My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 303 The Emperors of the Temple

Chapter 303 The Emperors of the Temple
On this day, in the Zhetian Realm, the sky and the earth cracked, and a sound that shook people's souls came. The entire southern region was trembling, and most of the Eastern Wilderness was in turmoil, and the brilliance rushed into the night, shaking the world.

The entire Big Dipper was full of vicissitudes, and all the monks were shocked.

Everyone knows that the road to immortality will collapse, and the road to immortality will open soon!
"The road to immortality has collapsed, and the road to immortality is about to open!"

The whole world was shocked, and all races exclaimed.

At the same time, light from the seven restricted areas of life tore apart the heaven and earth, piercing through the nine heavens and ten places, shaking the human world. In the restricted areas of life, the ancient supreme beings were revived!

The rays of light shot up into the sky, and the aura of the supreme being permeated and penetrated faintly. Just a few strands and strands of it made all the heroes in the world terrified, and great fear arose in their hearts, and they almost fell to the ground.

What kind of temptation is becoming a fairy?Immortality is the goal that all practitioners are pursuing.The ancient great emperor was brilliant and talented, but in the end he was still unable to withstand the erosion of the years, and finally turned into a touch of loess.

Now, the aura of becoming an immortal has appeared, and this day has come, so many monks can't be excited.

However, none of the monks dared to act rashly.

Because, the supreme beings in the seven life restricted areas have awakened, and the Godless power is impacting everyone's minds, many supreme beings are not moving, who dares to step forward?
"What should I do now?" On another starry sky, a group of reincarnators gathered, watching the shocking movement in the ancient forbidden land below, and the godless power in the seven forbidden areas, Saint Ye Fan asked.They have already obtained the truth about the road to immortality from the Chaos Temple, so naturally they will not venture into any road to immortality.

"Since it's a reincarnation mission, we naturally can't avoid it, but we can't just rush up to fight with it so stupidly. Let alone whether we can kill the Supreme, we don't know the number of Supremes in the seven forbidden areas. Let's see the situation first." God King Jiang Taixu is now also a strong man at the level of a great emperor, so no one can refute what he said.

"The Immortal Road is not so easy to enter. After they fail to attack the Immortal Road, I will do it later!"

Shennong, who was cultivated as the corpse of Emperor Hengyu of the Jiang family, is now physically comparable to the emperor, and his cultivation is at the peak of the quasi-emperor. He has cultivated the "Hengyu Jing" of the Jiang family, and he can even borrow the Dao Fruit of Emperor Hengyu , so powerful that it is boundless.

The same is true for Xuanyuan Huangdi, the emperor corpse of the Ji Family Void Emperor. In front of him, Ji Zi is a quasi-emperor peak cultivation, holding the Ji Family Void Mirror, and the emperor's prestige circulates, shaking the stars.

In the back, there are Laozi, the corpse spirit of Daode Tianzun, Sakyamuni, the corpse spirit of Amitabha Buddha, and the current Buddha of Buddhism, and many other ancient saints on earth.

Hearing this, many quasi-emperor and great emperor-level masters nodded in agreement.

"It's time for the Empress to act now."

Emperor Qing said calmly.Today's Emperor Qing is close to becoming an immortal, and he is only one step away from becoming an immortal. This first demon emperor who broke the ancient times and could not become an emperor is really extraordinary.

Everyone knows that the empress he is talking about is the ruthless emperor of the ancient forbidden land. Now that the ruthless emperor has practiced the prehistoric method of beheading three corpses, his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds, he quickly became a fairy, and jumped out of the river of fate. However, she did not cut off In the past, because some things cannot be forgotten.

The method of beheading the three corpses is very suitable for the empress, as if it was specially prepared for her. The empress cut off the evil corpses with the magic jar of swallowing the sky, the good corpses with the black gold tripod with dragon patterns, and the little girl who held the corpses with the nine treasure tree. He has become a perfect master of the quasi-sage, and he is also the top immortal king master in this world. He is only one step away from the quasi-immortal emperor (equivalent to the sub-sage after beheading three me at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty).

