My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 318 Dugu defeated the sky

Chapter 318 Dugu defeated the sky

"You don't seem to be afraid?" Dao Lord Chaos said.

"What is fear? Why should I be afraid?" Dugu Baitian said, since Dugu Baitian was born, he didn't know what fear was.

The Primal Chaos Daoist smiled, and said: "Sure enough, you are a great god, and your mind has already reached its peak. But, you know, your plan to destroy the sky is itself an almost impossible thing."

"For this reason, you plan for eternity, but how confident are you in your heart?"

"Living in the world, there is something you can do, and there is something you can't do. Some things have to be done."

Dugu Baitian said, with a sense of vicissitudes in his voice, as if piercing through time and space, echoing in this void.

Even so, Lord Chaos can still hear the helplessness and bitterness in it.

How sure are you?

Such things as Tutian Dao and Taoism must either succeed or fail. If they succeed, there may be a chance of life, and if they fail, they will undoubtedly die.

They are still living under the sky, and they also learned the way of the sky, but now they want to destroy the sky, how can it be so easy.

However, there are some things that you know you can't do, but you have to.

Is it really important to be sure?

Heaven has lost its way, slaughtering all living beings, and all living beings want to destroy the sky.

This is not only the wish of Dugu Baitian, but also the wish of hundreds of millions of beings in the world of God's Tomb.

This matter, no matter how much certainty it is, must be done.

"How sure are we, do you think?" Dugu Baitian said suddenly, he wanted to see the thoughts of this person he couldn't see through.

"You?" Dao Lord Chaos shook his head and said, "Forgive me for speaking bluntly, you only have a [-]% chance."

Although Dugu Baitian can fight Hunyuan against Hunyuan, it is only the most common Hunyuan, and the way of heaven is not ordinary, it is at least the realm of Hunyuan Third Heaven.Even if Dugu Baitian and the others rushed forward, they would only die. This was their original fate. In the end, only Chen Nan survived.

Although according to the original trajectory, they succeeded by Tu Tian, ​​but everyone knows that it is difficult.

Numerous masters have plotted for eternity, all the top masters in the world of the tomb of the gods, hundreds of millions of people, plus the living tomb of Chennan, countless gods of war generously died without hesitation, which led to Zhantian's victory.But even so, almost all the people in the whole world died, and finally only Chen Nan was left.

Every step of the layout is extremely critical, and it cannot be sloppy at all, and it also requires countless luck. If there is a mistake, even a slight one, it is enough to cause the plan to be shattered and the common people to be destroyed.

The world is full of variables, and no one knows when the variables will appear. Therefore, the final success of Dugu Baitian and others is really a great miracle, making the impossible possible.

The possibility of this cannot be lowered.


Dugu Baitian murmured, not knowing what he was thinking, he suddenly said: "[-]% is not too low, it is worth fighting for us. Even if there is no chance of winning, we must do this thing"

"That's right, what I value most is people like you, who know what they can't do, but still do it. Who is not impulsive in life. So, I decided, if you fail in the final battle, I will Take action personally, and help you to destroy the Dao of that day." Daojun laughed.

Dugu Baitian heard the words, and thanked him: "So, I will thank you here first."

Dugu Baitian didn't suspect that the other party didn't have that strength, because his instinct told him that the other party wasn't lying.Sometimes, he trusts his intuition more.

"So, what do we need to pay?" Afterwards, Dugu Baitian asked.

He knew that there was no such thing as a free lunch in the world, and since the opponent made a move, he would not do so for no reason. The opponent must have valued something about them.As for the other party's appreciation of him, Dugu Baitian didn't take it seriously. Maybe the other party valued him, but he would never deal with Tiandao for himself.Or maybe, the opponent's goal is the way of heaven?

"Oh? Then what do you think I want from you?" Daojun said with a smile when he heard the words.

"Potential, you look at our potential, or the way of heaven. A piece of the source of the way of heaven is a priceless treasure. Whether it is enlightenment or refining, it is a treasure to improve strength. Apart from this, I really can't think of other possibilities. "Dugu Baitian said lightly.

