My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 317 Dugu defeated the sky

Chapter 317 Dugu defeated the sky

Afterwards, Daojun set his sights on "Seven Demon Swords against Heaven".

This is a set of tragic exercises that dominate the world. It is said that a demon was dying, and he hacked seven times in a row, piercing the sky and going to the immortal.

This method has the ability to change fate against the sky. It summons the seven magic knives, which burns life force and explodes. , if it doesn't die, it will be broken and then erected to a higher level.

The technique is very good, but the creativity is better, put it to death and then live, break it and then build it, if you don't break it, you can't stand it, before you die, don't care about other things, it's good if you can save your life.

"That's right, after a revision, it's another peerless magic skill, very suitable for when life is threatened." Taoist Lord Chaos nodded.

In the end, he looked at the "Eight Forms of Rebellion" with complicated eyes, just because the person who created this method was too heaven-defying.In fact, Chen Nan doesn't know "Nianchao Eight Styles", but he was defeated by Dugu in his previous life, and he had some instinctive memories in his body, which he didn't even notice, but Taoist Lord Chaos completely returned it to the original.

"Nianchao Eight Styles" is not eight moves, but eight essences, each of which is ever-changing and ever-changing, covering all phenomena in the world with yin, yang, life, death, emptiness, reality, time, and space. , Possesses the ability to rebel against chaos.

"Worthy of being the number one taboo god in the ancient times, the madman who has fought the reincarnation of a hundred generations and never perishes, fused the eight great gods of Motian, Jingtian, Mietian, Chaotian, Luotian, Aotian, Xiaotian, and Zhantian to create a madman who defeated the sky. ... Dugu defeats the sky..."

Daojun thought of this great god in his heart, and he had to sigh in his heart, this is a perfect and unparalleled man, more perfect than the Great Emperor Wushi.

Reincarnated for a hundred generations, immortal for thousands of calamities, lead the gods and demons to fight against the heavens, and once the order is issued, no one in the four seas will dare to disobey!Moreover, he is also unparalleled in love, has the skills to kill and make decisions, has the scheming to maneuver, and has the ability to lead the overall situation. It is not an exaggeration to call him an eternal hero.

The sentence "After thousands of calamities and dangers, even if my soul flies away, my spiritual consciousness remains; I fight against the reincarnation of hundreds of generations, even if the six realms are impermanent, I will still live forever! The way of heaven, the way of heaven! The sky has lost its way, so why should we worship it!" A "Dugu" slashed into the space of the heavenly dao, with seven in and seven out, and finally collapsed in the heavenly dao.

A trace of remnant soul seeks the way of heaven, and sacrifices the map of Tai Chi gods and demons.

A wisp of soul sets the overall situation, and a tomb of gods bury gods and demons.

Xiu Wo fought the sword for nine days, and shed blood without hesitation.

The immortal soul of battle is immortal, and the immortal monument is admired by all gods.

Daojun pondered for a long time, then suddenly smiled and said: "I brought so many reincarnated people into this world, I must have attracted the attention of this taboo god. Moreover, so many outsiders, outside the chess game, this is this The Great God will never allow it, they have been laying out the Mietian Plan for countless years, but at this moment there are people who disrupt the layout, presumably the Great God will take action to deal with these uneasy factors."

"I didn't bring a group of younger brothers to deliver food to you, so in order to cause unnecessary trouble, I'd better intervene. I think this great god must be very depressed at the moment."

Daojun smiled mysteriously, took one last look at Chen Nan, pulled him into the Chaos Temple, and asked the Temple to assign him a reincarnation task, then ignored him, turned and left.

Daojun guessed right. At this moment, Dugu Baitian is really puzzled. For this battle of destroying the sky, they have been planning for tens of thousands of years, and Chen Nan is the key to it. They have thought a lot and thought about it. In every detail, plan failure or flaws are never allowed, because failure is extremely fatal.But at this moment, there seemed to be unplanned characters, and there were quite a few of them.

