Chapter 288 Conferred God
The soldiers stationed outside Chaoge City were suddenly surprised to find that Chaoge City had appeared strangely again.In the original white area, a city suddenly appeared, which alarmed everyone in an instant, but when they went in to take a look, they found that the city was empty, and there was no one in sight.

At this point, the great business expedition ended with such a bizarre result. After this battle, the princes of the world all respected Wu Wang Jifa.Ji Fa established the Great Zhou Dynasty, established a new capital in Lintong, Huayin, and became Haojing, and the princes of the four directions enshrined King Wu as the emperor, demarcated new areas, and feudal princes.

After that, the human race gathered a large number of troops to attack the southern demon capital. The two wars between humans and demons have not yet ended. Now that the civil strife in the human race is over, they can concentrate their forces to fight against the demon race.

Chiyou and other demons were beaten back steadily by the increasing number of human masters. They had no choice but to march further south. In the end, the humans forced the demons out of Kyushu completely, but the demons still had remnants of the human race. Chiyou was in the south of Kyushu. Establish the capital of the demons, facing the human race far away, and may attack the human race at any time.

So far, the war between humans and demons has come to an end.

This calamity of conferring gods has passed, but many problems have been left behind. Many places on the prehistoric land have been shattered during this calamity, such as the place where the western war was fought and the southern man-devil war. Waiting for the place, the demonic energy is everywhere, it has become a place of ruins, and the power of destruction is still extending outward.

At this moment, the figure of Yuanshi Tianzun came to the chaos of 36 days. He looked down and saw that the land of Kyushu was only a few points in size, and the four seas were like smoke. In the depths, push that mysterious and inexplicable thing into the abyss, and gently push it.

Under this push, the water is blown, the four dimensions are gradually shaking, and the eight poles are shaking endlessly. The sea water in the four seas is gradually churning like boiling water, rising to the sky.

The four seas roared furiously, the four seas in the southeast, northwest, and the tides were all black, standing upright like walls on all sides, hiding the light of the sky like a black curtain, and no longer saw the light of the stars and the moon.

The sky is falling apart, the stars are falling, and the sky is full of fire and rain and meteors are flying down, just like the end of the world.In the ten directions of the sky and the sea, continents collided, fragments piled up, rumbling sounds continued, stirring up millions of feet of sea water, rushing endlessly, the crystal palace on the bottom of the sea collapsed, hundreds of millions of aquariums roamed wildly, and the continents of the world began to slow down. Divided into four major plates, sliding to the depths of the sea.

The North Pole returns to the ruins, and all the water returns to this place. The candle dragon is sleeping around Zhongshan Mountain. At this moment, it suddenly wakes up and roars to the sky. After that, with a movement of its body, it fixes the mainland and stops drifting.

At the extreme of four dimensions, boundless clouds rise, four huge pillars of heaven, whose height is unknown, hold up the sky, and the bottom is submerged in the depths of the sea, the bottom of the boundless, the three realms vibrate, these four pillars of heaven suddenly emit blue mysterious light, hold up the sky , so that it does not fall down.

In the depths of the Netherworld, Emperor Sansheng suddenly frowned, and he launched a golden wheel, which rose into the sky. The golden light was shining brightly, like thousands of suns appearing at the same time, shining all over the nine nether worlds and ten underworlds, boundless black water, and fixed the Netherworld.

In the land of quicksand in the northwest, at the peak of West Kunlun, the Kunlun mirror in the hands of the Queen Mother of the West released endless divine light, wrapping the Kunlun Tianzhu, and the Tianzhu did not move a little.

On the western continent, the Taihua Mountain Tribulation Demon Palace, Longevity Mountain, Lingshan and other places all suddenly released billions of brilliance, which gradually spread, extending the entire land, covering the entire western land.

The ten directions and the three realms, the nine heavens and the eight poles are all shaken and on the verge of collapse. Only the fairy peak of Kunlun Mountain is still standing between the sky and the sea, unmoving.

In Zixiao Palace, Hongjun Daozu suddenly opened his eyes, took a look at Honghuang, who was undergoing drastic changes, and just wanted to go out to have a look, but at this moment he felt the violent vibration of the law of heaven, the chain of law of order was shaking violently, Hongjun His face changed, and he hurriedly cast a spell to stabilize the space of heaven.At this moment, the origin of the core emits a dazzling mysterious light, Daozu's face is gloomy, and he doesn't care about other things.

Three days later, the turmoil in the world gradually subsided, but now, people suddenly discovered that the world is divided into four continents, surrounded by an endless ocean, and the four continents are like four vast islands, standing motionless in the ocean.

The four continents are Dongshengshenzhou, Xiniuhezhou, Nanfangbuzhou, and Beijuluzhou!
Most of the human races live in Dongsheng Shenzhou and Beiju Luzhou now, and there are other places, but they are very rare.Nanfangbuzhou is mostly the place where demon cultivators and Chiyou of the demon clan reside. Xiniu Hezhou is the residence of Jiemo Temple, Longevity Mountain Wuzhuang Temple, and Western religion.

33 The Heaven Realm and the Nine Nether Nether Realms remain unchanged, but there are endless fragments of continents drifting outside the starry sky, gradually evolving into a small thousand world, attached to the prehistoric four continents.