"That's right, as expected of Dugu Baitian, he hit the nail on the head."

Chaos Taoist did not hide it, and said: "I really value your potential. You are only limited by the world level now. If you break through the world and enter a higher world, you can break through quickly, and you are so life-or-death. The cultivation base obtained from constant fighting will be more powerful than the natives of this world. As for the origin of the heavenly way, I can get it at the fingertips, but the heavenly way in this world is a bit special, and it is born with spiritual wisdom. I want to study it Just two."

Seeing him readily admitting, Dugu Baitian didn't expect it, his face was obviously taken aback, but he quickly recovered, and said: "Your frankness is beyond expectation."

"That's the kind of person I am."

"Oh? Really." Dugu Baitian responded lightly, and asked, "Then what do you want?"

"It's just different talking to smart people."

Daojun first praised, and then said: "I have a temple, and I specially invite people like you to join. The purpose is to conquer the heavens, constantly transform, and finally rush to the supreme place, the eternal world."

"So, you want us to join?"

"Yes, the temple usually does not interfere with private freedom. The only requirement is to show up and complete the mission when the mission is released. Of course, as a reward, you can also exchange the method of breakthrough cultivation in the temple, as well as some unlimited Cultivation resources such as divine weapons, magic weapons, etc. To put it simply, this is more like a sect that plunders the resources of the heavens. As long as you who fight against the heavens survive after destroying the heavens, you all need to join the temple. How about it?" Chaos said.

"Oh? The heavens and the world? Interesting! Just like those people before?" Dugu Baitian said.


"The last question, the supreme place, where is the eternal world?"

"The origin of the heavens and worlds, the ultimate pursuit of monks, the irreversible reincarnation, the place of eternal existence." Daojun said lightly.

"There is such a place in the world?" Dugu Baitian asked with a change of expression.

"I joined, as long as Mietian survives, I will join the temple." Dugu Baitian said.If they don't die after the extermination of the sky, if they want to progress, they can only go out of the world, and the Temple of Chaos is the first mysterious organization he has come into contact with that walks in the heavens, so he agreed after thinking for a while.

The corners of Daojun's mouth curled up slightly, indicating that he was in a happy mood. He smiled and said, "This is a wise decision."

Then, he told the other party the news of the temple and the method of entering the temple, and Dugu Baitian immediately had a small bronze coffin mark of the temple, which is also the mark of the communication temple.The mark flashes three times, then disappears.

"I think your accumulation is enough. You can use your own skills or Dao insights to exchange some higher-level cultivation methods in the temple. Maybe you can break through before the sky is destroyed." Chaos Taoist suggested. .

Dugu Baitian nodded, expressing his understanding, he said: "The last thing, please give me a trick from the Palace Master!"

After speaking, he could not refuse, and he made a move.

"Reverse Chaos Eight Styles!"

An extremely strong wave shot up into the sky, and then I saw Dugu Baitian swipe his hands, and the eight styles of Nichao merged into one, everything returned to one, and all kinds of changes merged into one, slashing towards the Primal Chaos Daoist, and directly slashed out. A long crack in time and space runs through the past and the future, and the huge crack seems to split the entire universe apart.

The entire long river of time and space was shaken out, the time and space were chaotic, the turbulent currents continued to surge, and endless light and rain filled down from all directions, drowning the eyes.

Daojun didn't change his face, he knew that Dugu Baitian was testing him, to see how deep he was, so as to prepare for the future.He's not annoyed, even if it were him, he would still choose this way. On the other hand, they are the same people.

With a thought of Daojun, the distance between the two sides was stretched countless times in an instant, and the space was transformed. A long chaotic river suddenly appeared in front of the two of them. Turbulence.

A great chaotic river stretches between heaven and earth, separating Dugu Baitian from the Taoist Lord of Chaos. Dugu Baitian's attack reaches the top of the chaotic river, without causing any waves, it is submerged by the endless chaos, and gradually disappears into nothingness. In the void.

(End of this chapter)

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