Chapter 316


Chen Nan was a little confused in his heart, a businessman, a businessman with such cultivation?Moreover, where are the heavens and myriad worlds?Is it somewhere out of this world?

"That's right, I'm a businessman who travels all over the world, little brother, I think you're having a hard time recently, do you want to trade with me?"

"What can you trade?" Chen Nan asked.


Daojun smiled proudly: "There is nothing in the heavens and the world that I cannot trade. As long as you can tell me, I can trade."

"Really?" Chen Nan obviously didn't believe it, but because he couldn't see through the Primal Chaos Lord, he could only pretend to believe it.

"Of course." Daojun didn't expose him either.

"Then can you help me revive Yuxin?" Chen Nan asked.

"Yuxin? Hehe!" Daojun said with a smile.

"Why, you can't?" A look of strong disappointment flashed in Chen Nan's eyes.

"Of course, but which Yuxin do you want?" Daojun said.

"How many more can Yuxin have?" Chen Nan asked in surprise.

"Of course, you need more than one Yuxin. Do you want the Yuxin from ten thousand years ago, or the ruthless fairy, the corpse Yuxin, the elven saint Catherine, Chenxi, or the four original incarnations? Yuxin?" Chaos said.


Chen Nan had no choice but to smile bitterly. There are indeed multiple Yuxins. It’s just that Yuxin from ten thousand years ago has transformed into four incarnations. Can Yuxin from ten thousand years ago come back? It is a person from thousands of years ago.However, whether Yuxin's resurrection would mean the death of the original four incarnations, he was not sure.

Looking at the entangled Chen Nan, Daojun said lightly: "I advise you to change the transaction item."


"Because you will meet that Yuxin of yours in the near future." Daojun said.

"What? Yuxin is still alive?" Chen Nan didn't hear anything else, he only had one thought in his mind at the moment, his Yuxin was still alive.

Looking at the excited Chen Nan, Dao Jun didn't say much. Chen Nan would indeed like to see Yu Xin in the future, but he was no longer the Yu Xin in his heart.What he saw was Yuxin's previous life, the famous King of People.

Chen Nan also has his own wife and children at the moment, so what if they see each other, time has made them miss everything.

Yu Xin didn't know how to face him, or because of the short time of Zhan Tian Zhan, she could only divert all her thoughts, and finally chose to forget each other in the rivers and lakes, so at the end of Zhan Tian Zhan, she would Said miserably, "If there is an afterlife, we will meet again."

It took Chen Nan a long time to recover, but he was still excited. Yuxin was the girl he loved most in his life. Since he was reborn, he had been looking for his whereabouts. It was not until before the Great Destruction that the four souls gathered together, but Because of the Great Destruction, with the disappearance of the map of gods and demons, he was worried about it. Now that he knows her news, can he not be excited.

Chen Nan said: "You know about her, where is she?"

"In the near future, you will meet each other. I'm afraid you won't be so excited then." Dao Jun said.

"What do you mean?" Chen Nan asked, suddenly he had a bad premonition in his heart.

"It's nothing, let's talk about the deal. I have a magic weapon in my hand. It definitely has the ability to block and kill gods and Buddhas. Even if it is a sky, it can bury it! I think it is the most suitable for you?" said Jun didn't answer his question, but mentioned the deal, and as he spoke, he flipped his hands and took out a small blue coffin.

The whole body of the coffin is blue, only the size of a thumb. The coffin cover is connected to the coffin body without a single gap. There is a word "buried" written on the front of the coffin, and a word "heaven" engraved on the back. It is unclear what material it is made of. I can't feel the slightest fluctuation of the Tao, just like an ordinary thing, which is extremely mysterious.

"Coffin? What is the function of this coffin?" Chen Nan was attracted by the coffin and asked in surprise.

"This coffin is called the sky burial coffin. It can be buried even in the sky. Immortals, gods, Buddhas, and demons are naturally not a problem." Daojun said lightly, but the words he said were boundless.

"Looking good--"

Saying that, Taoist flipped his hand and threw up the small coffin in his hand, and the cyan coffin quickly became larger. After that, a square black hole appeared on the coffin lid. Wherever it connects, it swallows up the whole world in an instant, the surrounding continents turn into nothingness, and the light of chaos continues to surge, trying to destroy everything.

