Nezha got bored and went to the tower to play with bows and arrows.

This is really a cause and a reward.

When Li Jing heard about this, he was furious immediately, and handed Nezha over to Empress Shiji to discipline him. At the same time, he begged her, "Your Majesty can discipline you, but I still hope that your Majesty will leave Nezha alive."

From Li Jing's point of view, although his son is stubborn, his temperament is not bad, so Shi Ji can teach him a lesson, as long as no one is killed.

Nezha was not convinced and wanted to do something, but after all he underestimated Shiji's magic power, Shiji caught him, took him back to the cave, and gave Caiyun boy to beat him as punishment.

In the end, it was Daoist Taiyi who came to rescue Nezha after all. After a great battle with Shiji, he finally killed him and rescued Nezha.Empress Shiji, after all, is doomed, and the true spirit is on the list of gods.

But at this time, the Dragon King of the East China Sea gathered the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas and came to Chentangguan to besiege the city, trying to force Nezha out.


(End of this chapter)

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