Chapter 277 A Fate With Me
Yuan Shi pointed to Yun Zhongzi, Chi Jingzi, Guang Chengzi, Huanglong Zhenren, Qingxu Daodezhenjun, Taiyi Zhenren, and Lingbao Master, and said indifferently:

"You go and meet the 28 constellations for a while."

"Yes, Master!" The seven real people took the order, stepped forward with their swords in hand, and entered the formation.

Berlin raised his gun and returned to the team, only to see 28 Taoist priests stepping at random, the formation was circulating, and the boundless clouds were surging and churning endlessly.The vast sea of ​​clouds gathered to form 28 strange beasts such as dragon, tiger, ox, sheep, rat, and horse. They galloped in the sea of ​​clouds and passed through the void.

Explain and teach the seven real people to step on the seven star positions, the swords in their hands are connected into a ring, and the true energy is continuous, fighting with the 28 stars.

I saw the purple air churning, the white rainbow flying out, the clouds rippling, the stars jumping, and the battle was fierce.The battle lasted for about a quarter of an hour. In the world in the battle formation, dragons and tigers roared in the vast starry sky, and phoenixes and cranes roared. , the flames soared into the sky, and the roar continued, and they kept rushing towards the seven real people.

All of a sudden, blue thunder billowed, black rain fell, red flames were like a sea, and golden lights intertwined into a big net, rushing toward all directions.Qingxu Daodezhen held up the Hunyuan flag high and waved it in the wind. Immediately, countless winds and fires gushed out from the flag, like billions of wind-bladed sharp knives, cutting randomly towards the void. Two huge pillars of fire collided with each other, the sound was like thunder, and the flames took off, bringing out countless red pillar shadows.

Explaining and teaching the seven true spirits to communicate with each other, they were endlessly alive, and the four elephants and beasts roared in pain, their stumps flew around, and the fire overflowed from the sky, scattered down, and turned into a sea of ​​​​flames.

The Four Elephant Divine Beasts roared angrily, and then rushed to the middle, like thousands of thunderclaps, deafening, and a huge cloud of mushrooms exploded in the air.Afterwards, the cloud mushroom soared up, turning into a giant unicorn and stepping out of the air. It had four wings hanging down to the sky, hundreds of horns on its head, and its body was blue and white. The roar in its mouth turned into a purple thunder that exploded.The Qilin Dharma Xiang roared up to the sky, then lowered his head, and opened his mouth to spit out, a sea of ​​thunder rushed towards him.

Chan taught the seven real people to protect the magic weapon in front of them, and then flew into the air. The unicorn groaned, stood up on its front feet, then raised its huge head, and hit the seven people with a hundred horns on its head. pressing.

Guang Chengzi raised his hand and hit the sky-shattering seal with one blow, and the huge mountain-like seal sent the unicorn flying back at once.

The seven real people quickly issued their swords, and the seven swords turned into millions of golden sword lights, stabbing out like lightning, and all shot into the unicorn's body, but the qilin didn't notice it, stood up, raised its head to the sky and roared, With four feet in the air, he continued to charge towards the seven people.

Immortal Taiyi immediately took out the Nine Dragons from the fire cover, and the nine fire dragons tumbling, roaring back and forth, rushed towards the unicorn, and then exploded one after another, flying thousands of pieces, turning into meteors all over the sky, and the unicorn's belly exploded like thunder, There was a loud noise, and the gigantic body of the unicorn exploded one after another, and remnant clouds flew all over the sky.

28 The Taoists screamed in pain, several sword qi flew out from their heads, circled around the crowd, a bloody mist was released from the four-dimensional and seven-state formation, and 28 true spirits flew towards the Conferred God Platform.

"Damn it, take your life!"

In the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, Wu Yunxian saw that 28 Taoist brothers had lost their lives in this way, he was sad and angry, he jumped out, holding the Hunyuan Hammer, and hit the seven of them.

