Chapter 310 Mission Ended
"Is it Lingbao Tianzun's Zhu Xian sword array?"

The Great Emperor Wushi looked at the monstrous scene of slaughter in front of him, and saw these murderous Great Emperor Supremes, his face was still relaxed, and he was not moved at all.

"The sword formation is pretty good, but unfortunately, there are only formation diagrams, not the real Zhuxian Four Swords, but that's all!"

The Great Emperor Wushi glanced at the Zhuxian Formation hanging high in the sky, and shook his head slightly.

The Zhuxian Sword Formation is known as the strongest killing formation in history, and Lingbao Tianzun is one of the nine heavenly gods in the age of mythology. do.It's a pity that there is a lack of four peerless killing swords, and each of the four swords is a peerless emperor weapon.

However, even if there is no lack of the Four Swords, there is still no way to do anything about Wushi, because Wushi is already the Immortal King now.Even if Zhu Xian Sword Formation is called Zhu Xian, it is only a true immortal.

"This is your trump card? Sword Formation of Immortal Execution, eighteen supreme beings teamed up, but, in my eyes, you are still the same, not much changed from before."

This is just like in the eyes of an elephant, ants and mice are the same, and they can be trampled to death with one foot.


"hold head high!"



The four supreme beings of Zangtian Island were sublimated to the utmost in an instant, summoned the Great Emperor Daoguo, restored the strongest combat power, urged the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, swung the emperor soldiers, and charged towards Wushi.

"Beginless, even if you are a fairy, you should die today!"

At this moment, the monstrous emperor's majesty soared into the sky, with endless murderous aura criss-crossing the world.

The Zhuxian sword formation erupted, and the bloody murderous aura shook the world. Under this supreme power, the world collapsed, time and space were shattered, and all things returned to silence.

The world has been knocked down!
If it weren't for the Supreme Immortal Artifact, the Barren Tower guardian of the Big Dipper Starfield, I am afraid that under this blow, the Big Dipper Starfield connected to dozens of surrounding star fields, and countless galaxies would be shattered by this blow.

No one can block this blow, not even the emperor!

However, Wu Shi still looked indifferent, and he grabbed the Wu Shi bell in his hand.


An incomparably loud bell sounded, and the bell spread like ripples to the surroundings. Wherever the sound waves touched, everyone or things stood still, time was stopped, and space had no meaning.


Another bell rang, and at the next moment, the four supreme beings of the Burial Sky Island were shattered into pieces little by little, and as a gust of wind blew by, the endless powder disappeared with the wind.

Wushi stretched out his hand and put away the Zhuxian Formation, his gaze was still extremely indifferent.

However, at this moment, everyone, whether it is the supreme being in the restricted area, or the reincarnated people, the creatures of all races, and the strong outside the territory, are silent.

Two bells rang, only two blows, and the four supreme beings had no power to fight back, and they turned into flying ashes.

Even if Wu Shi wants to deal with other people, no matter how many people there are, they can't resist Wu Shi for two minutes.

Great Emperor Wushi, this is Emperor Wushi!

Who is the peak at the end of the immortal road, the beginningless Dao becomes empty at first sight!

The power of no beginning has now shocked the world again, it is a power that makes people despair.

"One person to one Supreme, my previous words still count!" Wushi put away the Wushi bell, looked at the people below, and said calmly.

"..." All the supreme beings.

"..." All reincarnations.

The hearts of all the forbidden zone Supremes are filled with bitterness. This is the gap. When the gap reaches a certain level and is unattainable, it is no longer their choice to refuse. They can only choose to accept it.


A group of reincarnations, Emperor Qing, Emperor Jiuyou, Emperor Ye, Dongfang Taiyi and other great emperors, one of them confronted the Supreme Being in the restricted area, blasted out the world-shaking Dao Law in their hands, and fought against the Supreme Being who entered.

A group of quasi-emperors, such as Yaoguang, the old maniac, Ji Zi, the southern demon Qi Lin, the emperor Xiang Yufei, Zhang Bairen, the emperor who is suspected to be the heir of Emperor Zun, and others also rushed forward to fight with them. They need to take advantage of this opportunity Come to hone yourself and make yourself better, now only the Supreme Emperor can persecute them.

