Chapter 295
"What, what kind of fierce monster is that, with such a violent and fierce aura on it?!"

"It turned out to be a blood-colored mosquito monster. The aura on this body... is the unique aura in the Nether Blood Sea. Could it be related to the Styx?"

"Didn't the Styx Master Styx be seriously injured by a saint when he preached the Dao last time, and escaped with the Blood God Son? Why did he show up? Could it be that the injury has healed?"


Feeling that fierce breath, the gods speculated about the origin of this monster mosquito.Amitabha and Zhunti Buddha's mother's faces darkened, and everyone could see that they were in a bad mood.

Amidst the puzzled expressions of everyone, the fierce mosquito flew directly onto the golden lotus in the sea of ​​luck, and screamed excitedly. The corners of its mouth suddenly grew thin and long mouthparts, with an extremely sharp aura , instantly pierced through the defense of the twelfth-grade merit golden lotus, and swallowed it in big mouthfuls.


The world was silent, only the sound of the fierce mosquito devouring the golden lotus could be heard continuously. Obviously, all the gods were dumbfounded, and no one thought that such an astonishing scene would happen.


"Isn't my eyes dazzled? That monster mosquito actually... actually devoured the golden lotus."

"Oh my god, is this world crazy? Jinlian is unparalleled in defense, and it is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure. Even a saint can hardly break it with one blow. Now it is eaten by a fierce mosquito. How is this possible?"

"Where did this monster mosquito come from, so powerful that it even broke Jinlian's defense?"


Countless great powers in the world who paid attention to this place were alarmed. Such a shocking thing happened. This monster is so fierce that it even dared to touch the treasure of Buddhism, and it still has the ability to devour it. golden lotus.

The faces of Amitabha and Zhunti Buddha's mother changed dramatically, but there was nothing they could do. Buddhism was first established, and now is the time to gather luck. During this process, I and others should not interfere with the luck pool with external force, otherwise it will affect the luck.But at this moment, the monster mosquito is devouring the Jinyun Jinlian wantonly, if it is not stopped, it will be even more unlucky.

A dilemma was in front of them, should they kill the monster mosquitoes, or wait for the luck to be collected before making a move?Both are very unfavorable to them, and they can only choose the one with the least loss of benefits.

"Senior brother, where is that evildoer, who dared to devour my Buddhist luck golden lotus, what should I do now?" Zhunti Buddha's mother anxiously said.

"This is the first mosquito in the prehistoric era. It is a blood-winged black mosquito of a different species. It was born in a sea of ​​blood. It is born with part of the law of blood and the law of devouring. It is rampant and extremely fierce." Amitabha took a deep breath and said in a deep voice,

"Now we can only wait until the Western luck is gathered before we can capture it."

"But, Senior Brother..."

"There is only one chance to gather luck, which is related to the future of Buddhism. The golden lotus is gone, and there will be others in the future, but the future of Buddhism cannot be changed." Amitabha shook his head and said.

"Well, how long does it take?"

"Soon." Amitabha said slowly, staring at the blood mosquito in the sea of ​​luck.

Seeing this scene, the gods of the East felt extremely happy. The loss of luck in the West is only good for the East, not bad.

Some monks who didn't know the situation were puzzled.The blood mosquito devoured the golden lotus, but the Buddhists didn't stop it. What's going on?Is there some secret we don't know?
"Look, it's downgraded, that golden lotus has dropped one rank!" As the blood mosquitoes continued to devour it, the twelfth-rank virtuous golden lotus unexpectedly dropped to eleventh rank, and a large amount of innate origin was lost.

"It's down again, tenth rank!" Seeing that Jinlian's rank has dropped, why is there some inexplicable excitement in my heart? Could it be that seeing other people's misfortune makes me happy? This is to base my happiness on the pain of others Feel?
"Look, rank nine!"


At this time, the western luck finally stopped converging on Lingshan.At the first moment, Zhunti Buddha's mother made a move, and the saint made a move. Naturally, it was extraordinary. No matter how powerful the mosquito Taoist was, he was only a Daluo Jinxian. Stay at his cultivation level and imprison him.

However, at this moment, only the ninth rank of the most important treasure of Buddhism is left, and the innate source has been lost so badly that if there are not a lot of innate things to make up for it in the future, this golden lotus will be like this for a lifetime.

On Kunlun Mountain, Yuanshi retracted his gaze. The matter of Buddhism had come to an end for the time being. He turned his attention to the human world. At this moment, the world is full of chaos, the era of the five tyrants in the Spring and Autumn Period, and a hundred schools of thought contending.