The seven of them had just experienced a big battle, their blood was surging, they hadn't recuperated well, they couldn't escape for a while, Chi Jingzi was knocked down to the ground with a loud noise, Guang Chengzi rushed forward to rescue him, and he shot the sky-shattering seal in his hand again , With one seal, he slapped the Hunyuan Hammer flying, saving Chi Jingzi who fell to the ground, while Wu Yunxian went to chase his Hunyuan Hammer that was shot flying, Yun Zhongzi and others suffered such a big loss, so what? Maybe give up, and quickly chase him with a magic weapon in hand.

Suddenly a person from the west appeared, and clouds rose up under his feet, but in the blink of an eye, he was in front of him, blocking the way of Wu Yunxian.

Wu Yunxian looked up, and saw that the man had a yellow face and a thin body, as if he had been malnourished for a long time. There were two epiphyllums on his head and a branch in his hand, but the strange thing was that the branch did not wither or die, and was still green. Onion.

Wu Yunxian didn't know this Taoist, so he asked: "That Taoist, who are you, and why are you blocking my way?"

The Taoist said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist, I am the Taoist Zhunti of the West. You have a predestined relationship with me in the West. Today, I am here to convert you to my West and share the bliss. Isn't it beautiful?"

Wu Yunxian was furious when he heard the words: "Western savage, instead of going to guard your barren land in the west, you come here to bewitch me, so what if you are a saint?"

The sharp sword in Wu Yunxian's hand immediately slashed at Taoist Zhunti, Zhunti was not in a hurry, with a smile on his face, the sword went away by itself when it reached the top of his head.Wu Yunxian was furious, and took out other treasures to attack Zhunti. Taoist Zhunti smiled, and threw the branch in his hand forward, and those magic weapons disappeared immediately.Seeing this, Wu Yunxian felt bad, turned around and ran towards the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation.

Taoist Zhunti took out a bamboo and said with a smile: "Today, the poor Taoist will use these six pure bamboos to fish for the golden ao!"

The Taoist Zhunti hung down the six pure bamboos out of thin air, and an infinite brilliance was produced, which enveloped the Wuyun fairy.

Zhunti Taoist shouted loudly: "Fellow Taoist, show your true form quickly!"

Immortal Wu Yun shook his head, and immediately turned into an old carp, more than ten feet in size, covered with golden fish scales, the boy who was supposed to mention Taoist appeared immediately, and with a flick of the fishing rod in his hand, the golden carp was caught , The boy stepped forward, grabbed his horns, and rode on his back, the carp shook his head, and the wind and clouds were surging, and he headed west.

In the distance, the seven real people from Chanjiao saw this, but they didn't dare to say more, they stepped forward to salute and said: "I have seen Zhunti Saint!"

Sage Zhunti looked at the seven people and said with a smile:

"Dongfang is really outstanding!" At the same time, he was thinking in his heart whether he should also get these seven people over.

"Fellow Daoist Zhunti, why did you come to the East?"

But at this moment, Yuan Shi's faint voice came from a distance, making his heart tremble, and he didn't dare to think any more.He said with a smile: "Poverty Dao came here just to see the Taoism of the East for a while, to see the Taoism of the East, to save a few predestined people according to the fate, and to promote my Taoism of the West. Brother will come soon."

What Zhunti meant was that I came to experience the Great Formation of Ten Thousand Immortals, not to teach you to quarrel with you, and we may even cooperate with each other, and he proposed to lead the Taoist priest to make Yuan Shi feel afraid.

"Oh? Is it?"

Yuanshi said noncommittally, letting Zhunti feel relieved. For some reason, facing Yuanshi, he was always a little nervous, but then, the smile on his face disappeared, and Yuanshi said:

"This is a personal grievance between the two sects, I Chan and Jie. What does it have to do with you, the West? Why are you here to join in the fun? Could it be that there are still a few spots on the list of gods, and you want to send a few spots from the West to make up for it?"

"Huh? Fellow Daoist, you are joking." Zhunti Taoist said with a sad face.

"I don't know how to joke!" There was a trace of indifference in Yuan Shi's voice.

At the same time, in the Formation of Ten Thousand Immortals, Master Tongtian also knew about the arrival of the saint from the west. He frowned slightly, not knowing what he was thinking. However, he still ordered his disciples to form a good formation, and waited for the disciples to come and break the formation. .


 There are only two chapters today, and more will be added tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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