My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 265 Jiang Ziya enters business, Shen Gongbao enters Zhou

Chapter 265 Jiang Ziya enters business, Shen Gongbao enters Zhou

But it is said that since Jiang Ziya got the order of his teacher Yuanshi Tianzun, he did not follow Yuanshi's order to go directly to Xiqi, but went to Chaoge to meet his brother Song Yiren.Later, in Chaoge, he set up a fortune-telling booth to help people tell fortunes.

One day, when Pipa Jing saw Jiang Ziya now, she wanted to tease her. Unexpectedly, she didn't expect Jiang Ziya to be a bit of a Taoist, so she saw her through on the spot and burned her to death with the samadhi fire.

When King Zhou heard about it, he invited him into the palace, and after some examination, King Zhou named him a senior doctor.Jiang Ziya complied. After a period of observation, he didn't feel that King Zhou was as stupid as the rumors said, and on the contrary, he was still very wise. At this moment, he doubted what his teacher said.

Before that, he had heard some stupid things about King Zhou. For example, Bo Yikao, son of Xibo Hou, was imprisoned for several years and was not allowed to return to the country. Sending cakes to Xibo to eat as a token of loyalty; there are also such absurd things as pampering Daji and decocting the Qiqiaolinglong heart of Wang Shubigan.Looking at it now, this rumor may not be credible, how could King Zhou be so dishonest.But he didn't know that the King Zhou at this time was no longer the King Zhou before.

Jiang Ziya heard what Yuanshi said at the beginning that he had no immortal life, but he could enjoy the blessings of the world. Now he is worshiping officials in court songs, which is exactly what Yuanshi said.

Does it refer to the official life in Chaoge?Jiang Ziya thought to himself, without doubting him, he began to serve as an official in Chaoge wholeheartedly.

Seeing this, King Zhou's mouth curled up in a dangerous arc, not knowing what he was thinking.That night, he went to Daji's bedroom, which he hadn't visited for a long time. No one knew what they were talking about that night.But everyone only knew that the next day, Daji was deposed as a queen and thrown into the cold palace.Her figure, with the passage of time, gradually disappeared in front of everyone.

No one knew that a few days later, two young and beautiful women dressed as ordinary women came out of the palace and walked towards Xiqi.

These two women are Su Daji and Nine-Headed Pheasant Jingximei. As for what the two are going to Xiqi, I am afraid that only King Zhou knows.

A few months later, two women who sold themselves to bury their father ran into King Wu Ji Fa. Ji Fa took pity on her filial piety and took her into her side as a maid.

In this way, the two women who were sent by Nuwa to harm Tang Jiangshan now came out of Chaoge and came to Xiqi to become the maidservant of King Wu.

At the same time, Yuanshi in Kunlun Mountain also knew what Jiang Ziya had done in Chaoge. He was only surprised for a while, but he didn't care much, and he didn't show any disappointment or anger.

"Boy, call Shen Gongbao." Yuan Shi's voice came out of the hall.

"Yes, master." Hearing this, the Baihe boy outside the hall walked towards Shen Gongbao on the mountainside.

After a while, Shen Gongbao followed the boy into the main hall. He glanced at Yuan Shi anxiously, and said: "I have seen the teacher, may the teacher have peace!"

However, he kept guessing in his heart, what was the teacher calling him here for? Could it be that he was going to be in charge of the list of gods? When he thought of this, he was very excited.

"Well. Shen Gongbao, you have been in Kunlun for more than forty years, right?" Yuan Shi asked.

"Back to the teacher, it's been 40 years in September." Shen Gongbao didn't know why, but he still replied cautiously.

Tianzun looked at him and said: "Nowadays the world is in chaos, Chengtang is approaching, but not long ago, there were changes, which led to Chengtang's change. But the world's lords' disputes have begun, and it is unstoppable. The calamity has come. I sent your senior brother Ziya to Xiqi to assist Lord Ming, but he didn't listen to the advice and went to Chaoge, now I send you down the mountain, do you know what to do?"

"Could it be that the teacher wants me to go to Chaoge to call back Senior Brother Ziya?" Shen Gongbao tentatively asked.

"No, since your senior brother Ziya went to Chaoge, it was his choice and his destiny. There are many choices in life. Once you have made a choice, you have to be responsible for it. I am too lazy to care about it." The reason why I called you here this time is to let you go to Xiqi. The sage of Xiqi has already appeared, and it is the Martial King Jifa. You need to assist him to become the overlord. I will entrust you with important tasks in the future." Yuan Shidao.

Heavy duty?When Shen Gongbao heard this, he immediately thought of the matter of conferred gods. Could it be that the teacher wants me to be in charge of the list of conferred gods?As soon as he thought of this, his face was filled with blood, and he was so excited.I thought to myself, Jiang Ziya, Jiang Ziya, as soon as you leave, my good luck will come, but I have to thank you for this matter.

After he got excited, he immediately became serious and replied: "Yes, teacher, the disciple must live up to the teacher's important responsibility!"

"Yeah." Yuan Shi nodded and said: "You go as soon as possible. If you have something, you can ask your senior brothers. This treasure flag is also given to you. If you encounter danger, you can also resist one or two."

