My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 287 You Should Dress Me Up

Chapter 287 You Should Dress Me Up (Sixth)

"One shot—rebirth to the world!"

King Zhou shot forward, and a light flashed on the tip of the gun. Then, the light spot became bigger and converged into a real dragon. The whole gun seemed to be transformed into a real dragon. From then on, the light dissipated, and a brand new world appeared in front of Yuanshi.

In the world, there are sun, moon, stars, endless galaxy, mountains, rivers, vegetation and forests... everything, but Yuanshi felt the sharpness in this world.In this world, there are all the sharpness of guns, and everything is made of guns. The so-called world is created by a gun, it is like this.

Yuanshi stepped to the side, and the space distance between the two became very long in an instant. It seemed to be a step away, but in fact it was more than hundreds of millions of kilometers. This is the wonderful use of the space road, so close to the world.

Afterwards, Yuan Shi stretched out his hand and grabbed it earlier, the space shrank rapidly, and the world on that side also gradually shrank with Yuan Shi's big hand. Struggling, which seems to be a palm, is actually a world.

The world shrank rapidly, and Yuanshi swallowed the entire spear world into his belly. In this way, Yuanshi's understanding of the spear path was rapidly improving, and that world fell into a mysterious hole in Yuanshi's body, turning into a One side of the real world.

"The taste is nothing more than that!" At the end, Yuan Shi commented lightly.


Seeing this, King Zhou and the others gasped and were dumbfounded. What the hell is this, that they just swallowed a world attack... ate it!How is this possible, the world can also eat?Even if you destroy it, others will only lament that you are powerful, but what are you going to do after eating it? It’s not like it’s scary!

"Come again!"

King Zhou's face was heavy, unwilling to lose at this point, he continued to control the formation, and no matter what, he had to find some confidence in Yuan Shi.

"Time—still! Space—frozen!"

Obviously, with the help of the Derivative Realm, King Zhou can also achieve time stillness and space freezing.Both of them are one of the most powerful supernatural powers in the space-time line. In theory, as long as they are strong enough, they can be completely invincible.

Time stillness means that the time around you is completely static, the body cannot move, even the thinking will stop, and everything about you will remain the same.And space freezing means to freeze a space itself, and this space will no longer fluctuate, and it will not be connected with other places. In this environment, saints cannot teleport.

If your mind can't move, your body can't move, then, what awaits you is death.

In an instant, Yuan Shi felt that the time around him was being stretched without limit. In his gratitude, the time became extremely slow. Normally, it would take hundreds or even thousands of seconds to complete a second at this moment.Moreover, the surrounding space is also pressing on him, and the space has become extremely solid, and every step he takes requires a great deal of energy.

Countless powers of time and space crazily attacked Yuanshi in all directions, and each blow carried unparalleled power, shaking the heavens and the earth.

However, although these attacks are strong, they are still not enough in the eyes of Yuan Shi.After all, there is a gap in cultivation. You want an ant to hold an elephant, is it possible? .

"You can achieve such a level with the quasi-sage's cultivation base, even with the help of the power of the derivative world, you are proud enough, but it is a pity that you are facing this seat, and you will never know the horror of the Holy Lord!"

Yuanshi opened his mouth and said, raising his hand, a Yuanshi seal blasted out. Immediately there were ten thousand laws fluctuating here, ten thousand dharmas lingering, dao light shining, and dao rhyme stretching. Like rain, beams of light filled the sky.

At this moment, the law of heaven and earth has turned into a tangible chain, colorful, all colors come out together, the flowing clouds are romantic, the auspicious colors are flying, and the clouds are filled, which looks extremely brilliant and dreamy.

These divine chains of order finally turned into an oven, as vast and limitless as an oven of heaven and earth, and one oven contained heaven and earth, and wrapped Yuanshi in it.

The time-space avenue displayed by King Zhou with the help of the derivative world, whether it is the law of time or the law of space, is now absorbed by the law oven, assimilated by the Yuanshi avenue, and turned into a part of the Yuanshi avenue.


King Zhou's face suddenly changed, he almost hit with all his strength, but was defeated by the opponent in such a way, not only did he not take advantage of half of it, he even gave the opponent a chance.

The opponent didn't use the avenue of time and space to crack it, nor did he smash everything with a powerful force, but absorbed his attack in this way.

This is beyond his imagination, incredible.


King Zhou refused to admit defeat and launched the final blow. He mobilized all the forces of the formation and gathered them together. The power of the earth, the power of the underworld, and the power of death gathered. A huge black hole rolls in, containing the power of reincarnation.

Rolling road rhyme is formed, a kind of overwhelming heaven and earth avenue, rolling down like the opening of chaos.

The vast avenue of heaven and earth is derived in samsara. At this moment, the world is returning to its origin. No, at this moment, the world is gathering.

The world comes from chaos, all rules are slowly derived, and the derived rules are slowly gathering.

The vast and grand reincarnation dao rhyme roared between the heaven and the earth, and the dao rhyme became more and more majestic. The breath of reincarnation wrapped the space and time, and the years began to pass crazily.

All life in the world, all creatures in the world are controlled by reincarnation at this moment, they will return to chaos at this moment, and perish in chaos at this moment.

Yuan Shi felt that he was going to keep turning the wheel with this reincarnation and return to the embrace of chaos. He knew that this was an illusion. With the current strength of King Zhou, it was not enough for him to reincarnate, but this way of reincarnation was extremely scary.

The Yuanshi Avenue was roaring all over Yuanshi's body, and the oven of heaven and earth transformed by the God Chain of Order was constantly absorbing the breath of reincarnation and Dao rhyme, and was constantly assimilated by Yuanshi Avenue.

Yuan Shi felt that his understanding of reincarnation was improving at an incredible speed, and he couldn't help being intoxicated by this wonderful feeling.

After a few breaths, Yuanshi opened his eyes, and he saw that the entire derivative world had begun to collapse, and the heaven and earth were roaring, trying to repeat the earth, water, fire and wind, returning to chaos.

"Okay, don't waste any more time, King Zhou, I'm very interested in your secrets, but you probably won't hand it over to me, so I have no choice but to come and get it myself."

Yuanshi put away Yuanshi Avenue, looked at King Zhou who was about to leave and said indifferently.

"Damn it, I will definitely come back." King Zhou looked at Yuan Shi with hatred, and was about to leave silently in his heart.But at this moment, Yuan Shi's faint voice came:
"Where do you want to go, this seat has already guessed that you will leave this world, so I specially prepared a big gift for you, please keep it!"

Then, just as the gradually fading figure of King Zhou was about to disappear, a huge circular seal descended from the sky, and the surrounding space was frozen, and even time was meaningless. King Zhou maintained the state of leaving, unable to move at all .

In his unbelievable gaze, the circle seal was taken in together with him and the void.

At the same place, Yuan Shi looked at the round seal in his hand that had shrunk countless times, and said with a faint smile:
"I know that you have a treasure that can travel through myriad realms. Therefore, only the same treasure will be effective against you. This seat is in the original space of Hongmeng Yuanshiyin, but it is not in the myriad realms. You are wearing it for me. Take a look and see if you can travel back?"

(End of this chapter)

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