However, the divine coffin once again erupted with cyan divine light, and the radiance was so strong that it swallowed up this piece of chaos. The destructive characteristics of chaos are completely useless for this.

Chen Nan's expression was horrified, he could feel an extremely strong crisis, if he was swallowed in, he would never be able to get out again.

Daojun flipped his left hand, and the coffin quickly became smaller and fell into his hands, returning to its original state, ordinary and ordinary, unable to see the slightest mystery.


"Good magic weapon!"

Chen Nan sighed in admiration and his eyes lit up. If he had this treasure, Chen Nan believed that he would definitely be able to suppress the Heaven-defying level. However, his face quickly collapsed, and he said with a bitter face: "I don't seem to have anything worth it." Quite something."

"It doesn't matter, I am very optimistic about you. I will rent it to you for the time being. When you don't need it, it will leave you. As for the transaction, let's use your cultivation skills." Daojun pondered road.

Chen Nan heard that there was such a deal, he was taking advantage of it, how can there be any reason to go back to the things in his hands?He hurriedly said, "Yes."

Daojun smiled slightly, as if he didn't know what he was thinking, he stretched out his hand and threw the green coffin in his hand to Chen Nan, and then disappeared.

Chen Nan took the small blue coffin, looked at it, and was full of surprises.Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, looked in the direction where Taoist Lord disappeared, and said, "I really don't think I gave him the exercises?"

After thinking for a while, Chen Nan said: "Forget it, he didn't want it himself, so don't do my business."

Then, Chen Nan went to study the mysterious magic weapon by himself.

"The living god's tomb and the sky-burial coffin are a perfect match!"

In the distance, Taoist Primal Chaos smiled mysteriously, he would naturally not forget the exercises.The moment the deal was concluded, he got the exercises he wanted in Chen Nan's mind, whether it was the "Summoning Sutra" practiced by the Chen family, "Seven Demon Swords Against the Heaven", or "Tai Shang "Shangwangqinglu", Dugu Baitian's "Nianchaobashi", or his self-created ruthless knife, the time-space law of the time-space master, have all been obtained by the chaotic Taoist monarch, but Chen Nan has not reacted at all.

Daojun glanced at it for a few times, and then he had comprehended all the exercises. He murmured: "The Sutra of Summoning Demons is very interesting. It can summon an invincible demon body, making gods and demons indistinguishable, but the ultimate state of this sutra It’s not summoning demons, but fading demons, and reaching a fully divine body, but many people have failed. Some of the supernatural powers recorded in it are also very practical.”

""The Record of Forgotten Love in the Supreme Being" is also interesting. Create a ruthless avatar, and then...the avatar is invincible, and finally kills your own deity, immortal."

"Hehe, interesting. This Taishang is really interesting. He dared to create such a book of exercises. Who is he planning to deceive? Presumably the real "Taishang Wangqinglu" he cultivated by himself will not be like this. This exercise is a bit like It’s a cauldron prepared for himself. That’s right, this one has the potential to be the mastermind behind the scenes.”

"I don't know if this Taishang is Taiqing's 'he and I'." Daojun suddenly thought of the Taiqing saint in the wild.

Honghuang Taiqing also mentioned Taishang Wangqing, but that Wangqing is not ruthless, forgetting to be fair, forgetting to be affectionate, not to be moved by emotions, not to be disturbed by emotions.The sky is most private, and it is most public, and the control of fate is in the air.The root of life for the dead, the root of death for the living.Grace is born of harm, and harm is born of grace.

Fools think that Taishang Wangqing is ruthless, but in fact this is a big mistake, the way of heaven is ruthless, so it is the most righteous, and Taishang Wangqing is therefore the most affectionate!Being too forgetful is not ruthless, but the ultimate love, it just reaches another height, the stage of forgetting.

Wangqing is silent and unmoved, as if forgotten.

"Although this technique is not very good, the moves in it are still somewhat interesting. Beidou subdues demons, Taishang seals demons, Taishang kills demons..."

"Forget it, let's treat it as a collection. Hey, I seem to be suffering from the symptoms of collecting peerless exercises." Daojun said, "When I see a lot of exercises, no matter whether they are useful or not, I can't help but collect them."

Daojun thought for a while, and said: "Hey, let it go, it's not a big deal, there's nothing wrong with it."


(End of this chapter)

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