Beside the lunar star, there are now eight more continental fragments. This place is illuminated by the power of endless stars day and night, and gradually evolves into eight stars in the future, namely Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Everything has been decided, Yuan Shi returned to Kunlun Mountain, and many disciples who explained the teaching had already been waiting in the Tianzun Hall, waiting for Yuan Shi's order.

During this calamity, there were almost no casualties. Although all the disciples were injured, after this battle, they all gained something, and the breakthrough is not far away.A great catastrophe also means a great opportunity. After passing it, it is extremely important, whether it is for the cultivation base or the cleansing of the soul.

The disciples were separated on both sides of the main hall, Yuan Shi sat on the cloud bed, and said: "The calamity of conferring the gods has passed, but I am very dissatisfied with your performance. A small formation will take you When you are trapped, you can see how shallow your knowledge is."

Yuan Shi's voice was very flat, and he couldn't hear any anger, but it sounded in the ears of everyone, but it sounded like a huge wave, and all the immortals bowed their heads and were ashamed.Just now they were still proud of passing through the calamity safely, but now they are evaluated by the master in this way, and when they think of their performance in the calamity, if it is not for the background of explaining and teaching, they may have died countless times.

"I am ashamed of my teacher's instruction, please punish me!" All the disciples bowed their heads one after another, not daring to look up.

The hall suddenly fell into a strange silence. Yuan Shi sat on the top and didn't answer, and the disciples didn't dare to look at each other to transmit the sound.

After a long time, Yuan Shi said: "This time, when you go back, you will reflect carefully, and you will not leave the mountain for ten thousand years."

"Yes, teacher!" All the disciples breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this, but they made up their minds in their hearts that they must learn more knowledge about formations in the future.

"Shen Gongbao!" Yuan Shi said suddenly.

"The disciple is here." Shen Gongbao walked out from the back, came to the center of the hall and bowed down.

"The calamity of conferring the gods has passed, but the gods have not yet been sealed. I order you, three days later, the conferring of the gods on the stage of conferring the gods must not be delayed!" Yuan Shi said indifferently, with an unquestionable majesty in his voice.

"Yes, I would like to obey Master's decree!" Shen Gongbao said with a bow.

"Well, then, let's go down."

"Yes, teacher!" All the disciples bowed again.

Three days later, on the Conferred God Stage, Shen Gongbao held the decree of Yuanshi Tianzun, offered incense and prayed to the heavens, and knelt down in the direction of Yuxu Palace. :

"Taishang Wuji Hunyuan Cult Leader Yuanshi Tianzun said: Woohoo! Immortals and mortals will go back, if you don't have thick Bacon, how can... Special order Shen Gongbao, according to the severity of the catastrophe, according to the qualifications, seal you as the eight righteous gods, Divided in charge of command... Er Qiqin!"

After Shen Gongbao finished reading, he put the imperial edict on the desk, and then came to the list of gods, holding the Qinglian Baoguang flag in his left hand, and the whip in his right hand, standing in the center, next to Bai Jian, holding the soul-inducing banner, kneeling under the altar, ready to listen to the announcement At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, a patent was issued.

Shen Gongbao looked at Yuanshi Fuzhao and read: "Today, under the imperial edict of Taishang Yuanshi, Er Baijian was the commander-in-chief of Xuanyuan Huangdi in the past. He had made great achievements in the battle against Chiyou, but unfortunately died in Beihai and sacrificed his life for the country. To be the leader of the Three Realms, the Eight Divisions, 360, and the five Qingfu righteous gods, Er Qiqin!"

Below, Bai Jian clasped his head to thank him, only to see storms and clouds in the audience, incense and mist hovering, and Bai Jian outside the stage, holding a lark.

Shen Gongbao didn't care, and continued to proclaim the decree:

"I am ordered by the Emperor Yuanshi today, Er Huang Tianhua..."

"I am ordered by the emperor Yuan Shi, Huang Feihu..."

"Today I honor the Supreme Master Yuanshi..."




Next, according to Shen Gongbao's order, he sealed the spirits of the person who should be robbed and the loyal ministers and generals of the Shang Zhou Dynasty, etc., and sealed the 360 ​​five people in the upper four parts of Lei, Huo, Plague, Dou and the lower four parts of Stars, Three Mountains and Five Mountains, and Bu Yu Xingyun. The seat of righteousness.It's just that several of the places have been changed. For example, five of the six emperors have been determined, and the last one will be named as the god according to the original track. The flesh body confers gods, but the others are going to be lowered.

It is worth mentioning that Taixuan, the apprentice who was recruited at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, was named the God of the North because of his outstanding performance in the war between humans and demons, Xuantian God, Zhenwu, Demon God, and God of the North!

The Conferment of the Gods is over, Zhou Tian is reconciled, and the gods go to heaven to wait for dispatch, but the list of Conferred Gods and the Whip of the Gods are in the hands of Emperor Ziwei, the good corpse of the Yuan Dynasty, which makes the plan of the Haotian God come to nothing.

But the apotheosis of the gods had already been completed, there was nothing he could do.

(End of this chapter)

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