My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 286 6 Paths, Time and Space

Chapter 286 Six Paths, Time and Space (Fifth Watch)


Suddenly, King Zhou shouted loudly.Yuan Shi did not stop their actions, and he also wanted to see in his heart what methods King Zhou could use to deal with him.

To the east of Chaoge City, Ao Wutian suddenly shouted, "My Lord Huangquan!"

On the land of the east, suddenly, a huge yellow turbid long river loomed from the void. There were countless resentful souls rising and falling on the river surface.The water of the underworld is both holy water and poisonous water. For those who are useful, it is holy water, but for ordinary people, it is absolutely poisonous water.

Lu Bu stepped on the ground, waved his halberd in his hand, and inserted it into a corner of the central ground. The brilliance bloomed, and the mysterious bright lines spread from the center to the surroundings. In an instant, they spread across Chaoge City. He shouted: "My lord! Earth!"

With a wave of the feather fan in Zhuge Liang's hand, a large bridge appeared in the void in the south, with rolling yellow sand on the bridge and surging Yellow River under the bridge.

Yue Fei stood on the land of the west, with a finger of the spear in his hand, a sea of ​​blood-colored flowers bloomed, covering the entire void, they were the flowers of the other shore.

"My lord the other side!"

The white-haired woman's face was grim. She flipped her hands and held two curved blades in her hands. With a wave of both blades, a sea of ​​death appeared. She said coldly, "My lord is dead!"

"My lord, reincarnation!"

King Zhou stood on an altar, pointed to the sky with one hand, and said in a deep voice.

In an instant, six channels of reincarnation that penetrated the sky and the earth rose from the ground, covering the four directions, and above the void, a mirror, a tower, a tripod, and a bell fixed the four poles of the sky and the earth, sealing the sky and the earth.

These four magic weapons are the Haotian Mirror, which can explore the heavens and the heavens, and reflect attacks; the demon lock tower, which can suppress demons; the Shennong Ding, which can refine all things and smelt medicine; Time and space, the Eastern Emperor Bell that opens the gate of heaven!
The four magic weapons are very familiar from the beginning. Although these four magic weapons are from another world, they are not as powerful as the prehistoric due to the limitation of the world level, but they should not be underestimated. After all, each magic weapon enjoys a great reputation.

"Six Paths of Reincarnation? The Avenue of Time and Space?"

Yuan Shi was slightly surprised. Since the post-territorial transformation of reincarnation, no one in the wild has been able to control the six reincarnations. Although Yuanshi's avatar, the Three Lives Emperor, has also realized the six reincarnations, it is actually not the real way of reincarnation. At this moment The six reincarnations that King Zhou created with the help of a large formation look a bit like real reincarnation.However, this formation is not complete, Yuanshi's vision, he can see at a glance that the sixth way is not completely perfect, resulting in flaws in this formation.

Thinking that King Zhou was an outsider, Yuan Shi also understood in his heart that the six ways of the prehistoric and desolate are difficult to comprehend, not that reincarnation in other worlds is also difficult to comprehend. The laws of different worlds are different. The more perfect the world, the more difficult it is to comprehend the powerful laws.Perhaps in the world where King Zhou lives, reincarnation is easy to comprehend.

Moreover, in addition to this, Yuanshi also felt the breath of time and space in this formation. Thinking about it this way, King Zhou also had an understanding of time and space. This is what Yuanshi was really surprised about. It is not easy for King Zhou to comprehend the top-level Dao.

"I didn't expect King Zhou to have such luck. It's really not easy to understand reincarnation and the way of time and space."

Yuan Shi praised King Zhou, but then changed his tone and said: "However, you think that you want to fight against me because of this incomplete space-time derivative world. It's not that this work looks down on you, the fact is that this is really not enough."

"I don't dare to underestimate Tianzun anymore. Just now I underestimated Tianzun, and I have already suffered a big loss. Now I don't want to repeat the same mistakes."

King Zhou smiled coldly, and said, he took out a gray-white ball the size of a fist, and threw it up. The ball burst into a vast glow, and then quickly grew bigger, like a big gray balloon, and finally got bigger and bigger. Until it was completely the same size as Chaoge City and integrated into the big formation, Yuan Shi immediately felt the changes.

At this moment, the derivative world has been completely compensated, becoming an independent time and space, and outside forces cannot enter, and the entire space of Chaoge City has become extremely distorted, and Chaoge has separated from Honghuang.

