My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 313 1 Reading Blossoms

Chapter 313
There was a sound of explosions, the mountains and the earth shook, thousands of lives were robbed, the continent began to shatter, and everything would be destroyed.

Under the watchful eyes of Taoist Primal Chaos, the heavenly world, the human world, and some broken worlds were originally connected by countless space channels, but at this moment they all collapsed.At this moment, the light of chaos is constantly erupting in the area where the three worlds meet, and it has become a place of death, and all living beings nearby will be destroyed.


The world is crying!

All living beings cried bitterly, and all the living beings cried out with terrified expressions on their faces.There was a panic on the ground, people were frightened, and they didn't know how to escape this devastating disaster.

Countless sparks pierced the sky and fell towards the earth, causing the sky and the earth to shake endlessly.

A huge spark dragged its long tail, carrying a scorching and destructive aura, and smashed towards the Primal Chaos Daoist.Daojun glanced at the spark, and the spark changed direction, flew down to other places, smashed into the ground, and smashed the ground into a big hole with black smoke.

A thunder of heaven's punishment that destroyed the world, with the lightning that tore the world, came from the endless chaos and struck towards the Taoist monarch.

Daojun opened his mouth and sucked in the destructive Heavenly Punishment into his belly. It disappeared without a single spark.

"What kind of world is this? The six realms are shattered, and the world is falling. Is this going to destroy the world?"

The Primal Chaos Daoist felt the violent vibration of the surrounding laws, and the usually silent laws of heaven and earth emerged at this moment as if they were real, and became extremely violent.

A breath of great destruction, great terror, great silence, great destruction, and great end erupted, filling the world.The sea of ​​law is surging, and the light of chaos is constantly flashing, as if it wants to return the whole world to chaos.

"Well, I suddenly felt that this place is not bad. This is a good place to understand the way of the great destruction and the great end."

Sensing the aura of great destruction that he couldn't normally feel, Daoist Primal Chaos looked happy and said suddenly.

The way of destruction is one of the most terrifying avenues in the world, especially the way of great destruction, the world will be destroyed, and all avenues will be destroyed.

To comprehend this way of great destruction, only when the world is shattered is the real great destruction.

The way of the beginning of the beginning is the beginning of all ways, from nothing to existence, while the way of ending destruction is just the opposite, it is the end of all ways, from existence to nothing.

Creation of existence out of nothing, return of existence to nothingness, endless life, continuous cycle, this is the great way of heaven and earth.

Chaos Daojun practiced Chaos Dao. In his opinion, "nothingness" is not nothingness, but chaos. There are thousands of Daos. Everything in the world will eventually return to chaos. The world is derived from chaos, and finally destroyed, it will definitely repeat chaos .

This aura of world destruction is also most suitable for his Chaos Dao. If he can comprehend it, his attack methods will improve a lot.

He stopped thinking about other things, put aside unnecessary thoughts, and began to understand the Dao of Destruction.

An ancient and boundless aura was captured by him, that terrifying aura that would destroy everything in the world and everything in the world, and was constantly integrated into his dao rhyme by the Taoist Lord of Chaos.

His perception of the Avenue of Destruction is getting stronger little by little.

The Primal Chaos Daoist kept walking, feeling while walking, which is much better than staying in one place to feel the effect. Only when you experience it yourself, you will know the unique destructive breath.


The world crumbled and spread to his feet, a big crack appeared on the ground, pieces of snow maple trees were crumbling, and endless fallen flowers were flying one after another, secretly mourning, endless sadness began to spread.

A different kind of emotion welled up in his heart, Daojun stopped and began to feel that unique artistic conception.

After a long time, Taoist Lord opened his eyes, endless flower shadows flashed in his eyes, and he said lightly: "Flowers wither, flowers fly all over the sky, one flower withers, another flower blooms, the world is more beautiful than this, and the world is also more desolate. Therefore, After my flowers bloom, the hundred flowers will be killed!"

"When a thought blooms, a hundred flowers will be killed!"

Daojun slowly uttered the horoscope, and beside him, suddenly a pink flower floated out, the flower was extremely bright, as delicate as a beauty just out of the bath, delicate and verdant, with a unique fragrance in the flower, fluttering lightly , spinning slowly, dancing with the wind.

Then, two, three, four...

Numerous flowers floated out, these flowers are red, white, blue, yellow, cyan, purple, etc., colorful, all kinds of colors.

Blossoming flowers, no, flowers are not enough to describe their beauty, they should be called fairy flowers.These fairy flowers are flying around the chaotic Taoist monarch, spinning slowly, as if they are dancing.

The Lord of Chaos Dao is now like the king of thousands of flowers, the emperor among flowers, with the aura of ruling the world.

Hundreds of flowers move for him, and thousands of flowers dance for him.

The fairy flowers are flying, the petals are withering, rising with the wind, one after another, a different kind of charm begins to spread to the surroundings, endless sadness, endless desolation, endless sadness!
All kinds of tastes hit my heart, all kinds of bitterness, every kind of reluctance, three points of nostalgia, turned into an invisible meaning of chilling.

Falling silently, killing without interest.

The end of beauty is always the most dangerous place.

The Primal Chaos Daoist remained silent, and continued to move forward, walked past the death jeopardy, and walked into the distance...

An eagle suddenly flew past here in a panic and flew into the sea of ​​flowers. However, it lost itself in an instant. There was no panic in its eyes, but only sadness and reluctance. A drop of tear fell and splashed. on top of the petals.

Silently, the eagle turned into countless fragments and scattered on the ground.

Until death, there was no trace of panic in its eyes.

The light of chaos shatters everything, and this place will soon be shattered, and will disappear completely.

In the sky, there is an indescribable sadness. On the earth, everything that was once will be erased from history after death. In the end, everything will cease to exist!
Eternal loneliness is the most terrible thing.

Step by step, stepping forward, the cracked earth below is constantly retreating, and the screams of all beings resound through the sky and the earth.The strong are constantly hunting and killing human beings as the source of life to survive the doomsday.Just like the darkness and turmoil in the world that covers the sky, the weak can only bear it.

When the end comes, everyone is terrified, but they can only struggle to the death. This is the sorrow and helplessness of the weak.

Therefore, the future and the past are cloudy, and the next life will not be a dog!

Destruction, good fortune!

The Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, at this moment, the incomparable clarity of becoming an immortal is in front of Daojun's eyes, with endless insights and rhymes, turning into a torrent of information, turning into thousands of rivers and rivers, all of which are poured into his body.

One step, two steps, three steps...

One year, two years, three years...

I don't know how many years have passed, the Primal Chaos Taoist has been walking in this world, traveling all over the six realms of heaven and earth, but what is strange is that no one has found his trace.

After walking too much, Lord Chaos knows which world this is.

God Tomb World!
The God Tomb World, this is an extremely terrifying world, a world that dares to bury the way of heaven.

Outstanding people through the ages, plans through the ages, the vastness of the six realms, the chess game of heaven and earth!

Born with selfish thoughts, wanting to destroy all living beings, all living beings are unwilling, and dare to bury the heavens!
The sky is in the sky, the catastrophe is in the catastrophe; the world is in the world, the game is in the game, this is a world where all beings bravely fight against the law of heaven, and it is also a world where outstanding people are everywhere and great gods are born in large numbers.

"Interesting, it turned out to be such a world. Judging from the current situation, it is time for the six realms to perish and collapse. In this way, Zhantian is not far away."

Chaos Taoist meditated.

Daojun suddenly smiled and said: "Perhaps, it would be an interesting decision to let those reincarnated people participate in the battle of Zhantian."

(End of this chapter)

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