As he spoke, Yuan Shi shot out a cyan streamer, which turned into an arc, fell into Shen Gongbao's hands, and turned into a flag shining with cyan light.He looked down, and it turned out to be Qinglian Baoguang Banner, one of the Five Elements Banners of Xiantian. It was of the same level as the Wuji Xinghuang Banner that Jiang Ziya had taken before, and it was a top-grade Xiantian Lingbao.

"Thank you teacher!"

Shen Gongbao thanked him again, "Resign, disciple!" Then he got up and left.

After leaving the mountain, Shen Gongbao rode his black tiger and walked towards Xiqi. Now Jiang Ziya is chaoge, and the teacher doesn't care too much. It must be that the teacher has given up on him, so he won't be as stupid as Jiang Ziya. It's better to go earlier Complete tasks as well.

In the Tianzun Palace, Yuan Shi watched Shen Gongbao leave, with an interesting expression on the corner of his mouth, as if he thought of something fun again.

"According to the original trajectory of fate, Jiang Ziya worshiped Xiqi, while Shen Gongbao was serving as the national teacher in Chaoge. Now I want you to change it. See how this god will change. Variables have already appeared. , then it will become more thorough, what good is the unchanging fate trajectory."

"Randeng seems to be getting closer to the West recently, I hope I don't do something that disappoints me, otherwise—" Yuanshi's eyes flashed a sternness.

After Shen Gongbao entered Xiqi, relying on his magical Taoism, he soon became Xiqi's national teacher.Shen Gongbao was able to perform so brilliantly in the Conferred Gods. With his three-inch tongue, he played the entire Conferred Gods around. If he didn't have certain skills, he would have died a long time ago.

Shen Gongbao was able to make a lot of Taoist friends, and by virtue of his magical skill of "Friends of Taoism, please stay a step", he quickly invited many people with advanced Taoism, coupled with the support of Chanjiao, it was more than enough to deal with the Taoists on Chaoge's side. Qi attacked the city and pulled out the stronghold much faster.

As for Chaoge, although some people are officials in Chaoge, most of them have nothing to do with it. It is impossible to invite a large number of talents like Shen Gongbao. After all, not everyone has the ability of Shen Gongbao .

Entering Xiqi, Shen Gongbao also recognized the identities of Su Daji and Su Daji, and quickly controlled them.

But at this time, news came out from Chaoge that Huang Feihu turned back to Chaoge. It is said that his wife and family members were also imprisoned.

During Huang Feihu's escape, he met Nezha who came down the mountain. With the help of Nezha, Nezha killed Han Rong and others, leaving only Yu Hua to escape to invite his master Yu Yuan.

Huang Feihu passed Sishui Pass, entered Xiqi, and belonged to Zhoutu.Wu Wang Ji Fa is naturally overjoyed, Wu Cheng Wang Huang Feihu is a fierce general, without him, Chao Ge would be a broken arm, without him, Xi Qi would be like a tiger with wings added.

Among the people who followed Huang Feihu, there was one named Xu Da, who was even more formidable. As soon as he arrived in Xiqi, he helped King Wu break through many gates and won a big victory.

After Yuan Shi got the news, he squinted his eyes, and immediately analyzed the relationship in his heart. Although during the calamity, the secrets of heaven were covered up so badly that the saints could not easily calculate them, but after hearing the name Xu Da, Yuan Shi You don't need to calculate the cause and effect of this matter. Xu Da is a man from the future. In this world, except for that weird King Zhou, who else has such skill?

In Yuan Shi's eyes, both Xu Da and Huang Feihu have a thick line of cause and effect, which connects to the direction of Chaoge, which is like a bright light in the dark night, and it is difficult for him to discover it.

"Is it counterintuitive?" With a thought in Yuan Shi's mind, he understood what King Zhou was up to.

"Forget it, if that's the case, then let's do the trick."

Yuanshi sent someone to pass the news to Shen Gongbao. After Shen Gongbao learned the cause and effect of the incident, he immediately used the secret method of elucidation and teaching to save the two of them.Both of them were generals who practiced martial arts. They had not yet become immortals, so they couldn't resist explaining and teaching the secret method.

The two people who have been transformed can't resist at all. It's up to Shen Gongbao to decide how to play.Since he wants to retaliate, let him retaliate, and it is not too much to retaliate with false news.

In the fourth year of King Wu, he made an appointment with Bohou of the two southeast sides to discuss Yin and Shang together, so as to defeat virtue!
In March of the fifth year, Zhang Guifang, the commander-in-chief of Qinglongguan, was sent by the grand master to attack Xiqi. Two months later, both the commander-in-chief and the deputy general died in battle.

In July, the Taishi ordered the left general Lu Xiong to march westward, Shen Gongbao froze Qishan Mountain, and Lu Xiong, Fei Zhong, and You Hun died.

In October, Zhang Shan and Li Jin went west and died.

In the sixth year of King Wu, Su Hu descended to Zhou.

Taking this opportunity, the world rebelled against the princes of the Shang Dynasty, and Western Zhou Dynasty became the existence with the greatest power and influence. The surrounding princes were all overwhelmed and surrendered to the Western Zhou Dynasty.


(End of this chapter)

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