Chapter 314

In the Shrouded Heaven Realm, in the Chaos Temple, many reincarnations gathered again.

Hundreds of years have passed now, and the last 50-year mission has been completed. That mission was to remove the Underworld and the Hegemony Ancestral Star. Apart from encountering some troubles in the Underworld and causing heavy casualties, there were no other accidents .

Fortunately, in the end, Duan De personally suppressed a quasi-immortal artifact in the underworld, and several supreme-level figures were eliminated by the reincarnations to complete this task.After this incident, Duan Dejing died again. After he came back to life, the "Nine Deaths" advanced to another level and became a mortal fairy. After nine deaths, he could become an immortal king.

"I don't know what mission the temple will release this time. It has been 500 years since the last mission, and I haven't done a mission for a long time."

"I don't know. Our world doesn't have any tasks worthy of us. It should be another world."

"Maybe, I just hope this task will be easier."


All the reincarnators were discussing the content of this mission, and most of them were guessing that they were going to other worlds to carry out the mission.

"Ding dong! Reincarnation starts again, the task begins, and the task is released now." At this time, the cold voice from the temple came, which stopped everyone's discussion. Everyone straightened their ears and listened carefully.

"Mission content: Enter the world of the tomb of the gods, improve your own strength as much as possible, and participate in the final battle to destroy the sky."

"Mission Difficulty: Nightmare!!!"

"Task Requirements: Participate in the final battle, help the former World Warlord to kill the Heavenly Dao, and live to the end. Note: This task opens the resurrection mode, and you can consume value points after death to be resurrected again. (Required value points for resurrection: Zhundi reincarnation Reincarnation: 100 million - 100 million; emperor level reincarnation: 1000 billion - 1000 billion; Red Dust Immortal: [-] billion - [-] billion; Immortal King: [-] billion - [-] trillion.)"

"Mission World Background: In the Great World of God's Tomb, the Dao of Heaven is formed by the thoughts of all beings. It is a vast idea formed by the interweaving of the thoughts and power of all beings. It is the will of all beings. The Dao of Heaven in the past represented justice without desire and desire. Now the Dao of Heaven , it is a collection of resentment, the thoughts of all living beings have been corroded and smashed, it already has its own selfish desires, it is no longer fair, it represents destruction, it wants to strengthen itself by killing all living beings. It knows that when it is weak At that time, the thoughts of all beings will sooner or later form a new way of heaven, which is not allowed, so he wants to destroy the world and all living beings...

The cultivation system of the Tomb of God World is Eastern martial arts, comprehension, and Western magic and fighting spirit. It is divided into one to ten ranks. (Red Dust Immortal), King of Heaven-Defying Kings (Immortal King).

The distribution of masters in the world: The Dao of Heaven is the strongest, surpassing the Heaven-Defying King, and reaching the level of Immortal Emperor (Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian), among the Heaven-Defying Kings are Dugu Baitian, Demon Lord, and Chen Zhan, and the Heaven-Defying King has Youwang, Chaos King, Qingtian, Chenzu, Ghost Lord, Heaven-Defying Level has Starry Sky Ancient Battle Soul, Qijue Tiannv, Taishang, Guangyuan, Cangtian, Grave Guard Old Man, Huangtian, Youmingtian, Heavenly Level has Chennan, Immemorial Seven Kings, King Youluo, Chaos Son, Supreme Totem, God of Time and Space..."

"Mission rewards: Those who come back alive will be rewarded with one trillion points worth of rewards, beheading the enemy's one-day-level powerhouse will be worth one billion points, 50 billion to 100 billion at the heaven-defying level, one trillion for the heaven-defying king, and one trillion for the heaven-defying king. The middle king is 50 trillion."

"Mission reminder: The world of the Tomb of God is currently in a period of great destruction. After the destruction, there will be thousands of years for many reincarnations to seek opportunities in the world and make breakthroughs in strength."

As soon as this mission came out, the entire temple exploded in an instant. From Wushi and Empress to Duan De, Emperor Qing, to Emperor Ye, Emperor Jiuyou, and all the quasi-emperor masters, they were all taken aback.

Even though I had guessed in my mind before, I never thought that this task would be so difficult. The ultimate enemy is not human, but a kind of heaven. This task is to destroy the sky.

