My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 297 Mysterious Arrival

Chapter 297 Mysterious Arrival
Jingnian Zen and Cihang Jingzhai, two major oriental Buddhist sects, were born, which are earth-shattering.

In Biyou Palace, Master Tongtian laughed when he heard this news, he said with a smile: "Haha, there are still many ways, brother, and now Buddhism has appeared in the East, let's see how your West will prosper in the future, and then you want to come and steal my East spirit Fortunately, it's not that simple."

"Forget it, since the big brother is playing like this, then I will also mix it up, wouldn't it be more interesting." The leader thought so in his heart.

"Well, what should we do? Let that boy Duobao step in. Hey! That kid Duobao turned into a mortal and went to study in the world. Well, there are some opportunities in the world recently, so don't worry about him for the time being, and wait for him to come back Let’s talk again.” The Master Tongtian murmured.

In Wa's palace, Nuwa only frowned slightly when she heard the movement, and she didn't care much. She didn't establish a religion, and the competition between Eastern and Western Buddhism had nothing to do with her. The water on both sides was very deep, and she didn't want to step into it on either side. .

Nuwa continued to close her eyes and study the Great Way of Creation. If there is someone familiar here at this moment, if you look carefully, you will find that Nuwa has become more aloof and aloof, and there is also a mysterious ethereal spirit on her body Qi, everything is so unfathomable.

Thirty-three days away, a simple and unadorned palace stands in the chaos, unmoving, as if it has been like this for eternity. On this palace, three gilt characters are engraved-"Bajing Palace".

In the Palace of Eight Views, the Supreme Being was concocting alchemy, and when he heard the huge movement from the prehistoric world, he smiled slightly, and then called out: "Xuandu!"

"The disciple is here!" After a while, Xuandu, the only successor of the Human Cult, came before the Supreme Being and respectfully bowed down.

"Xuandu, you have practiced Taoism for many years, it's time to train a successor." Taishang said.

"The disciple is willing to serve the teacher all his life!" Xuan Du thought that the teacher wanted to drive him away, so he hurriedly said loudly.

"It's not that Pindao wants to drive you away, why are you panicking?" Taishang said something lightly, which made Xuandu feel relieved, and he continued:
"Pindao has done nothing all his life, because of his temperament, he didn't want to accept any apprentices, but in order to inherit the Taoism, he only accepted you as an apprentice. Previously, the poor Taoist counted, and in the wild boar forest in the eastern Luoshuijian, there was a pig king , I have a master-student relationship with you, so you can go and live it, but whether you accept it or not, it depends on your fate."

Although Xuandu was puzzled, he didn't refute the teacher's words, he replied: "Yes, teacher, the disciple will go and have a look."

"Well, you go." Taishang's eyes drifted, he seemed to be asleep, half awake, half awake, and he responded lightly, then left him alone and continued to make alchemy.

Xuan Du bowed and retreated, but he was thinking about something in his heart, who is the pig king that the teacher said, and he has a predestined relationship with him?Then he took a few magic weapons with a heavy heart, and flew towards the human world.

In the Western Lingshan Mountain, Amitabha Buddha and Zhunti Buddha Mother were worrying about the Ninth Grade Golden Lotus. At this moment, they suddenly heard such a movement, and their faces suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Too much deceit, that fellow Yuanshi, he is so deceitful, he didn't pay attention to me at all! Brother, look, we just established Buddhism, and he immediately separated Buddhism in Yuanshi. What do you mean? That is to drive my Buddhism to a corner!"

At this moment, Zhunti Buddha's mother didn't have the slightest coercion of a saint and the bearing of a Buddhist leader, and began to curse. He was really out of breath, and no one could bear it.

"Alas! Is it true that Buddhism cannot be carried forward and spread throughout the heavens in your hands?" Amitabha Buddha was usually the most calm, but now he also had a gloomy expression.

Just when both of them were worried about the future of Buddhism, a black figure suddenly appeared in front of them, and with their cultivation bases, there was no sign of it.

"who are you?"

Amitabha took a deep breath and looked at the person in front of him solemnly.This person has long gray hair, a black robe, and a pair of eyes full of devouring intentions. Standing there, it seems that he is not there. It is not real, giving people an unpredictable feeling.

There is great terror in this man!
On the side, Zhunti Buddha's mother also looked at each other solemnly, they did not dare to make a move, and let the other party look at this place, they had a feeling that even if they made a move, they would not be this person's opponent.

"It's such a familiar breath, this breath is... Hongjun!" The man's gaze suddenly became hot, as if it could burn the air.

"I didn't expect to come to such a world this time. I really miss it." The man took a deep breath and said, "This world is really interesting. There is a nice little guy."

As he said that, he turned his gaze to the east, which was in the direction of Kunlun Mountain.In the Kunlun Mountains, Yuan Shi felt that someone was spying on him. He frowned, glanced at the West, and didn't care much, but guessed in his heart whether it was the Second Saint of the West.

"Hey, what a high perception, not bad."

The man admired, then looked at the two people in front of him, glanced twice, and said with a smile: "You two little guys, it seems that you are not having a good time recently."

"I don't know who the senior is and why he came here?" Amitabha took a deep breath and asked tentatively.

"Who am I? Haha, you two juniors, you are quite cautious." The man rolled his eyes, as if he had thought of something, and said, "I think you are not bad, two juniors. Teacher."

The faces of Amitabha Buddha and Zhunti Buddha's mother suddenly changed, and they said anxiously: "Senior, we will have a teacher."

"Have a teacher? It doesn't matter, isn't it Hongjun? You are afraid of him, but I am not afraid of him. Have you thought about it, I don't accept apprentices all the time. Of course, you can also refuse, but the consequences are not You can imagine it. Hehe!" The mysterious man laughed for a while, giving people a feeling of extreme terror.

Amitabha and Zhunti Buddha's mother were shocked, this person is not afraid of Daoist Hongjun, who the hell?And judging by his appearance, he seems to be very familiar with Daozu Hongjun, but they have never heard of this person's name. Could it be some old monster who has never been born?But even so, it shouldn't be so terrifying. You must know that they are saints, but they can't resist at all in front of this person.

How to do?
The two were anxious, they didn't have much interest in being a teacher, and now they were worrying about Eastern Buddhism.But I was afraid that refusing this person would make the other party unhappy.

Just as he was about to refuse, he heard that person's voice again: "You guys should think about it, if you worship me as your teacher, the ancestor, I will immediately improve your strength, even though you can't deal with that little guy in the east, But it is more than enough to deal with the rest of the saints."

"Meet the teacher!"

Without any hesitation, the two immediately fell to the ground.At this time, everything is false, and whoever can bring strength to himself is good.

"Haha, good! The ancestor will teach you the peerless Taoism, let you break through as soon as possible!"

The mysterious man laughed, the corners of his mouth curled up in a dangerous arc, and he slapped two palms on the heads of the two. Afterwards, two mysterious forces entered the bodies of the two, making people palpitating.


(End of this chapter)

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