My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 262 Nezha died and reshaped the lotus body

Chapter 262 Nezha died and reshaped the lotus body

When Nezha returned to Chentangguan, he saw that Chentangguan was covered with dark clouds, covering all directions, and the black clouds overwhelmed the city, and the sea was surging, and the waves shook the city.

In the void, the Dragon King of the Four Seas appeared as a real dragon. They were four golden dragons, with their claws looming, flying through the clouds and mist, their eyes like the bright moon, taking in people's souls, thunder and lightning roaring all around, the roar of wind and thunder, and the sound of shouting, running and mourning in Chentangguan.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas hovered in the void for a long time, and shouted in his mouth: "Li Jing, you and your wife have given birth to this evil son, who will cause trouble for the world and countless creatures of the Shui tribe. Kill my dragon son, and you will hand over Nezha quickly before bowing your head. If you plead guilty, you can still pardon countless people in Chentangguan, otherwise, even your Chentangguan, with a radius of thousands of miles, will sink into the bottom of the sea, let my aquarium kill them, and repay tens of thousands of innocent people in my aquarium."

"Dragon King, my husband and wife are willing to bow their heads and plead guilty. Please, Dragon King, forgive me for hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Chentangguan!"

At the gate of the city, Li Jing shouted to the sky, he and his wife were both wearing white clothes, tied themselves up, walked out of the gate step by step, the generals and common people in the rear fell to their knees, the cries were deafening.

Nezha, who had just returned home, was heartbroken when he saw this scene, and hurried over, knelt down in front of his parents, hugged their legs, and cried loudly: "Father and mother, one person does the work and the other is responsible. I will beat you to death." Ao Bing and Yasha were killed, and the Shui people were harmed, so naturally I will pay for my life, how can a son implicate his parents?"

Madam Yin had tears in her eyes, she looked down at Nezha, and said, "My son, why are you back again, go quickly, don't come back."

Li Jing also lowered his head, his eyes were wet, and said: "Nezha, my son, it is because of my father that I am sorry for you, because my father has not educated you well since childhood, which has caused today's disaster, and it has affected tens of thousands of people. You should go to your master Go, for your father, you will go to heaven with the Dragon King and confess your sins."

Nezha raised his head, looked at his parents and cried, "No, it's the child who is not filial. The child has been stubborn since he was a child. He didn't listen to his parents' advice and caused trouble everywhere. If he didn't have parents, he wouldn't be where he is today. The child accidentally killed three Prince Ao Bing has even affected his parents and tens of thousands of innocent people in Chentangguan. Nezha is guilty!"

Speaking of which, Nezha raised his head to the sky, looked at the Dragon King of the Four Seas, and said, "There is a grievance and a debtor, and Nezha didn't kill Ao Bing on purpose, but since he has already killed him, Nezha is guilty, and he did it himself." I don’t want to do anything about my parents, I will cut open my stomach, cut out my intestines, deboned my flesh today, and return it to my parents, so that my parents will not be affected, and then I will kill myself here and apologize with death, what do you think?"

"Forget it, since you are like this, you can be regarded as filial piety for your parents. We agree to this matter." Dragon King Ao Guang said after hearing the words.

Nezha stood up, took out a sword from nowhere, and put it across his neck, Nezha cried, "Father, mother, I'm sorry for you, I have to see you in the next life."

After speaking, he wanted to kill himself here, but at this moment, Li Jing and his wife shouted: "No!" After speaking, Li Jing also drew out his silver sword, and swiped towards Nezha, wanting to stop it.

Nezha suddenly laughed, with tears in his smile, very poignant, he said: "Father, I know that your sword is [-]% empty-handed, but it has a big weakness, do you know?"

"What?" Li Jing was taken aback.

"That is, only when this sword cooperates with you can it have such an effect. If this sword is gone, you will not be able to use this skill." Nezha said, and at some point, he had taken the sword from Li Jing's hand into his own.

Nezha picked up the silver sword again, the cold light flickered, a snow-white arm flew down to the ground, rain and blood flew in front of Chen Tang's gate, and Mrs. Yin fell to the ground crying, hissing, fascinated.Blood rained down, dyeing her white clothes red, and Mrs. Yin fainted to the ground.Li Jing also knelt down on the ground, hissed and cried, looked at Nezha, and kept shouting: "Nezha, don't..."