"Is the Great Emperor Wushi still in Purple Mountain?" Duan De asked.

This Lord Digger, who developed touch gold into a great art, is now also a master at the level of a great emperor, and he is also a top emperor.He has five reincarnation seals on his body, from birth to death, and then from death to life, and has died five times. It is most suitable for the "Nine Deaths" and "Nine Turns of Reincarnation" in the temple. Nine times of life and death, the control is supreme The avenue of life and death, or the real way of reincarnation.Now he has died seven times, and after two more times he has completely become a fairy, and he is still the most terrifying fairy king.

The Great Emperor Wu Shi walked into the Chaos Temple hundreds of years ago. At that time, his cultivation base was only one step away from the Red Dust Immortal.It shocked many reincarnations. They did not expect that the unparalleled Emperor Wu Shi was still alive and even became a fairy.

Today's Great Emperor Wu Shi exchanged many resources and skills in the temple, and also beheaded two corpses. He is not far from the third corpse. He is a master of immortal kings.

With these two immortal king masters, this reincarnation mission is not a nightmare level, and it is only a difficult level.Because the temple restricted the strength of the two immortal king masters, the two immortal kings could not do anything until the critical moment.

"The emperor is still in seclusion, he is about to kill the third corpse." Beside him, a huge black dog said, this person and dog often colluded together to do "big things", leaving all the emperors speechless.

"It seems that we still have to rely on ourselves for this mission." Thinking of the restrictions imposed on the two Immortal Kings by the temple, they felt a headache.

"So what about the Supreme, after living so long, it's time to send them to heaven." The Great Emperor Jiuyou sneered and said.

"I don't know if Supreme Meat is delicious?"

Dongfang Taiyi grinned and said with a smile.This old man, a devil, is a fellow practitioner of the two major scriptures of Taiyin and Sun, and with the help of the "Tai Chi Dao Jing" by the great sages of the Great Desolation and Taiqing, and the yin and yang seals of Yuan Shi, he can achieve the point where the yin and yang are mixed as desired. Witness the Great Emperor.

"Today, these tumors will be completely removed, and there will be no restricted areas in the world!" The hearts of the young people are also full of enthusiasm and pride.

"Here we come, I wonder which supreme being is the first to step into the road to immortality?" Everyone looked at Beidou, and saw a big unicorn with a silver back and red horns appearing in the Shenxu. shivering.

"Huh, is it the Shenxu? I heard that this restricted area was formed by a fragment of the fairyland that fell from the sky in ancient times, and there is even a gate of heaven inside."

"Hey, it turned out to be just a unicorn cultivated by the quasi-emperor. No, it should be the mount of the supreme being, not the rightful lord." The emperors looked at the Shenxu.

"Just came out to test?"

The Qilin Desolate Beast took a few breaths, and then came to the big crack in the fairy road outside the ancient forbidden area. There were still many people there, all of them were Zhundi, and they were looking at the fairy gate in the distance.

Suddenly, an object fell from the "immortal gate", wrapped in immortal fire, and burned blazingly on the ground. In addition, there was a terrifying remnant of thunder calamity spreading, which shocked people's hearts.

Emperor Zhun opened his Celestial Eye and realized the truth. It was a mutilated corpse with a part of the torso missing. The origin of the corpse was even very ancient, and it was also a supreme figure.

Soon, the laws of that place intertwined, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and the corpse turned into a Tao, triggering a thunder disaster.

No one dared to enter the road to immortality. However, in the restricted area of ​​several major lives, the light soared into the sky and did not fade away. The supreme being was resurrected, but they were waiting for the road to immortality to really open, maybe in a few days, maybe in a few months Inside.

The road to immortality is open, the supreme beings are all ready for the immortal war, and many reincarnated people are also ready for the emperor's war.

(End of this chapter)

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