He saw that the people of Cihang Taoism professed themselves as cultivators, went through the sufferings of the world, performed charity and compassion everywhere, and saved the common people, so as to experience the Taoism and sharpen their minds.In order to adapt to all kinds of sentient beings with different roots and types, Cihang real person even transformed into 32 different identities to experience the stories of various types of people.Among them are the body of solitude, the body of enlightenment, the body of Brahma, the body of Indra, the body of free heaven, the body of bhikkhuni, the body of female master, the body of a boy, the body of a virgin, and the body of a non-person.

He saw Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun playing with Samantabhadra in the human world, experienced the sophistication of the world, the warmth and coldness of the world, and finally lectured on the scriptures and the Dharma in Mount Wutai.

He saw Taoist Randeng envisioning the Great Dao on Lingjiu Mountain, with glazed lights flickering above his head, and Dao rhyme flowing.

Yuan Shi smiled mysteriously. The four traitors who originally explained the teachings are now comprehending the Dao of the world in their own ways, and they are not as devoted to Buddhism as they were on the original track.

Yuan Shi was not surprised. If they really devoted themselves to Buddhism, Yuan Shi would doubt his own ability at that time.

When Yuan Shi raised his hand, he carved several Dao marks in the void, and a mysterious spatial fluctuation occurred. Afterwards, he saw Cihang, Manjusri, Samantabhadra and the burning lamps on Lingjiu Mountain that were far away in the world, and they came to Yuan Shi in an instant.


They were still in a familiar place before, but they suddenly came to a Kunlun Mountain that was far away. They glanced at each other vigilantly in their hearts. bye.

"Well, I see that the four of you have Buddha nature, do you want to practice Buddhism?" Yuan Shi nodded, and then said lightly, without any emotion in his voice.

When the four of them heard the words, their complexions immediately changed greatly, and their hearts were terrified. They quickly knelt down on the ground and said loudly: "Master, we have no intention of Buddhism, please learn from us, Master!"

"En." Yuan Shi responded lightly, and then stopped talking, but his eyes were still staring at them.

The atmosphere among the five people suddenly became quiet, and the four people on the ground became even more panicked, not daring to speak out.

After a long time, Yuan Shi said: "Get up, I didn't say that you are wrong. All dharmas are Tao, the way of immortality is the way, the way of martial arts is the way, the way of magic is also the way, and the way of Buddhism is the word "Tao". I don’t mean to look down on Buddhism and Taoism. It’s just that Buddhism and Taoism seem to be more suitable for you.”

"Yes, Master." The four of them breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words, and stood up, but according to what Yuan Shi said, they couldn't guess what Yuan Shi was thinking.

"This seat has been preaching for you for three days. After three days, this seat has other important orders, and you need to complete them with all your heart." Yuan Shi said.

The four of them looked at each other and said, "Follow Master's decree!"

Yuan Shi stopped talking and began to preach. The Tao he was talking about at this moment was not about explaining the ultimate principles of heaven and earth, but about the newly established Buddhism.He doesn't talk about Buddhism and Taoism, and he doesn't talk about Buddhist practice of meditation, or Buddhist supernatural powers, but Buddhism and Taoism classics.

Various Buddhist classics such as "Diamond Sutra", "Lotus Sutra", "Heart Sutra", "Prajna Sutra", "Langa Sutra", "Infinite Life Sutra", "Amitabha Sutra" and other Buddhist classics in later generations, and then added his own Understanding is expressed through the method of preaching. Even today's Mahayana Buddhism does not have such a strong understanding of Buddhism.

Because Buddhism was established at the beginning, but what Yuan Shi taught was the classics that will be understood by future generations in countless years in the future, this comparison reveals a gap, including a gap of several eras.

Immortal Cihang and others were shocked at first, they didn't expect their master's comprehension of Buddhism to be so powerful, even stronger than Buddhism, but afterward, they immersed their whole minds in the endless Buddhist principles, and began to understand their own Buddhahood. Heart, go out of your own way.

In Yuanshi's preaching, there is no hype, no purple air, and no wonderful sounds of heaven and earth, but only plain truth.Yuanshi has already reached the realm where every word is the way, and every action is the law. Without those foils, he can do better.

That's it, the four of them were deeply immersed in it, unable to extricate themselves.

On Kunlun Mountain, the breeze blew, rolled up a few fallen leaves, made a few circles in the air and fell again. The sacred mountain was peaceful and peaceful, only the faint voice of Buddha was singing.

(End of this chapter)

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