The cold light flashed continuously, and within a short while, all of Nezha's internal organs were scattered on the ground. In the end, only a small skeleton remained and fell to the sky.

The Lord of the Four Seas Dragon saw that Nezha was so strong despite his young age, he sighed a little, and suddenly became speechless.After a long time, they took away the dharma body, dispelled the wind and clouds, and receded the tide.The sky suddenly returned to its original state, it was still blue and white, and the sun was shining brightly. The Dragon King bowed his hands to Li Jing and disappeared.

Only Li Jing was left standing there in a daze on his knees, his eyes glazed over, motionless, tears glistening in his eyes.A skeleton and a bloody corpse on the ground, and a fainted woman beside it, show what happened here...

Nezha is dead, but his soul is still there, but without his body, his soul has no place to rely on, and his soul has no place to rest. Nezha is drifting, wandering in a daze between the sky and the earth, drifting with the wind, and unexpectedly came to Qianyuan Mountain .The boy from Qianyuan Mountain saw it, and hurriedly came to report to Master Taiyi.

When Nezha saw Master Taiyi, he felt sad and cried, "Master, I'm dead, do you know? What should I do?"

Master Taiyi was playing chess with a chess piece in his hand. Seeing Nezha's soul drifting here, he said indifferently: "I already know, but don't worry about it. The body is gone, just get a new one, it's no big deal."

"Ah? Master, since you have a way, why don't you save your apprentice quickly, why are you still playing chess?" Nezha was overjoyed when he heard this, but when he saw that Taiyi was still playing chess, he immediately said dissatisfied.

"Your master had expected this, Tong'er, go to the three-colored lotus pond and get the ninth-grade pure world white lotus gifted by your master." Daoist Taiyi raised his eyes and directed to Jinxia boy beside him.

"Yes, sir!" The boy stepped back and went to fetch the lotus.

After a while, the boy brought the lotus flower. It was a pure white lotus flower with nine layers.

The real person takes the lotus flower and uses the lotus root to conjure a human shape. With one head, one body, two arms, and two legs, the image of a lotus root man appears in front of his eyes.

"Huh? I always feel that something is missing?" The real person thought seriously.

As he spoke, he cut out two round and flat pieces of lotus root and placed them on the chest of the lotus root.He admired his masterpiece, nodded, and said with satisfaction: "This is perfection!"

After speaking, he made a lotus flower armor out of lotus leaves and flowers, and then said to Nezha, "Okay, Nezha, you can go in."

"Is there no problem? Master?" Nezha looked at Zhenren Taiyi worriedly and asked.

"No problem at all." The real person nodded.

"Then I'll go." Hearing this, Nezha turned into a stream of light and flew into the body of the lotus flower. The light flashed, and the body of the lotus flower emitted dazzling brilliance, which was full of purity.

Daoist Taiyi entered several spells smoothly, and finally shouted: "Nezha, if you don't come back now, when will you wait!"

In the cave, the light suddenly became bright, and the white light illuminated the entire cave, and it also spread out. The whole cave seemed to have an extra sun.The radiance shone brightly, and after a short while, the radiance was subdued, revealing a six-foot tall man wearing a lotus battle armor.

This person had his eyes closed, and his face was roughly similar to Nezha, more like a grown-up Nezha.He opened it suddenly, his eyes flashed, and he suddenly said excitedly: "I'm finally alive again!"

"But, why do I look like this?" Nezha suddenly felt a little frustrated, looking at the swelling in his chest, he expressed his helplessness.

"Cough! Well, don't worry about those details. Nezha, you are on the mountain recently, and you will learn martial arts with me. After that, I will give you some magic weapons, so you can go down the mountain." Taiyi suddenly said.

"Okay, master!" Although he felt that his body shape was a bit wrong, Nezha already felt happy with his body, but he didn't dare to ask for more.

"Well, it seems that after one life and death, Nezha has grown a lot." Taiyi nodded slightly.


(End of this chapter)

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