My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 302 Immortal Road Will Open, Horror Temple

Chapter 302 Immortal Road Will Open, Horror Temple

In the Zhetian Realm, because the time of the two realms is different, tens of thousands of years have passed in the prehistoric world, and less than a thousand years have passed here.

Because of Chaos Daojun, Zhetian Realm has changed a lot now.In today's Zhetian Realm, this prehistoric cultivation method is spread. This method is the orthodox method of cultivating immortals. It can become an immortal immortal, unlike the Zhetian Realm.

The Daluo Jinxian in the prehistoric world wants to jump out of the long river of fate, cut off the connection between the past and the future, and exist in the present, while the cultivation method of the Shading Heaven Realm is the Red Dust Immortal, which is equivalent to the Great Luo Jinxian in the prehistoric world, but it does not cut off the past and the future, jumping out There is a long river of fate, so it is not considered an orthodox immortal cultivator. Although the combat power is extremely terrifying, they are all Taoist methods that use power to break through all dharmas. Killing the future, this method is hard to guard against.

As soon as this method was spread, giant wolves immediately set off in the Zhetian Realm, and countless people scrambled for it. Now many people have practiced the orthodox method of cultivating immortals, and this method has a longer life span, which is incomparable to the Zhetian method.

In the past few years, there have been frequent thunder disasters, but they were covered up by the supernatural powers of the Chaos Taoist Lord, so that others could not find out.Daojun even took away the emperor's Tianxin imprint, so everyone didn't find anyone who became enlightened.

In today's Chaos Temple, there are countless reincarnations, as many as thousands. Because of the Primal Chaos, they have even experienced several other worlds around the Zhetian Realm. invaded.

Ever since Honghuang Yuanshi comprehended the word "empty", his comprehension of the avenue of space has increased dramatically. Now he feels like he has jumped out of a dimension and entered a higher dimension. The previous worlds are viewed from the previous perspective. Look, they are "islands" in the chaotic sea. From today's perspective, they seem to be the world in the painting, but he himself jumped out of the painting and can change the picture at any time.

Therefore, he can now see that there are spherical objects floating around the world he is in. These balls are large and small, the big ones are vast and boundless, and the small ones seem to be as small as sand. Those spherical objects are worlds.

The higher the ball goes, the wider it becomes, which means the higher the level of the world. At the top of the many small balls, at an endless height, there is a vast and boundless barrier across the top, suppressing all spherical objects. Down below, it seems to exist forever, eternally immortal, coercing the heavens and deterring the myriad worlds.

Judging from Yuan Shi's current eyes, that is the eternal realm that he could faintly feel but never see.Although he can see it now, he still can't touch it. The Eternal Realm seems to be in the endless distance. It can only be seen like Wangshan, but he can't go to it, let alone break through it and ascend to the upper realm.

Yuanshi can see it, and as Yuanshi's avatar, the Taoist Lord of Chaos can also see it, so the Taoist Lord of Chaos can break the boundary wall of the surrounding world that covers the sky and bring the reincarnation into it.

The reincarnated people who have experienced several reincarnated worlds are no longer what they used to be, and the strength of the Chaos Temple has greatly increased.

In the Temple of Chaos, the reincarnators gathered again. Now the reincarnations are divided into thousands of teams, and the number of each team is not the same. Daojun did not summon all the reincarnations at once. There are also battles or wars between the reincarnation teams, because This is one of the tasks of the temple.

"Ding—the mission is open, all reincarnations are ready, and the mission is now released!" The long-lost reincarnation mission reminder sounded, making many reincarnations tremble, because every time a mission is started, it means someone has to sacrifice.

"Mission: Clear the restricted area of ​​life!"

"Mission Difficulty: Difficult (Note: Difficulty is divided into four levels: easy, difficult, difficult, and nightmare)"

"Mission Requirements: Sweep the Seven Great Life Restrictions of the Big Dipper! Kill all the Celestials in the Restriction!"

"Mission background: The road to immortality will start, and the supreme beings in the restricted area will fight on the road to immortality. If they fail to become immortals, the supreme beings will launch a dark turmoil, blood will eat the common people, the world will be in turmoil, and the common people will cry blood!"

