My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 309 The Great Emperor Without Beginning

Chapter 309 The Great Emperor Without Beginning

A melodious bell sounded, resounding through the entire star field and the entire universe.

The two Supreme Emperors who were confronting each other were stunned for a moment, followed by a big change of expression. The Supreme Emperor in the restricted area had a look of surprise and uncertainty, while the reincarnated side had a joyful expression.

Because they all knew that the bell came from the direction of Zishan, which was the dojo of Emperor Wushi.

When it comes to Emperor Wushi, no one can forget him or ignore him. This is a man like a god.

The Great Emperor Wushi is majestic and peerless, and I am the only one who is the only one.When it comes to other great emperors, people may find that they have experienced bloody battles, had great enemies, and their lives have been threatened.

There is only one Wushi, no matter who is against him, no one will ever worry about him, listening to his past, watching his experience, it is really devastating, sweeping everything, there is no suspense at all, suppress to the end.

In the end, mentioning Wushi is a synonym for invincibility. The sky and the earth are sovereign, sweeping the nine heavens and ten earths. In the era when he was alive, no one dared to challenge the front. Even the supreme being in the restricted area of ​​life was silent and loyal In your own place.

This is Wushi, a supreme human emperor who looks at the past and the present, climbs to the top, swallows the world and the world, looks down on the eternity and is the only one!
Who is the peak at the end of the immortal road, the beginningless Dao becomes empty at first sight!

300 years ago, the beginningless bell rang, and the Conferred God List released immeasurable light to obliterate the undead Taoist's divine sense, and then flew away.Now that the bell is ringing again, what does that mean?Is it the return of the Great Emperor Wushi?The Supreme in the restricted area couldn't believe it, but now this incident made them a little suspicious.

The supreme beings felt their hearts beating rapidly, and all of this felt so incredible. Emperor Wu Shi disappeared 8 years ago, and some supreme beings confirmed that he was sitting and melting. Now the sound of the bell spreads all over the universe, and that wave is clearly the emperor's level, no, it is a wave that is stronger than the emperor's level.

"How is it possible that he is still alive?"

"8 years have passed, has he become a fairy, how can he still appear in the world, someone must be ringing the bell, deliberately creating this illusion?"


The world was shocked, and all parties showed incredulous eyes, almost unbelievable.The reincarnation side is overjoyed, because they know that Wu Shi has returned a long time ago, and they have become immortals, and now they are probably breaking through again.

"Di Lisi!"

Suddenly, a bright male voice came, shaking the whole Purple Mountain, and the avenue rune suddenly lit up, extremely bright.

In the Purple Mountain, the Great Emperor Wushi sat in the Chaos Waterfall, surrounded by the atmosphere of Chaos, his majestic appearance, black hair like a waterfall, making it hard to see clearly.

He walked up to the snow-white skull, picked it up, and called softly: "Di Lisi!"

With sadness in his voice, Emperor Wushi rubbed his hands over the face of the crystal skull.

After a long time, his body shook suddenly, and a slightly illusory figure walked out of his body, and that figure gradually changed from illusion to reality.In the end, he completely jumped out of the body of the Great Emperor Wushi.


Another burst of melodious bells rang, and the figure that walked out of Wushi came under the divine clock, stretched out his hand, and the Wushi bell quickly became smaller, and then shrank to the size of a fist, falling into the figure hands.

Then, a violent aura erupted from Wushi's body, shaking the entire Purple Mountain, sweeping across the entire Big Dipper, suppressing the entire universe with Godless power, and the universe was roaring.

Wushi completely cut off the three corpses and broke through the quasi-sage's consummation.

The experience of 8 years is not useless, on the contrary, it is an indispensable accumulation of life. The laws of the Shading Heaven Realm are extremely clear, and what is lacking is only a method. With the guidance of the law, most people can quickly break through.As without beginning, as the empress.

This is not like the prehistoric, the law has been perfected to the point of being almost perfect, it is difficult to comprehend, and it may only break through a small realm in millions of years.