In the ancient mine in the early days, there were 14 people in total, including the Eternal Dragon Emperor, the White Tiger Supreme, the Blood Phoenix Supreme, the Xuanwu Supreme, the Beast God, the Golden Ancient Emperor, the Corpse Emperor and other Supremes, plus the remaining two Supremes from Burial Sky Island. Strong combat power, even if he cut himself with a knife, he was once a strong man at the emperor level, so he should not be underestimated.

The stars are swaying, the earth is trembling, the sky is spinning, the universe is shaking, the law of the Dao is trembling, the order is chaotic, the Supreme War is shaking the world, the blood of the emperor is splashing, and the Dao is roaring.

The divine light soared to the sky, tearing the sky and the earth, the sword energy erupted, the emperor's soldiers wailed, and the confrontation between the Supreme Dao was earth-shattering.

The great emperors among the reincarnations are all people with strong energy and blood, and the restricted areas only burst out their powerful combat power temporarily. As time goes by, the situation will only become more and more unfavorable to them. Their energy and blood are not enough for them to continue to fight like this. If you continue to squander like this, you will be killed sooner or later due to the withering of blood.


The Supreme is sublimated to the utmost, instantly possessing powerful and unparalleled power, the emperor's majesty soars to the sky, tearing the sky and the earth apart.In the end it was the great emperor, even at this point, he never feared at all, the worst would be death, besides they should have died long ago, they are still alive now just to witness becoming immortals.

Restoring the Supreme in its heyday is undoubtedly the most terrifying. It is not something these quasi-emperors can deal with. In just an instant, dozens of reincarnated people died, and as time went by, more reincarnated people died.


On the other side, Emperor Qing was the first to end the battle, and his combat power was the strongest among all the people, almost immortal, incomparable.

"All living beings are suffering, why not enter my reincarnation! Hehe!"

Duan De chuckled, and struck out the law in his hand, shaking heaven and earth, the Supreme Dao evolved the power of life and death, and turned into two huge black and white fish, the fish swam, and the endless power of life and death circulated, tearing the vitality of all living beings, the soul seemed to be He was called to leave his body.

The cycle of life and death turns into a black and white Tai Chi diagram of life and death that covers the sky. Tai Chi is reversed, life and death are reversed, the door of the avenue is opened, the supreme power of reincarnation is generated, and a mysterious reincarnation channel is evolved.

Duan De's opponent, Taoist Baihu, was directly sucked into the channel of reincarnation, and when the channel was reversed, only a little white tiger came out after a while.Bai Hu stared wide-eyed and rushed towards Duan De, but unfortunately he was weak and powerless.

"Hehe, little white tiger, don't move around!"

Duan De shot out a divine light and entered the white tiger's body. The white tiger struggled for a while, then slowly lowered its head, came to Duan De's side docilely, and squatted obediently.

Following Duan De's successful recovery of his opponent, Ye Di's Heavenly Emperor Fist is unparalleled, like the emperor facing the dust, every move he makes with the majesty of the Heavenly Emperor, blasts and kills the opponent in one fell swoop.

Afterwards, Emperor Jiuyou, Jiang Taixu, Dongfang Taiyi and other great emperors also resolved their opponents.

Half a month later, Lao Tzu and others also solved their opponents. Among them, Lao Tzu completely broke the suppression of the law of the emperor's way of heaven on the moral Tianzun emperor's corpse, and once again broke through the emperor.

Three months later, the last three supreme beings in the restricted area were also besieged and killed by a group of quasi-emperor masters. Yaoguang successfully evolved the chaotic body, proved the chaotic dao fruit, and became the emperor.

Zhang Bairen broke through the Great Emperor, and the Emperor, Zhonghuang and others died in battle.Although Nan Yao and the others did not make a breakthrough, they have made significant progress. They only need to retreat for a while, settle down, and exchange some resources to make a breakthrough.

The demise of the Forbidden Zone Supreme also represents the defeat of the Life Forbidden Zone.

A chaotic divine light swept across, and the two forbidden areas disappeared at the same time.

So far, the seven life forbidden areas in the Eastern Desolation, except for the ancient forbidden land that was smashed to pieces due to the road to immortality, have all been removed!
However, the ancient forbidden land belongs to the Empress, and the Empress is also a member of the Temple of Chaos, who dares to pay attention there.

Therefore, the mission of the temple to clean up the forbidden area of ​​life is now over.

"Ding dong! The mission is over, now we will start to clear the mission rewards!"

The long-lost voice from the temple came, although it was still extremely indifferent, it made many reincarnations breathe a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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