The strength of this group of sudden characters is extraordinary. Not only are there people who are comparable to the strength of the King of Heaven, but there are also many strong people who are against the sky. No one knows which side these strong people who suddenly appeared are on. One of them is okay, but if it is the enemy, it will be tricky.

At this moment, the great god was thinking about whether to deal with them all. Among the opponents, there were two people who dared to match their strength, which made him have to guard against them.


Suddenly, the great god frowned, moved his body, and fixed his eyes on the void in front of him. In an instant, the entire surrounding void trembled, and an indescribable aura enveloped the entire void.

An invisible coercion appeared, and the surrounding space seemed to turn into freezing point and freeze instantly.

Terrible, every move, there is a terrible breath.

I saw circles of ripples suddenly appearing out of thin air in the empty space in front of me.

In an instant, in the void, a faint phantom came out with cohesive force.This phantom looked very ordinary, without the slightest aura on his body. As he completely stepped out of the void, that figure gradually solidified and turned into a figure.

It is the Taoist Lord of Chaos.

Daojun raised his eyes and looked at Dugu Baitian, the supreme taboo god in front of him. Although he has gone through countless years, he is still a young man. In his small body, he can vaguely see a tall and straight man. Standing there, he is like standing in the endless chaos. It is just a figure, which gives people a taste of suppressing the ages, sitting alone on the peak, stepping through the galaxy, and being immortal.

Powerful, very powerful!
Even more powerful than Emperor Wushi and Emperor Ruthless, although he is only the king of heaven-defying kings, he can leapfrog and fight against the strong Hunyuan.

Just like the Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations back then, he was only a Zhunsheng Dzogchen, so he could fight the Zhunti Saint.

This is a heaven-defying person who can really leapfrog and fight, a person who is almost flawless.

Eternal heroes, eternal heroes!
The number one taboo god in the ancient times, his reputation is well-deserved.

This is the first impression of Chaos Daojun about Lonely Baitian.

On the opposite side, Dugu Baitian is also staring at the Primal Chaos Daoist with a solemn expression. Although the Chaos Taoist is standing there, at first glance, he looks ordinary, just like an ordinary person, but when he takes a second look, he is He found that this person seemed to have some strength. When he looked at it again with the third eye, this person's strength seemed to be similar to his own. When he looked at it with the fourth eye, he found that this person's strength had reached an unattainable height. Standing in front of him is like facing a vast and boundless chaos, which is always so deep, boundless, unknown depth and full of endless dangers.

When he looked with his fifth eye, he found that this person was still ordinary, like a mortal, as if everything before was just his illusion.

Dugu Baitian's face was solemn, he knew that what was just now was not an illusion, but something real, it's just that his cultivation base couldn't see through it.

This is a bit scary, he is now the pinnacle of the world, he dares to be the second, no one dares to be the first, but now he can't even see through one person, so how strong is this person's cultivation? ?
His thoughts turned, and he thought of a lot in an instant. At the same time, he also recognized the identity of the Primal Chaos Daoist.

"Dugu Baitian is worthy of being the number one taboo god in the ancient times."

On the opposite side, Primal Chaos Daoist spoke first, and praised without hesitation as soon as he spoke.

"People outside the sky, your cultivation is beyond imagination."

The great god suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said flatly.At the same time, he also understood in his heart that since the other party talked to him like this, he would not be a person of the Dao of Heaven, and also, with the cultivation base of the other party, how could he be a person of the Dao of Heaven?

He was a little excited. Sure enough, the Tao is endless. His cultivation has already reached the peak of this world. Limited by the world, he has not made any progress for tens of thousands of years. Seeing a person of a higher level at this moment means that there will be more There are many people in a higher realm, and the blood and pride in his heart are suddenly stirred up.

It seems that a new and intense journey is waiting for him.

His blood is not exhausted, his pride is not lost, new challenges, new opportunities, he will definitely not miss them.

(End of this chapter)

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