Moreover, the realm of the Heavenly Dao turned out to be Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. What a joke, the strongest among them is only the Immortal King, who is still some distance away from the Immortal Emperor. Now that he is going to deal with the master of the Immortal Emperor realm, is he going to die?Although this Immortal Emperor master is a bit watery, he is also an Immortal Emperor master.

And what surprised them was the powerhouses in the world of the tomb of gods. Now there are only three who are comparable to fairy kings, and five or six who are comparable to mortal immortals. As for those who are comparable to emperors, there are even more. Scary to death, if there is no Chaos Temple in the Zhetian Realm, they can crush them only by the strong emperor.

"How is it possible, what a joke, there is such a perverted task?"

"It turned out to be to kill Heavenly Dao, how is this possible?"

"Oh my god, the Dao of Heaven can kill, what else can't be done, the temple is going to punish us to death!"

"How dare the temple have a resurrection option this time, and people can be resurrected by spending value points after death? How is this possible?"

"My God, people can be resurrected after death, is this world crazy?"


After a long time, many reincarnations swallowed a few deep mouthfuls of saliva, suppressed the shock and fear in their hearts, and began to discuss.After listening to this task, everyone's minds were severely impacted, making them almost doubt life. The way of heaven is actually formed by the thoughts of all living beings. Can the way of heaven be destroyed?Can a dead person be resurrected?This simply subverts everyone's imagination!
Even the two top Immortal Kings, the Great Emperor Wushi and the Empress, were extremely shocked at the moment. They never thought that this task would be like this.However, there is still a bit of excitement and enthusiasm in their eyes. It is the enthusiasm of meeting a powerful opponent, and finally being able to fight against experts of the same level, and even challenge higher-level experts.

In the Shrouding Sky Realm, they are the top powerhouses at the moment, and they seldom make moves at ordinary times. Now they meet a strong opponent, they are quite excited. People are not afraid of being weak, but they are afraid of not having a goal in life.

As for the method of resurrection in the Chaos Temple, they didn't take it to heart. They couldn't predict the mystery of the Chaos Lord God in the Temple.

In fact, this resurrection from death is a magic weapon made by Honghuang Yuanshi after comprehending the list of gods. It is called the list of gods. It has similar functions to the list of gods. It can revive the famous people on the list.

It can be said that part of the way of heaven in the Zhetian Realm has been replaced by this fairy list, so the Zhetian Realm can have a situation where all emperors coexist.

The Conferred Immortal List was hidden in the original space of the Heavenly Dao in the Shading Heaven Realm by the Dao Lord of Chaos, washed away by the breath of the Heavenly Dao, and sooner or later it would transform into a terrifying treasure of the Dao of Heaven.

And those who are on the list of immortals are all reincarnations.

For example: At the top of the list of immortals, there are now immortal kings: Wushi Immortal King and Ruthless Immortal King.

Red Dust Immortal: Duan De
Great Emperors: Qingdi Wanqing in the Eastern Demon Court, Sakyamuni the Buddha Emperor in Lingshan Mountain in the West, Gai Jiuyou, the Great Emperor of Jiuyou in the South, Jiang Taixu, the Great Emperor of Taixu in the North, and Ye Fan, the Emperor of the Central Heavenly Court.Other great emperors: Jade Emperor Zhang Bairen, Qin Emperor Hua Yunfei, Daode Tianzun Laozi, Yan Emperor Shennong, Yellow Emperor Ji Xuanyuan...


It can also be said that the Seal of Immortals is the current way of heaven in the Shading Heaven Realm. Part of the true spirit of the reincarnated person is hidden in it. After death, as long as a certain amount of original power is spent, it can be resurrected. However, the reincarnated person after resurrection also lost further possibilities.

Of course, many reincarnations do not know this news.

But after hearing that they could be resurrected, many reincarnations were also relieved. Being able to be resurrected meant that everyone was less afraid of death, and they could arouse their blood more when fighting, and the battle escalated.

"Ding! Attention reincarnators, world teleportation is about to start, please prepare what you need as soon as possible."

"Turn on cross-boundary teleportation, five, four, three, two, one, teleport!"


There was a sound of Weng, which made everyone's hearts tremble, and then a chaotic divine light swept across, enveloping everyone, and all the reincarnated people in the temple disappeared instantly.

Everyone felt a flash of darkness before their eyes, and in the next second, they appeared in a completely unfamiliar environment.

(End of this chapter)

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