Chapter 264 Reincarnation
Taihua Mountain, the Devil's Tribulation Palace, the black aura filled the entire hall. In the hall, it was pitch black, with a little bit of light, flickering, flickering, extremely terrifying.

The ten thousand-year-old Mozun finally wavered slightly. He opened his eyes, the magic light flickered in his eyes, and the universe was destroyed. He opened his mouth and inhaled a cloud of pure black air.

"The calamity of heaven and earth is about to begin again. Measuring calamity is a disaster for others, but for me, it is a great opportunity. Every time a calamity is measured, the world is filled with the evil spirit of calamity. Every time I measure the calamity, there will be countless casualties, and the strength of my Tribulation Demon Palace will be greatly increased. Haha!" Demon Venerable Wan Tribulation sneered.

"Come here, call Chi You for me." Mozun suddenly shouted.

"Yes, Demon Lord!"

When the outsiders heard the words of the Demon Lord, they immediately knelt down in fright. After listening to the Demon Lord's words, they quickly got up and ran outside.

After a while, Chi You, the demon god of the witch tribe, came to the closed place of the Demon Lord, knelt down on one knee, and respectfully said to the door:
"This subordinate has seen the Demon Lord!"

"Chi You, the God Conferred Calamity has arrived, and the human princes are in trouble. This time, I want you to go to the human race, choose one of the princes, and establish a demon dynasty." The voice of the Demon Lord Wanjie said coldly.

"Yes, Master Mozun!"

After Chi You heard this, he said happily that he had complained about his loss to Gongsun Xuanyuan last time, if Xuanyuan hadn't hired so many experts, how could he have lost, and this time the Demon Lord gave him the opportunity to bring disaster to the human race, he is very grateful .

"Bringing the Jiemo Soul Refining Flag and Jiemo Reincarnation Pond, this deity allows you to slaughter! Also, you can bring Blood Venerable, Poison King and others." Wanjie Mozun said again, and then threw out two black magic weapons, One is a blood pool, and the other is a black soul banner, which are exactly the magical weapons refined by the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations.

Chi You took the two magic treasures, felt the terrifying aura above them, knelt down and said, "Yes!"

Then, Chi You rushed to the outside, he was going to gather some masters from the Devil's Tribulation Palace, and then went to the human race to have a good time, this time he did not allow himself to fail, he felt that he was too kind last time, so he gave Gongsun Xuanyuan chance, this time he will not make the same mistake again.

"Such a thing, how can I miss the Devil's Palace! The Heaven's Calamity is due to the limit of the world's bearing capacity and needs to vent, so I will help you vent these wastes! Haha..."

The terrifying smile of the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations came from the room, and it lasted for a long time.

Nether Blood Sea, Styx Palace.

"Kill kill kill!"

The Patriarch Minghe holds the two innate killing swords of Yuantu Abi. Under the seat is the karmic fire red lotus. The fiery red flame is swaying and swaying, emitting endless heat, burning the surrounding void. The aura is used to filter all impurities through the karmic fire , and then poured the blood aura into Styx's body.Patriarch Minghe didn't care about these things, his eyes were murderous, and there was a hint of madness in his eyes.

"The calamity measured this time is the killing of gods, and it is time for me to be born of the Asura clan. This time, I will definitely slaughter a saint and take this opportunity to prove the Tao and become a saint! My ancestor, I will kill a saint to prove the Tao, and I vow to kill everyone Only by being holy can you prove holy!" Patriarch Minghe thought silently in his heart.

"Of course, it's not a real saint. You only need one of the three corpses of the saint. Who should you choose? Sanqing?" Patriarch Styx shook his head when he thought of Yuanshi. Yuanshi was the most unfathomable saint in the wild. The relationship between the Qings is even more intimate. Although it is not advisable to separate the three Qings now, who knows why there are reasons that others do not know.

"Nuwa alone, it's best to attack, but this ten thousand-year-old house girl doesn't usually come out of Wa Palace. Then, there is only the second sage of the West, and I'm afraid I'm not the only one who wants to deal with the second sage of the West?" Styx seemed Thinking of something, the corner of his mouth curled up into a dangerous arc.