"What's going on, where is Chaoge City? Why is it gone?" Outside, many soldiers guarding the city were shocked when they saw Chaoge disappear in the blink of an eye.

"Report—report to King Wu that Chaoge has disappeared." A soldier came to report.

"What? It's gone, are you kidding me?" King Wu was in a daze at the moment, the whole Chaoge is so big, yet you said it was gone, how could this be possible.

However, when he came out to look, Chaoge had indeed disappeared. In the place where Chaoge City was before, it was now a vast expanse of whiteness, and nothing could be seen.

"Could it be that Tianzun took Chaoge away, but why did he take it away?" King Wu didn't understand. He is a little depressed.

"Space rules the world?"

In the derivative world, Yuanshi was really surprised. No wonder he was able to comprehend the avenue of time and space. With the world formed by the rules of space, it is equivalent to mastering a part of the rules of space. You only need to refine them to master the rules and comprehend them. The law of space is the simplest.

"That's right, Tianzun has good eyesight!" King Zhou said.

"With this spatial rule, the world is indeed a threat to me, but it is not enough." Yuan Shi was still very indifferent. The King Zhou had a lot of cards, and it would have been enough to deal with ordinary saints, but he didn't know what Yuan Shi was. A strong man with perfect Hunyuan.

"Is it enough? Only after the battle will you know!" King Zhou snorted coldly, stopped talking, stood on the altar, pointed to the sky with one hand, and manipulated six large formations to press down on Yuanshi.

"Forget it, since King Zhou is going to fight, I will accompany you one or two." Yuan Shi chuckled lightly, ignoring the suppressed formation, and when he glanced at it, the formation stopped and never fell.

"Tianzun is really powerful, so let's try the attack of Donghuang Bell!" King Zhou was not surprised, he sneered, and controlled the four magic weapons in the sky to attack him.


The Donghuang bell rang, absorbed the power of endless stars, and turned into a huge gate of heaven. With a strong pressure, it suppressed the aura of the heavens and fell from the sky, crushing everything around it. Immediately afterwards, the Demon Locking Tower As it grows bigger, it also covers it down.The Haotian Mirror reflected a beam of extreme daylight, which shot at lightning speed, and the Shennong Cauldron hung upside down in the sky, sealing off the sky.

Yuanshi's eyes showed disdain, and he slapped out with a palm, a flat palm, seemingly powerless, but that palm collapsed the huge gate of heaven, and Yuanshi didn't stop in the blink of an eye, and pointed out again. , Hitting on the Demon Locking Tower.


With a crisp sound, cracks appeared in the demon-locking tower, and then, with a crash, the demon-locking tower couldn't withstand the power of Yuan Shi's finger, and it burst open directly, and the fragments flew like rain.

In an instant, the light of the extreme day came, and Yuan Shi was not in a hurry, and the same white light shot out from his eyes, touched it, and disappeared invisible.

All of these were completed within the blink of an eye, and no one thought that such a result would come about.

"Damn it, come again, the space is misplaced!"

King Zhou controlled the formation with the help of the world of space rules, and directly displayed the supernatural powers of space in the derivative world. In the rumble, the usually invisible space began to appear layer after layer of space at this moment, and the layers of space continued to grow. The dislocation opens and extends towards Yuanshi. If one person stands there, he will immediately be crushed into countless sections by the collapse of this space, and eventually turn into a blood mist and explode.

Yuanshi's eyes were bright and he showed a look of daring interest. Seeing the space layer constantly pressing towards him, he stepped on the space layer as soon as he lifted his footsteps, and then followed the continuous dislocation of the space, changing the space layer step by step, After the dislocation passed, Yuan Shi stood on the spot again, as if he hadn't moved half a step.

"how is this possible?"

King Zhou exclaimed, with a look of horror on his face.The time of space dislocation is very fast, and it will be dislocated hundreds of millions of times in one breath, but Yuan Shi can walk on the ground as if on the ground. What a terrible vision and speed, which cannot be explained by speed. He You know, Yuan Shi is also proficient in the laws of space or time.

King Zhou refused to accept it, and took out a gun from nowhere. The gun seemed very ordinary and could not feel the slightest fluctuation of laws, but Yuan Shi knew that this gun was not simple.King Zhou shot forward, but the speed was extremely slow.

"One shot—rebirth to the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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