My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 296 Cihang Jingzhai

Chapter 296 Cihang Jingzhai
Three days later, Yuan Shi stopped speaking, and Cihang and others were still intoxicated in the Buddhist and Taoist scriptures and never woke up.Yuan Shi was not in a hurry, and did not disturb them, but waited for them to wake up by themselves.

A day later, Daoist Ran Deng was the first to wake up. His whole body was full of golden Buddha light, his cultivation base was more rounded, and he had a back-to-basics temperament.

Afterwards, Cihang, Manjusri, and Puxian woke up one after another. They all had a kind of Buddha-nature temperament that can save all living beings. the sage.

"Thank you, Master, for fulfilling it!" The four respectfully worshiped Yuan Shi.


Yuan Shi looked at the four people, and suddenly shouted: "If you don't realize it now, when will you wait!"

Immediately, he waved his hand and shot four beams of light into the bodies of the four of them, all of them were shocked, as if they had realized something, and then their aura changed drastically.All the past, such as dreams and bubbles, are vividly remembered, there have been struggles, pains, gains, joys, all experiences, all perceptions, and finally turned into a moving feeling in my heart.

If you have firm belief, you will cut yourself down with a single knife, and all kinds of previous life, all kinds of avenues, will all be transformed into Dao Nian, and you will be chopped down with this knife.


With a bang, four figures walked out from the bodies of the four people, turning from illusion to reality. Immediately, four powerful auras erupted from the four people, the burning lamp being the strongest, followed by the three of Cihang.

Obviously, with the blessing and help of Yuanshi, they successfully cut the corpse and broke through.Ran Deng became the late period of quasi-sage, and the three of Cihang beheaded a corpse, which became the early period of quasi-sage.

"Thank you, Master, for your fulfillment!" Although the four were delighted in their hearts, they never forgot to pay homage to Yuan Shi.

"Well, everything is your order, go ahead and complete your mission." Yuan Shi waved his hand and said.

"Yes, Master!" The four bowed and retreated.

Yuan Shi stood on the cliff, looking at the white clouds in the sky in the distance, wondering what he was thinking, letting the breeze blow by, hair fluttering on his shoulders.

The white clouds are long and clear, and after a while, the white clouds don't know where to go, and the sky is as clear as blue.


Three days later, four beams of bright Buddha light suddenly rose from Dongsheng Shenzhou. At the same time, four beams of powerful aura shot up into the sky, straight into the sky. There was a strong Buddha nature in that aura, which attracted everyone's attention. .

Now that Buddhism has been established, everyone has some understanding of Buddhism and Taoism, so they are no strangers to breath.

Amidst everyone's doubts, soon, a voice resounded through the world, shocking the gods of the Three Realms:

"I teach Taoist Lantern, and now I set up meditation meditation on the top of Songshan Mountain. I am the ancient Buddha of Lantern for the heavenly monk!"

The Three Realms vibrated, and above Songshan Mountain, a magnificent palace rose slowly, and stopped at a high altitude, like a palace in the air, with Sanskrit sounds curling inside and Buddha's light shining everywhere.

Then, a huge figure also rose up to the sky. A figure wearing a golden cassock and a floating chakra behind his head appeared in the void. He held up a glazed lamp in one hand and unintentionally illuminated the four directions. A feeling of infinite light guides the common people to move forward.

This person is the ancient Buddha Diengdeng!

When the gods hadn't recovered their breath, three loud voices sounded again, alarming the prehistoric world:
"I am a person who expounds and teaches Cihang Taoism. Today, I set up a Cihang Jingzhai on Dita Peak. I am the Tathagata Avalokitesvara King!"

"I am Manjusri Bodhisattva, to teach Manjusri Guangfa, and I am going to meditate on Zen Buddhism today!"

"To explain and teach Samantabhadra, I meditate in meditation today, and I am the Daxing Samantabhadra Bodhisattva!"

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, three huge golden figures appeared in the sky. Daoist Cihang was dressed in a white monk's attire, with a white monk's scarf on his head, and his black hair hung back. She held a jade bottle in her left hand , holding a green willow branch with his right hand, stepping on a white lotus seat, and a golden chakra behind his head shining like the sun, saving all sentient beings, giving people a feeling of great wisdom and great compassion.

