Chapter 278
In the early morning of the next day, Master Tongtian rode Kui Niu again, and formed three formations, which were the Taiji formation, the Liangyi formation, and the Sixiang formation.

Qiu Shouxian came out according to the order, and shouted loudly in front of the formation: "Wait, who dares to break my Tai Chi formation?"

Yuanshi Tianzun saw at a glance that the body of the Qiushouxian was a lion. He pointed at Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun and said, "You go to the Tai Chi formation!"

"Yes, Master!" Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun took the order, stepped out of the air, and came to the front of the Tai Chi formation.

Qiu Shouxian sneered, and said, "Do you dare to enter my formation?"

Manjusri said: "Why don't you dare?" Qiu Shouxian turned and entered the battle, and Guangfa Tianzun followed.

The two entered the Taiji formation one after the other, and Lingya Fairy and Jin Guangxian walked out at the same time, and said to the immortals, "under Yuxu's sect, who dares to come to meet us?"

Yuanshi once again saw the real bodies of the two people. Lingya Fairy was a spirit elephant and Jin Guangxian was Jinmaoji. He smiled strangely, pointed at Master Puxian and Cihang Taoist, and said, "You two go to meet the two. Ritual array and four-image array."

The two took orders, stepped forward, and entered the Liangyi Formation and the Sixiang Formation.Seeing Cihang in his four-element formation, Jin Guangxian smiled and said: "Cihang, you are a woman who dares to enter my formation today, aren't you afraid of dying in the formation?"

As he said that, he sacrificed a flying sword, and quickly flew towards the real Cihang, who greeted him with the sword.With a thought, Jin Guangxian activates the mysterious array, there is another universe in the array, the earth, water, fire, and wind are rushing in all directions, the four phenomena are tyrannical, crazy, the boundless fire and wind, countless sharp mountains, earth, rocks, and floods, are heading towards Cihang coming.

Seeing this scene, Master Cihang didn't panic. She pinched the Yuanxin Seal with her hands, blessed her body, and showed Jin Guangxian the side of the Yuanxin Seal to confuse his heart, so as to confuse his mind. The magic treasure jade bottle is taken out and placed on top of the head, the sky above the head is overflowing with bright clouds and brilliance, protecting the whole body.

Seeing this, Jin Guangxian laughed and said: "Cihang, do you think you can resist my big formation like this? What a joke, you will die here today!"

Jin Guangxian pointed at the void, and suddenly boundless wind and fire poured down, engulfing the people of Ci Hang Tao.

Jin Guangxian squeezed the seal again, and the boundless water, fire and wind surged towards the surroundings, as terrifying as a volcanic eruption, the flames rose into the sky, and then fell from the sky, bursting out with a strong sense of destruction, like molten lava, rushing down .

"Cihang, die for me!" Jin Guangxian laughed.

Before the words fell, a white light suddenly shot out from the center of the lava flow. Above the brilliance, there was a lotus flower sun disk, and boundless flames burned on it, emitting hot white light. Girl, she is not wearing any clothes, only a short tiger skin skirt is around her waist. The girl's black hair is like mist, and she sits sideways on the lotus figure, her curves are soft and graceful, her skin is as clean and flawless as ivory, and her chest is protruding. tempting.

Jin Guangxian was originally a lustful person, seeing this alluring scene, he forgot for a moment that he was facing his enemy, and he should be more careful.

But under the influence of Yuan Xinyin, at this moment, there was only hotness in his eyes, nothing else, he ran towards the girl in the flames, and when he was seven feet away from the girl, the girl suddenly turned and smiled at him, as if A thunderbolt exploded in his heart.There is no such thing as a graceful and beautiful girl. In the flames, half of the dharma form is a girl's body, and the other half is a black skeleton with strips of ribs and no flesh at all. Through the cracks in the bones, you can see the flames on the opposite side.On the left side of the face, the young girl's eyes are moving with passion, but on the right side, it looks like a skeleton.

Jin Guangxian was rushing forward, when he suddenly saw such an astonishing scene, he backed away in fright, Master Cihang took out the jade bottle from his hand, and inserted a branch of green willow into it, she pulled out the green willow, and brushed it towards Jin Guangxian, one by one The invisible space fluctuated, and Jin Guangxian was rolled all over the ground, and then a green light brushed past, Jin Guangxian fell limp to the ground, unable to struggle.