This coercion came and went quickly, and it dissipated in just an instant, making people think that it was just an illusion before, but everyone knew that it couldn't be an illusion.

"Beginless? It's really beginningless, how could he still be alive?"

"Emperor Wu Shi has really returned!"

"Damn it, how could it be so strong? Is this becoming a fairy?"

Returning without a beginning, some people are happy and some are worried. The face of the Eighteen Supremes in the restricted area is extremely gloomy at the moment. The powerful coercion just now has surpassed the Great Emperor, which makes them feel very bad. Although there are no immortals in this world, that It's just their guess. If Wu Shi really became a fairy, then they...

It's unimaginable!

As soon as the bell rang, Wushi Great Emperor was seen coming from the distance, and he was in front of many supreme beings in an instant.He looked at the numerous supreme beings indifferently, without saying a word.


The Black Emperor yelled excitedly, he knew that Wu Shi cut off the three corpses and became a perfect master of the Immortal King. As long as the three corpses are united, he can break through the quasi-immortal emperor.

"I have seen the Great Emperor Wushi!"

Many other reincarnations also bowed to Wushi Great Emperor. Wushi not only has higher cultivation than them, but also has a higher status than them, so they naturally need to salute.

The person who came was the dead body without beginning. He nodded slightly to the Black Emperor and the crowd, and then said to the eighteen supreme beings:
"One person against one Supreme, I don't care at all. If there are too many, don't blame me for taking action."

"Emperor Wushi, your power is indeed powerful, but even so, you don't need to take care of us." In the funeral island, four ancient emperors stepped out and said to Wushi.


At the same time, a majestic and huge island surged up, shining brightly, unveiling its mysterious veil to the world, and Burial Sky Island appeared in front of everyone for the first time.

Nine winding mountains, like nine winding dragons, are connected to a huge rectangular island at the tail of the mountains.

The shape of the entire funeral island is like a Kowloon pulling a coffin.The vast and mysterious aura is overwhelming, shaking the void.

Endless divine patterns circulated, and a huge divine formation condensed in the void, and four great emperors surrounded them with a murderous look in their hands.

They have already thought about it, since there is no good result at the beginning, why not take the first action, the first attack is the best, and they still understand the truth that the last attack will suffer.

There was a sneer on Wushi's face, his eyes were flat, without any emotion, he quietly waited for the performance of the four, and he didn't care about them at all.

"Damn, come up with a unique move!" One person suddenly yelled, they knew that they didn't need those useless preparations to deal with Wushi, they just used their unique moves.

"Zhu Xian Sword Formation!"

A huge array shot up into the sky, covering the entire space and covering everyone below.The divine patterns are intertwined, the Tao is flowing, endless murderous intentions rise into the sky, and the number one killing formation in the ancient times is displayed at this moment.

"Qiang! Qiang! Qiang! Qiang!"

The sharp sword energy pierced through the sky, the sound of sword whistling continued to resound, the wind and cloud were agitated, the sun and the moon dimmed, and the sky and the earth changed color.

The palpitating evil spirit was like a raging tide, and the sky was full of blood, and the pungent bloody aura was like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, full of murderous aura.

The sky in the restricted zone was dyed blood red, endless blood flowed, and countless murderous auras poured in from all directions, as if a murder was coming, it was heart-pounding.

Above the formation, four dark red long swords manifested, revealing the icy coldness and endless killing intent.

This is not the real peerless killing sword, but the imprint of the Zhuxian sword formed by the condensed murderous aura.

However, even the phantom reveals the power of Slaying the Immortal and Tudi. There is nothing that can't be cut, nothing can't be broken, and it can't be resisted.

Just because they are the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, the four most terrifying and peerless weapons in this world.

Lingbao Tianzun's Sword Formation of Killing Immortals can kill the sky, beheading immortals and destroying emperors.

This is the peerless killing formation that really killed the emperor. According to legend, the Four Swords of Jade Immortal even drank the blood of immortals.

However, in the face of all this, Wushi still looked indifferent, without changing the slightest.

(End of this chapter)

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