My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 304 The Ancient Emperor

Chapter 304 The Ancient Emperor
On this day, in the ancient forbidden land, with a loud bang, the nine holy mountains collapsed and destroyed, the ground sank, hundreds of miles near the abyss collapsed, a huge ruin appeared below, and there was a huge monument standing in it, engraved on it Three characters: Road to Immortals!

There is also a huge stone tablet on the other side, with runes flashing on it, and the aura of the avenue is circulating, turning into strands of invincible fists, bursting out.

Six Paths of Samsara Fist!
This is an invincible boxing technique, exclusive to the holy body, and a peerless boxing technique that can conquer the road to immortality.

The world was shocked.

Afterwards, the Empress appeared, followed by a group of wild slaves. The Empress' brows flashed brightly, as if splitting the world, and a huge door of light appeared out of thin air. The Empress stepped in with the wild slaves, and disappeared. The stele blocks the passage, and a mysterious world is isolated.

The Empress left the ancient forbidden land, even the Big Dipper Star.

However, the sentient beings didn't know it. They all thought that the desolate master had stepped on the road to immortality, and he was about to become immortal.


At the same time, all the forbidden areas exuded a god-like aura, earth-shattering, mighty, and sweeping across the heavens.

All the supreme beings in the forbidden areas moved, the road to immortality opened, and someone was about to be born.

Outside the starry sky, many reincarnated people are waiting and watching. They want to see which supreme being in the restricted area will be the first bird to conquer the fairy road first.

"Look, Xianling has moved."

The Immortal Mausoleum is a mysterious place. It is said that immortals are buried here. Since ancient times, many heroes have penetrated into it, but they never leave.There are large mounds and steles in this place, which are extremely tall, and it is suspected that there are ancient tombs one after another.

At this moment, the light there shot straight to the nine heavens, shaking Donghuang, and then a soul walked out, overflowing with a trace of energy, and shattered the nearby land.

This is the Supreme Being, whose skull is radiating radiance, reaching out to the heavens.

With a radius of a million miles, all monks and many creatures trembled.

With just one step, he came outside the barren ancient forbidden area and looked into the depths of the forbidden area.

"Ling Tian, ​​that's your enemy, come out, why don't you go and kill him?"

On the other side, Taoist Primal Chaos is also watching this battle. There is a person standing beside him at the moment, his whole body is full of energy and blood, like a great river churning, the golden light shines and shines through the heavens. Found.This person was none other than Ling Tian, ​​the Dacheng Holy Body in the barren and ancient forbidden land.It was Chaos Daojun who spoke.

"I will have a battle with him, but not at this time, let's talk about it when he can survive the road to immortality."

Dacheng Saint Physique Ling Tian suppressed the throbbing in his heart, regained his composure, and said.He is no longer what he used to be at this moment, he is even more powerful than in his heyday, and it is no longer enough for him to be afraid of a supreme being who cut himself off.

"I don't think he will die so easily, you have to be prepared for a big battle." The Taoist Master Chaos said lightly. Even so, he didn't worry about Ling Tian at all.

"Then I'll see him off for the last time." Hearing Daojun's words, Ling Tian's eyes froze and he said coldly.

Lord Chaos is noncommittal.The two stood in the starry sky, and no one noticed.

After Xianling Supreme, several rays of light rushed out, and the Supremes in each restricted area moved. Each restricted area had at least one light, and there were even four or five rays of light in the ancient mine in the early days, or even more. Each light represented a great emperor. Supreme.

Suddenly, a 33-story blue imperial tower rushed into the ancient forbidden land. This is an imperial weapon made of eternal blue gold. manner.

Just when the dazzling blue light was about to smash into the forbidden area, suddenly, a slender hand stretched out from the void, and gently patted on the imperial tower, giving people a very casual feeling.


The Godless Tower made of Eternal Blue Gold was directly shattered, and the tower collapsed, turning into a large rain of blue light and rushing out of the domain, shaking many stars to pieces.

Obviously, although the empress has left, not everyone can be presumptuous in the ancient forbidden land.The queen's departure was not because she was afraid of them, but because she dismissed them.

At the same time, many peerless masters from outside the region were also born one after another, rushing to the Big Dipper's Burial Emperor Star to witness this prosperous world.

The celestial road collapsed, the clouds rolled, it was as white as a veil, and it was extremely peaceful. As long as people took a breath, they would be refreshed and quickly fall into the state of enlightenment.

