My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 311 Nine Respects and Nine Secrets

Chapter 311 Nine Respects and Nine Secrets
"Ding! Welcome back to the Temple of Chaos, your value points have been sent to each of you, please pay attention to check!"

The Temple of Chaos is still in its original color, hazy and mysterious, as if it has been like this for ages.

All the reincarnations returned to the Chaos Temple again, and they all breathed a sigh of relief. This mission can be said to be very thrilling, and if they are not careful, they will die.There are hundreds of reincarnated people who participated in the task, but now there are only less than 50 people left. It can be said that they are close to death, and those who can come back alive are all strong among the strong.

"Exchange "Infinite Heaven Skills"." Suddenly, a faint voice sounded, as if buying an ordinary commodity at random, which made everyone tremble.

"Wu Zhong Tian Gong" is the practice method practiced by Wu Zhong Immortal King in the chaotic ancient times, and it is collected by the main temple. In addition, there are "Six Paths of Reincarnation Tian Gong", "Nine Turns of Heaven", etc., all of which are Chaos Dao Jun returned from the long river of time with his supreme supernatural powers. At the beginning, he was studying the cultivation system of the chaotic ancient times, so he spent a lot of effort to come up with a few books of supreme heavenly skills. .

The value points of "Infinite Heaven's Art" are not low, a total of 100 billion value points, and ten pieces of imperial soldiers are required to be exchanged. Who has such a rich man?

When everyone looked around, it turned out to be the Great Emperor Wushi, no wonder it was so valuable.At the same time, I also know why he wants to redeem "Wu Zhong Tian Gong". It is rumored that Wu Shi Great is related to Wu End Immortal King. It seems that the rumors are true.

"Exchange "Nine Turns Xuan Gong"." Ye Fan's faint voice sounded, drawing everyone's attention back again.

"Nine Turns Mysterious Art", similar to "Nine Turns Heavenly Art" in the chaotic ancient times, is mainly based on cultivating the physical body. "Heavenly Kungfu" can only be cultivated to the Immortal King.

Seeing someone redeeming, the rest of the reincarnations hurried to redeem as well. You must know that the time in the temple space is limited. Once the time limit is up, no matter who it is, they will be sent out forcibly.

Normally they might not have so many value points, but for completing the mission this time, as long as they survived, everyone can get a large amount of value points, and they can use these value points to enhance their own strength.Through this mission, many people have found that their strength is not enough. If the mission is carried out next time, they may be the ones who need to sacrifice.

In fact, this is because the Taoist Lord of Chaos has relaxed some restrictions, and deliberately increased the value of this mission. He intentionally increased the strength of everyone, because the next mission will become more and more difficult. Those who cannot keep up with the strength can only Be eliminated.

"I want to enter the Tower of Time once."

The old lunatic said, his strength has reached the peak of Zhundi, and he needs to take a long retreat to sort out his income, but in reality there is not so much time for him to retreat, so he has to go to the tower of time in the temple, where ten thousand years have passed. , it's only been a year outside, and it won't affect the rules of comprehension, which saves time.

In fact, the Tower of Time is a space opened up by Taoist Primal Chaos in the small fairy world of the small bronze coffin, which specially uses time to accelerate, and does not let the law of time affect other laws.

"I also want to enter the Tower of Time!"

"Me too."

After the old lunatic, several people asked to enter the Tower of Time, because they are all people who are only one step away from the Great Emperor Realm, and they all need time to settle.

A white light flashed, and the old lunatic and the others disappeared, apparently going to the Tower of Time.

The rest of the people then exchanged treasures or cultivated resources.After a long time, it was just over.

"Ding! Mission reminder, the next mission will be in 50 years, and the reincarnation participants will be quasi-emperor or great emperor powerhouses."

"Ah, there are still 50 years left, when did the temple become so generous?" Someone began to discuss.

"I'm afraid this time will be extended in the future." Someone blinked and said.

At the beginning, there were several missions in a year, and as the strength increased, the mission time interval became longer and longer. Obviously, the temple wanted everyone to strengthen their strength.

"Ding! The time is up. If you want to stay, please pay the value points." At this moment, the temple reminded me.

When everyone heard the words, they disappeared one after another. Value points are good things, and no one wants to spend more value points.

After everyone left, a figure suddenly appeared, it was the Primal Chaos Daoist.

"This time I got 36 pieces of imperial weapons, seven elixir of immortality, various divine materials, many divine springs, many imperial scriptures, secret techniques, and supernatural powers, all nine secrets, and six life-forbidden zones. These things, except for the Nine Secrets, seem to have no effect on me."

Daojun waved all those things away, and took out the Nine Secrets to comprehend. The Nine Secrets are the ultimate of the nine great ways in this world. Daojun's cultivation at this moment can be comprehended, and he can jump out of the limitations of the world, continue to exert it to the extreme, and comprehend to a deeper level.

Sometimes it is not difficult to create a method, it only needs a small inspiration or framework, and the rest is filled with life perception.And the nine secrets are nine inspirations.

The nine secrets are:
Lingbao Tianzun's group of characters represents the acme of formation method;
The word secret of Changsheng Tianzun represents Nirvana rebirth, healing magic, and the ultimate way of life;

Emperor Zun's puzzles are all anagrams, and the combat power is several times or even ten times explosive;
The secret of Xiaoyao Tianzun's walking represents the ultimate speed, the speed is extremely fast, and traveling through space is time;
The secret of the first word of Dujie Tianzun, cultivating the primordial spirit, can predict the future;
Nirvana Tianzun's personal secrets, cultivating the physical body, supreme defense;

Primordial Tianzun's Bing Zi Mi, the highest mystery of the way of imperial weapons, all weapons can be deduced by Bing Zi Mi;

The number secret of Daode Tianzun belongs to the avatar;
Wuliang Tianzun's fighting word secret, the supreme offensive holy art, all mysteries can be transformed into attacks. (The above is Hongchen Jun's own opinion, if there is something wrong, don't spray it!)
With the cultivation base of the Taoist Lord of Chaos, within a few breaths, he has fully comprehended the Nine Secrets, and he has also introduced the old to bring forth the new, and deduced it to another extreme.Of course, in his world, there is much more than a few breaths.

The brand-new Nine Secrets are suitable for Chaos Daoist, and its power has reached the advanced level of Hunyuan, which is far from what it was before.

Chaos Lord opened his eyes and looked at the world. In his world view, he saw a different world.

In the eyes of everyone, the world is a four-dimensional world composed of countless static three-dimensional spaces. The space can move. There is a concept of time in this world, and all living beings can feel the passage of time through some changes.

If there is more, sentient beings will not be able to see. If you want to see more, you need a higher level of cultivation.

For example, before the Primal Chaos Daoist, he could use his supernatural powers to summon the long river of time, and in the time, he could see the past and future of all beings in this world.

Countless four-dimensional worlds constitute a five-dimensional world, which presents infinite timelines.

The essence of cultivation can also be said to be the process of ascension.

Comprehend the avenue of space, become a three-dimensional life, comprehend the law of time, upgrade to a four-dimensional life, five-dimensional life, jump out of the long river of time, travel through time, not afraid of the erosion of time, immortal.

For example, the Taoist Lord of Chaos is a five-dimensional life.

(End of this chapter)

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