Daoist Puxian sits sideways on a white elephant with six tusks, raises his right hand upwards, and makes a posture of Buddha pointing to the sky with the palm in front of him. He holds a sword to ward off evil in his left hand, hugs his chest, and wears a golden ring crown on his head, giving people An aura of great virtuousness can make people feel convincing.

Manjushri sits cross-legged on a blue lion, holding a red lotus in his left hand, pointing to the ground with his right hand, a blue halo behind his head, surrounded by thousands of lotus flowers blooming around him, with a majestic temperament of fearlessness and selflessness .

Four huge golden figures occupy almost half of the sky of Dongsheng Shenzhou, so that everyone can see clearly and feel the supreme majesty above it.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, if you practice the deep prajna paramita for a long time, you will see that all five aggregates are empty, and you will overcome all hardships."

"Shariputra, form is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from form, form is emptiness, emptiness is form, and the same is true of thinking and knowing."


"So sayPrajna ParamitaThat is to say, cursing: uncovering and uncovering, Boluo reveals, Boluo reveals, Bodhisattva."

Next, the four of them began to talk, talking about building the foundation of Buddhism and Taoism, which is also the foundation of a religion.For example, the "Diamond Sutra" of Mahayana Buddhism, the "Yu Qing Yuan Shi Jing" of the interpretation of teachings, etc., the foundation of Cihang Jingzhai's teaching is the "Maha Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra".

At this moment, the prehistoric world was completely boiling. First, the two sages Jieyin and Zhunti established Buddhism in Lingshan in the west, and now the four disciples of Chanjiao also established Buddhism in the east. This is to start the battle for Buddhism between the East and the West. ah!

If you establish Buddhism in the west, I can also establish it in the east. It depends on who is more powerful, and whoever is the master of the Buddha way.

"Buddhism has also been established in the East, and it sounds not much worse than Western Buddhism, and it is even more unique than Western Buddhism in some respects."

"What, Buddhism has also been established in the east! That's good, people in the east don't have to go through all kinds of dangers to go to the west to find the way!"

"You are stupid, can Eastern Buddhism compare with the West? There are two saints in the West!"

"Didn't you hear it just now? The founders of Eastern Buddhism are followers of Chanjiao, and behind them is the first sage Yuanshi Tianzun. How can they be worse than the West?"

"That's also true. Jingnian Zen and Cihang Jingzhai have just been established, and it's time for Guang to accept disciples. I should go there immediately, and maybe I can be accepted as a disciple."

"Cihang Jingzhai only accepts women? We female monks also have the heart to seek Buddha, Cihang Jingzhai is just right for us."


Immediately, there was a lot of discussion in Honghuang, and many monks, especially the casual cultivators of the East, flew towards Jingnian Zen and Cihang Jingzhai one after another, wanting to worship and become disciples.

Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Zen are not far apart. The two are interdependent. They originally originated from the same teaching, and now they are both Eastern Buddhism. The relationship is naturally extraordinary.


The ancient Buddha who burned the lamp turned his hands and took out 36 Dinghai God beads. The beads are bright, like 36 vast bright moons rising into the sky, evolving into the heavens in 36 directions, and suppressing the luck of meditation Zen.

These 36 Dinghaishen beads are much more powerful than 24, and the grade has also been improved. 24 are only top-grade innate magic treasures, and 36 are top-notch innate spiritual treasures. They are much better at suppressing luck than the ninth-grade golden lotus of Western Buddhism. It is at the same level as the Twelve-Rank Golden Lotus.

At the same time, Cihang Jingzhai's master Shiyin also took out a ninth-grade pure world white lotus and threw it into the luck pool above Dita Peak to suppress the luck.

Both are Eastern Buddhism, and one magic weapon is enough to suppress luck, and two are even more powerful, which can ensure that luck is not lost, and gather more oriental luck.

On Kunlun Mountain, Yuan Shi smiled mysteriously. Naturally, he gave these two magic weapons to Cihang and others. He wanted to see how Zhunti and Jieying should deal with them now.

As a result, it is not certain who will learn from whom in the future.


(End of this chapter)

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