The stars trembled, and the fairy lights of the North Pole danced all over the sky, like a flourishing fireworks. Amidst the sound of clicks, faint phantoms appeared. In the huge crack, a phantom of a mighty building appeared, reflected through the world barrier. Coming out, a blurry outline can be seen.

On the fairy road, even the roars of the fairy beasts Vermilion Bird and White Tiger can be heard, and the divine fire shines in the sky, deterring the world.

That is not a fairy, but the law of the fairyland, and the road to becoming a fairy has opened.

"At this moment, the right time, the right place, has appeared, and the fairy road is wide open, kill, kill in!"

There is a supreme being roaring, making the heavens and galaxies tremble. At this moment, all the restricted areas of life are shining into the sky, the power of Godless shakes the heaven and the earth, the laws of the heaven and the earth are flying, and various phenomena appear in the world, shaking the heavens and the earth.

The supreme beings are all recovering their dao fruits, and want to rush into the fairyland with a supreme posture.

The Supreme Immortal of Xianling was the first to dispatch. He was driving an ancient chariot, wearing a purple-gold imperial crown, sitting on the chariot, with a peerless fairy sword beside him.

This is the Immortal God, one of the Nine Great Heavenly Gods in the age of mythology!
On the other side, the Undead Mountain Supreme appeared. He rode a huge divine tiger and held a halberd made of black gold with dragon patterns in his hand. His imperial power shook the sky.

The halberd was as black as ink, cold and stern, and extremely terrifying. It seemed to be able to tear apart the void and shatter the stars.

This person is Shi Ling who became enlightened, known as "Stone Emperor".

Amidst the radiant divine light, the Stone Emperor rode a divine tiger across the void and charged into the road to immortality.

Afterwards, the celestial light danced in the ancient mine in the early days, the galaxy fell, and a huge unicorn was born. It was tens of thousands of miles long, covered the sky and covered the sun, and was full of scales. He rushed directly to the barren ancient forbidden land and shouted:
"Come on stick!"

With a bang, a bright blue light flew from outside the domain, cut through the dark universe, penetrated the icy star field, and landed on Beidou. It was his godless weapon, the unicorn staff.

Obviously, this is the Supreme Qilin Ancient Emperor!
The ancient emperor Qilin was born, and he is still alive in the battle against the immortal road!

The whole world was shocked, and all the heavens and myriad realms were trembling. The former Supreme, who dominated the universe for ten days, ruled the universe. Wherever he passed, all spirits surrendered, and now he has returned.

His appearance proved to the world that the former emperor was not dead, subverting many people's cognition.

Since there is one, will there be two, three, or even more ancient emperors born, and how did these ancient emperors survive in the restricted life zone?

The blue light flickered, and the huge Zu Qilin turned into a middle-aged man, with thick blue hair hanging down, and purple pupils like heavenly knives, looking down on the world.


There came a trembling, crying voice, mixed with sadness, joy and bitterness. This was Huo Lin'er, one of the reincarnations, the daughter of the ancient emperor Qilin.

She didn't expect her father to seal their brother and sister, and now she can still see the ancient emperor, and she still sees him in such a posture. She doesn't understand why her father became the supreme being in the restricted area.

Huo Lin'er threw himself into the arms of the ancient emperor, who patted him comfortingly and said, "Don't cry, wait until an immortal universe is created for my father, and I will take you to become a fairy together."

"Father, no, you don't want to fight the fairy road anymore, I... don't want to be separated from you!"

Huo Lin'er naturally knew that this road to immortality was a failure, and she didn't want her father to take risks, but due to the rules of the temple, she couldn't explain it to her father, so she became anxious.

"Don't be afraid, you will be fine as a father, wait for my return!" The ancient emperor's eyes were full of determination. In order to wait for the road to immortality, he even killed himself to become the supreme being in the restricted area. If he was asked to give up, how could he be willing?

"Father, don't go—"

Huo Lin'er was in a hurry and wanted to stop the ancient emperor.It's a pity that Qilin Ancient Emperor's determination is not something she can shake. He pushed Huo Lin'er away and stepped onto the road to immortality.

Only Huo Lin'er was left crying outside.

Several figures rushed out again, like immortal monuments, rushing into the road to immortality.Each of them is the supreme being, they are the Supreme Being of Shenxu, the Lord of Reincarnation, the Supreme of Light and Darkness, and the Supreme of Abandoning Heaven.

Seven supreme beings were born, and the mighty emperor's power shook the stars in the sky, and all living beings were afraid.

 The fourth watch is here, good night everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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