The Ci Hang Taoist flew forward, holding a green willow, and beat the Golden Immortal mercilessly, causing the Golden Immortal to roll all over the ground, howling incessantly.After fighting for a long time, Daoist Cihang stepped forward, squeezed the mysterious seal formula in his hand, punched it into Jin Guangxian's forehead, and said loudly: "Jin Guangxian, show your original shape quickly!"

Jin Guangxian roared suddenly, shook his body, and revealed his original shape. It was a golden-haired jelly with a horse head and dragon horns, three feet in length, red scales, and golden mane. .Naturally, this array can be broken without attacking!

Coming out of the big formation, Cihang Taoist saw that the gates of the other two formations were shaking for a while, and then two figures appeared, only Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun sitting on the green-haired lion, Puxian sitting on the back of the six-tusk white elephant , all looked delighted.The three looked at each other and smiled, and walked towards the residence of Yuxu Palace.

Seeing that the three real people under Yuxu's sect actually took Jin Guangxian, Lingya Xian and Qiushouxian out of their bodies and used them as mounts, all the immortals of Chanjiao blushed and were very angry. They held weapons in their hands and wanted to go forward to arrest these three real people.

"Under Yuxu's sect, it's really deceiving people too much! Not to mention breaking the battle, but even degrading my Taoist brother as a mount, which is tolerable or unbearable!"

"Presumptuous! Too much deception!"



Jiejiao's immortals were enraged for a while, all of them were furious, and Chanjiao's actions simply did not take them seriously, even if they killed the three great immortals, they would only lament their own lack of strength, and would not What to say, but now it is forcing people to be mounts, which is an insult to immortals.

On the contrary, on the side of explaining and teaching, they were overjoyed to see the three real people surrendering each other, and stepped forward to congratulate them.

Seeing this, Master Tongtian sighed, and all the disciples were unable to move. He said loudly: "My disciples don't move, and the teacher will deal with it." After speaking, he took a step forward and said: "Brother, come out and answer!"

After hearing this, Yuanshi stepped out, came into the void, and confronted the leader of Tongtian. He glanced at the three of Cihang and said to Tongtian: "What can the third brother say? Are you continuing to come according to the agreement? Or do you set up a big formation and go to break the formation for your brother?"

After hearing this, Tong Tian was silent for a moment, smiled wryly, and said: "I originally wanted my disciple to compete with the eldest brother's disciple, but now it seems that my disciple is indeed not as good as it is. If that is the case, let's forget about the others. You and I will fight directly, I will set up the formation, big brother, you will break the formation!"

Yuanshi glanced at Duobao and the others beside Tongtian Sect Master, and said: "Third brother's direct disciples have not yet made a move. If they make a move, my disciples may be slightly behind. Third brother don't need to belittle himself. However, third brother Since you are invited to fight, let's fight, you and my brother haven't fought for many years, let's see if the third brother has improved in this fight?"

"Brother, don't you watch the battle first?" Tong Tian asked.Generally, people are invited to enter the formation to watch the formation first, and then set a date to go to the formation.

"It doesn't matter. For me, it doesn't hurt to watch the formation in advance or not. It's better to break the formation directly." Yuan Shi said lightly. He is very confident in his cultivation base. Formation method?That's what people with similar cultivation levels do.Even if Tongtian had the Zhuxian Sword Formation in his hand, Yuan Shi was still not afraid.

"Senior brother is still as confident as ever, well, Pindao will enter the formation first and wait for the eldest brother!" Tong Tian cupped his hands, turned around and entered the formation.

The sea of ​​clouds in the formation was churning, and the four swords of peerless slaughter rushed straight out of the sky. They were the four swords of Zhuxian, Zhuxian, Juexian, and Killing Immortals, hanging on the four gates, forming the Zhuxian formation.

In the sea of ​​clouds, the universe is repeated, good fortune is reborn, the sky is dark, the sky and the earth are trembling, dragons and phoenixes sing, flames rise to the sky, all kinds of incredible visions appear, and the Great Formation of Ten Thousand Immortals begins to really start.The previous Ten Thousand Immortal Formation was only a part of it.

Yuan Shi smiled lightly and stepped into the formation. In an instant, the sun and the moon rotated, turned upside down, and appeared in a strange world.

 At least four updates today, don't worry!

(End of this chapter)

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