He thought of the one from the Western Devil's Temple, but he was not easy to deal with the Western Sect, so he might be able to plot something out of it.

"Recently, the underworld is really not peaceful. What happened?" Patriarch Minghe said suddenly.He and the Netherworld can be regarded as neighbors, and he can still spy on what happened there.

Hell, in the Palace of Three Lives.

The six dark holes, as if six huge black holes are slowly rotating, and the six holes are semicircular across the void, like six rounds of black sun.

An invisible breath of reincarnation emanates from above, deep, dark, silent, death, life, soul... all kinds of breaths appear above the black hole.With a wave of his hand, Emperor Sansheng made several complex seal formulas, and the six black holes actually began to move toward the middle, with a faint tendency to merge.But there seems to be some kind of conflict between them. They separated quickly after merging, and the resistance in it is still increasing rapidly, trying to bounce the six black holes away from each other.

"Six realms of reincarnation, fuse them for me!" The Great Emperor Sansheng suddenly shouted, he wanted to fuse them forcibly.

With an explosion, the six black holes actually exploded, and then dissipated, but still failed to fuse together.

"Hey, it's still not enough to turn the six realms into one. The way of the great reincarnation, the reincarnation world, is still a little bit reluctant." The Great Emperor Sansheng shook his head, dissatisfied.

The Six Realms of Reincarnation are not only the six realms of Heaven, Humanity, Animals, Asura, Hungry Ghosts, and Hell. Carry out reincarnation.It's a pity that Emperor Sansheng is still far from having that powerful ability, he can barely achieve the Six Realms of Reincarnation at the moment.

"Report—report to the emperor!" At this moment, someone outside came to report, and there was a little panic in that person's voice, as if something bad had happened.

"Come in, why are you so flustered!"

Emperor Sansheng's face darkened, and he said majesticly.

The man came in, saw the Emperor Sansheng, knelt down, and said in a panic: "I tell the emperor, in the Black Mountain border in the west of the underworld, a zombie clan recently appeared, and they fought against the skeleton clan, and they occupied the western border and expanded outward. The Western Ghost Emperor Invincible, ask my underworld for help!"

"Oh? Zhao Wen and that old boy are actually invincible, but they are a bit powerful. Who is the leader of the zombie clan, so powerful?"

Emperor Sansheng asked a little strangely.You must know that the Western Ghost Emperor is one of the five ghost emperors in the underworld. Although he is not considered to be the strongest person in the underworld, he still ranks in the top [-], but he is actually defeated by the newly emerged zombie clan. Strange.

"The zombie family has four ancestors. The four ancestors are Jiang Chen, Ying Gou, Hou Qing and Han Yan, who lead four zombies respectively. The one who defeated the Western Ghost Emperor is the Jiang Chen Corpse Ancestor."

"General? The ancestors of the four zombies?" Emperor Sansheng pondered slightly, trying to figure out the reason.

Soon, he suddenly laughed and said, "It's interesting. There are some connections between the four ancestors of the zombies. Jiangchen was transformed by absorbing the holy water of the Yellow Spring from the corpse of the ancient beast Yan, while Houqing, Yinggou, and Hanyan belonged to Yan." It is formed by the combination of soul and human, and the most interesting thing is that all three of them were under the Yellow Emperor's subordinates. Hehe!"

"The four ancestors of the zombies all wanted to devour each other to complete the evolution, but why did they join forces temporarily?" the emperor was a little puzzled.

"However, these are not important. It's fine for you zombies to live in the underworld, but you must abide by the rules of the underworld. For those who don't follow the rules, I can only teach them the rules."

Emperor Sansheng narrowed his eyes, and said to the man: "You take my talisman, go to the land of Beiyin, find Emperor Fengdu, and let him solve this matter."

After finishing speaking, Emperor Sansheng took out a three-color talisman and threw it to the man.

"Yes, Emperor." The man signed the edict and withdrew.

In the main hall, Emperor Sansheng narrowed his eyes and continued to understand the Dao of Reincarnation, as if what happened just now hadn't affected his heart, and the hall fell into a deadly atmosphere again.


(End of this chapter)

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