"Mission reward: For every forbidden life that is destroyed, 1 trillion worth points will be gained; for killing a forbidden god, 50 billion worth points will be gained; for every Zhundi killed, [-] million worth points will be gained..."

"Mission reminder: The road to immortality will be opened in the ancient forbidden land. The supreme being is the emperor who killed himself. Although he killed himself, he can also be sublimated to the utmost. Summon the emperor's Dao fruit and restore his peak strength."

As soon as this mission came out, the faces of many reincarnated people changed drastically and became extremely ugly.

"What? Sweeping the restricted area of ​​life, no way, this is going to kill us!"

"How is this possible? Just kidding, how can the restricted area of ​​life be so easily destroyed?"

"Is the mission of the temple this time to send us to die, my lord, that is the former emperor, how can we deal with it?"


Many reincarnated people were shocked, obviously shocked by this task, but due to the power of the temple, they did not dare to resist.

Life restricted area, that is the restricted area of ​​life, the restricted area of ​​life has existed for an unknown number of years, the ancient great emperor must be careful when entering it, not every great emperor is without a beginning, so many restricted areas cannot lift their heads, and not every All the great emperors are Void, who dare to die together with the forbidden zone supreme, but even the great emperors such as Wushi, Void, Hengyu, etc., have no ability to erase the forbidden zone of life, but only deter the forbidden zone.

But at this moment, the mission of the Chaos Temple is to clear the seven forbidden areas of life.

Among the seven forbidden areas of life, it is okay to say that the barren ancient forbidden land, because the road to immortality is about to unfold in this forbidden area, and it is bound to be broken at that time, but the other forbidden areas, whether it is the sea of ​​reincarnation, the fairy mausoleum, the undead mountain, or the ancient mine in the early days, the god market , Burial Sky Island, are extremely terrifying, after several eras, they have never been obliterated.It is simply impossible to destroy at this time.

Among the many reincarnated people, only a few kept calm on their faces, but they were still extremely heavy.All of these people are the pinnacle figures among the many reincarnators, and some of them are even the great emperors.Because of the help of the temple, whether it is resources or skills, it can even speed up time, grant laws, etc., saving everyone a lot of time, and only then can someone be able to prove the Tao.

Among the crowd, the empress was wearing a bronze mask, with a smile that was not a smile. There was no one within ten feet of her, and no one knew what was going on in the heart of this eminent empress, but they could all feel the traces emanating from her. Silk air machine, extremely terrifying.

On the other side, Qingdi, who was dressed in green, was surrounded by immortal energy, covering his figure. Within his domain, it was like a real fairy world.

Behind him, the great emperor of Jiuyou, Gai Jiuyou, was hunched and lacked the majesty of the emperor at all, but when he heard that the restricted area of ​​life had been swept away, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.In front of Emperor Jiuyou, a white-clothed woman stood. That was his apprentice, Xia Jiuyou, who was now the pinnacle of Emperor Zhun.

On the left side of the hall, Dacheng Saint Ye Fan was surrounded by several friends, all of whom were extremely terrifying.

On the right side of the main hall, Emperor Qin Hua Yunfei was dressed in blue, smiling like a spring breeze, but no one dared to provoke him, because although he was kind on the surface, once he was provoked, he was merciless in killing people.

On the other hand, Yaoguang has almost turned his whole body into an acquired chaotic body. Although he is not a great emperor now, he is still extremely terrifying.It's not because he can't break through the Great Emperor, but because he has a bigger heart and wants to go further and prove the Dao of Chaos.

There are also outstanding figures such as the Emperor, Zhang Bairen, Huo Lin'er, Nan Yao Qi Lin, Zhonghuang Xiang Yufei, Jin Chanzi, Dongfang Taiyi, etc. Although they have not yet become emperors, they will soon be.

Those who can participate in this mission are only masters above Zhundi. Therefore, there are still many reincarnations who have not received the mission news.

Today's Chaos Temple is already the most terrifying force in the Shrouding Heaven Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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