Chapter 289 Systems
After conferring the gods, Honghuang fell into peace again, everyone was busy with their own affairs, and the dynasties in the world were also rotating according to the original track.

Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace, Wudao Taichung.

Yuanshi flipped his hands and took out the Hongmeng Yuanshi Seal. This Hongmeng treasure that took him to the chaos was as he expected, and King Zhou was sealed in it. Even if he carried the treasure, he could not travel out.

This is also very normal, this primordial primordial treasure Yuan Shi has not fully figured it out yet, and there is only a vague guess in his mind at the moment, it may be related to the Eternal Realm, but whether it is true or not is still unclear.Now that he is able to suppress King Zhou's treasure, Yuan Shi is not surprised.

"I am looking forward to the treasure that can help people travel through the world."

Yuanshi's heart moved, and his figure disappeared instantly, but he entered the original world of Yuanshiyin.

When he came to the place where King Zhou was in the original world, this King Zhou was really extraordinary. Even in this situation, he still looked calm, without any panic on his face.

As the owner of Yuan Shi Yin, Yuan Shi naturally knew that King Zhou was really flustered when he first entered this place. His treasure had failed and could not be used. It is no wonder that King Zhou didn't panic.However, as a king, after the initial panic and confusion, he has calmed down a lot now, or he has seen through a lot, knowing that Yuan Shi will definitely not let him go, no matter how much he struggles, he will never let him go. It didn't work, so I gave up.

This is also the reason why Yuanshi came in after so many days. He wanted King Zhou to think clearly, and now it seems that the effect is not bad.

"King Zhou's mentality is good, but this time, I'm not here to see how brilliant King Zhou is. Tell me, you should know what I want to ask." Dian looked at King Zhou in the distance and said.

"Of course, you can choose not to say it, but you should know that I have plenty of means to know what I want to know."

Hearing this, King Zhou gave a wry smile and said, "What Tianzun said is true. Since I was arrested, I can't even commit suicide. Naturally, Tianzun has other ways to know what I know."

King Zhou took a deep breath and said: "Tianzun expected it right, I am indeed from another world. I originally came from a future world like the prehistoric, but because I got a treasure, I can travel through the heavens and myriad worlds." , Since then, I have embarked on the road of conquest of all worlds. After repeated planning and hard work, I have been smooth sailing along the way. I did not expect to encounter such a catastrophe in this legendary prehistoric world. Sure enough, I cannot be underestimated. Look at any world, especially this top mythical world."

"Treasure?" Yuan Shi raised his eyebrows and asked.

"That's right, it's a treasure, but I call it a system. It can help me embark on the path of cultivation by issuing some tasks." King Zhou said.

"System? Interesting."

There was an interested smile on Yuan Shi's face. Recently, he has been interested in more and more people or things.

"Where is the system now?" Yuan Shi asked suddenly.

But at this moment, King Zhou seemed to be a different person, his eyes suddenly turned silver, and became indifferent, not human, but more like the eyes of the sky.

A huge beam of light blasted out from the hands of "King Zhou". Like a huge holy sword, the beam of light directly distorted space, traveled through time, and pierced the rules. Time and space are meaningless in front of it, because it can change time and space at any time.

In it, Yuanshi felt hundreds of Dao principles such as destruction, end, time and space, and cause and effect. These Dao are derived from the Dao of Time and Space.

The huge beam of light bombarded Yuanshi with the power to destroy the heavens.This power has reached the point of destroying Hunyuan's consummation. If it is outside, even if Yuanshi faces such a blow, it will be difficult to avoid it. He can only resist it. As for whether he can survive after the resistance, that is unknown.

After Yuanshi's initial astonishment, his complexion returned to its original state in an instant, as if he had been frightened, and stood still.Just when the beam of destruction light was only one foot away from Yuanshi, Yuanshi uttered a word:

In an instant, the destructive beam of time and space stopped motionless, as if it had been cast to freeze time, but judging from the previous performance of the beam of light, even time has no meaning in front of it, so what time can it be? freeze it.


Yuan Shi spoke again, and then the beam of light in the sky dissipated into nothing, as if it had never appeared before, but Yuan Shi knew that it had just almost destroyed a strong Hunyuan Perfectionist.

"I just talked about the system, and it's coming out now. I'm afraid you are not King Zhou now." Yuan Shi looked at the "King Zhou" who was immobilized and said, because he saw a trace of panic in those eyes, but But they were not the eyes of King Zhou before.

"If it were in other places, your blow might really kill me, but in this original world, no matter how hard you try, you will not succeed." Yuan Shi looked at King Zhou whose body was occupied by the system. Said lightly.

"Because here, I am the ruler!"

"Here, I rule everything! As long as there is nothing beyond the primordial treasure level, you have to be obedient when you get here."


Yuan Shi spit out a word again, and saw that King Zhou's body dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, starting from his legs and gradually upward, without even flying ash, it just turned into air and dissipated invisible.

In just a few breaths, King Zhou's body completely disappeared from this world, leaving only a fist-sized... fruit exuding faint dragon aura and coercion, and a silver radiant, Some struggling... small towers.

Yuan Shi naturally knew what that fruit was. It was the Dao Fruit of King Zhou, and it was an extremely rare Emperor Dao Fruit. It was the result of King Zhou's perception of his own Dao.

As for the small tower, I am afraid that it is the main body of the system that King Zhou said before.

Even if Yuanshidang sacrificed Yuanshi Dao and devoured the emperor's Dao Fruit, all the perception of Dao would be turned into the nourishment of Yuanshi Dao.In just a few breaths, Yuanshi's comprehension of time and space, reincarnation, five elements, emperors and other avenues has increased a lot. Among them, Yuanshi has never comprehended the avenue of emperors.To put it simply, the Emperor's Dao is to unify the world, use the Emperor's Dao to subdue all Dao, and become the real master of one world.

This way can be divided into several levels, there are kings, human emperors, earth emperors, and heavenly emperors. It's not Hong Huang, a puppet emperor who only has the status of heaven and earth but has no power and strength.

Seriously speaking, Haotian is not a person who cultivates the way of emperor.

After digesting the Emperor Dao Fruit, Yuan Shi turned his attention back to the small silver pagoda. This is his biggest gain this time. The mysterious system will bring mysterious answers.

The system is its name, and the small tower is its body, so what is its true essence?

A small tower that can travel through the heavens and worlds itself contains extraordinary avenues.

(End of this chapter)

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