Chapter 319
In the void, a vast chaotic stream gradually disappeared, and traces of divine light exploded around like lightning.

After a long time, the void returned to calm, time and space became stable, and the long river of time was once again hidden in the void, leaving only a trace of chaotic divine light, which was still destroying the void, and a large crack appeared in the void, which could not heal for a long time.

Dugu Baitian was not hit, on the contrary, his face was excited at the moment, the greater the challenge, the more blood in his heart boiled, although this time he couldn't see clearly the reality of Chaos Daojun, but it was enough for him to understand the powerful Now, in every move, he brings the way of destroying the world. He can't wait to learn the Taoism and break through to a higher level.

If he can break through, he will be able to shatter no matter what the law of heaven is, how can he be made life and death involuntary like now.

After one blow, the Taoist Lord of Chaos left, and he continued his path of enlightenment, while Dugu Baitian traded many cultivation methods and resources from the Chaos Temple.

After understanding the mainstream practice methods, he did not choose to break through immediately, but immediately made a decision to practice two kinds of cultivation methods concurrently, hoping to walk out of his own way.

Now that you have chosen, you must choose the strongest one.

Daojun stretched out his hand, and all the content that Dugu Baitian had traded appeared in his hands.

"Huh? The exercises are good, "Nine Revolutions against the Heaven", "Immortal Demon Art", "Nine Great Gods", "The King of Ming Doesn't Move", these are all good things. The moves are also good, Bawang Shenquan, Shenxu Step, The Eight Rebellious Forms, Demonic Jade Hand, Stealing the Heaven and Seizing the Sun, Shocking Heavenly Sword, Battle Heavenly Sword, Shocking Waves Thousand Weights, Shouting Heavenly Sword, Shocking Strike, Flying Flowers and Leafs Falling to the Heavenly Palace..."

Looking at the exercises and supernatural powers in his hands, Taoist Lord Chaos sighed: "As expected of a generation of great gods, there is no shortage of supernatural powers and exercises, and he has almost taken out all the exercises he has practiced. Then what is he exchanging for?" Huh? It's actually "The Magic Tome of Myriad Tribulations" and "Jietian Swordsmanship", they have good vision, and they are both Hunyuan-level exercises."

Regardless of other things, Daojun invited the demon master, ghost master, Chen Zhan and others into the temple, and asked Dugu God to explain to them. In this way, Daojun gained a large part of his peerless magic skills and supernatural powers.

If you want to understand the rules of one world, these exercises are the best objects, because these exercises and supernatural powers are created by the peak figures in this world, which not only include their understanding of their own Dao, but also include the knowledge of this world. rules of the road.

Now, by comprehending the rules in these exercises, Taoist Lord is also quickly comprehending the Dao of this world.At this level, all exercises are imaginary, only the principles of the Dao are the most real, and if the principles are thoroughly understood, the cultivation base will naturally improve.Cultivation method is just a guide book to guide others to comprehend the rules, it is dead, and it will only become a restriction for those who have not walked out of their own way.

And for a person like Taoist Primal Chaos, his Dao has long been unshakable, and absorbing these will only change his thinking, break his thinking, and become the nourishment for his Dao.

In this way, the Taoist Lord of Chaos walked in the world after the Great Destruction, while realizing the Tao, and before he knew it, hundreds of years had passed.

With more and more insights, Daojun gradually became more enlightened, and he felt more and more about his own chaotic way.

Destroy, create!
For Daojun, chaos is the origin, the great way, and the foundation of everything.

The heaven and the earth are dark and yellow, the universe is prehistoric, and chaos is the foundation of all things. Chaos comes first, and the universe comes after. There is chaos first, and then Tao is born.

Chaos produces one, one produces two, two produces three, three produces all things...

Chaos produces one, this chaos is the beginning, the source, the beginning of the Yuan, and one is the Tao, the Dao, the Dao of Heaven, and the Ten Thousand Daos.

The Taoist Lord of Chaos practiced the Dao of Chaos. Chaos is the origin of matter. Everything in the world is transformed by chaos. Therefore, chaos is also a part of the beginning.For him, comprehending other avenues is putting the cart before the horse. His chaos is the origin of all avenues, so why should he comprehend other avenues.

It's like, you own a fish pond yourself, but you still buy fish from other places to eat, isn't it superfluous.

A flash of light flashed across the mind of the Primal Chaos Lord. His body is the Chaos Tree, which contains the origin of Chaos. Coming to these universes has become his biggest limitation, just like he found in the prehistoric world. After entering the Chaos Tree, it was sick at that time and was about to die, but once it returned to Chaos, it was like a dragon entering the sea and a bird coming out of its cage. Everything was going in a good direction.

His avenue lies in chaos.

He is not trying to comprehend the way of all things in the world and prove the way of heaven.

The Dao of Chaos and the Dao of Heaven are two completely different concepts, with Chaos at the front and the Dao of Heaven at the back.

What the Taoist Lord of Chaos wants to prove must be the Dao of Chaos.

Daojun didn't say a word at this moment, he immediately broke through the cosmic boundary wall, returned to the endless chaos, sat cross-legged in the depths of the chaos, just silently felt the breath of chaos, a new joyful feeling surged from the bottom of his heart, Straight to the heart, just like the previous world, after the Great Destruction, the Tao is reborn.

Daojun knew that his choice was right, he was the Chaos Tree himself, so why should he go to other places.

Daojun throws away distracting thoughts, cuts off all worldly thoughts, and begins to realize his own Dao again.

Around him, there is no aura of the Great Dao, and there is no life at all. There is only endless chaos, nothingness, and emptiness.

Here, I can't comprehend any Dao, because they are all assimilated by chaos and shattered.

In the chaos, there is no concept of time, just because the heaven and the earth have not been born, and there is no great way, so where is the time?

Just like that, Daojun silently sat cross-legged in the depths of the endless chaos, allowing the energy of the endless chaos to rush towards him. Behind him, a huge tree shadow appeared. This tree shadow covered most of the chaos, and the green light swayed. The air of endless chaos was drawn by it and injected into Daojun's body.

The rhythm of chaos, the breath of chaos, the origin of chaos, a state of nothingness before the avenue, was captured by him.

I am chaos, why do I need to learn other ways, all ways are derived from me!
Chaos has no way, chaos has nothing, chaos has no name, chaos has no order...

Chaos is nothingness.

No, it is called the beginning of heaven and earth!

All kinds of chaotic perceptions turned into a kind of enlightenment, which remained in the heart, nourished itself, and gave birth to something more powerful.

"In the beginning there was nothing, there was nothing without a name, one arises, one has no form."

"The primordial one is the beginning of qi, the source of energy."

"In the beginning there was a way, called the way in the beginning, and it is the beginning of the great way..."

The Dao rhyme law of the Dao of Taichu surged from the depths of the Primal Chaos Dao Lord's heart. The deeper his perception, the more majestic the aura of Taichu.

Daojun's expression changed, the Dao of Absolute Beginning was just one of his comprehension of the Dao, and he practiced the Dao of Chaos, but at this moment, the Dao of Absolute Beginning came out to make trouble, trying to confuse his Dao Heart.

Daojun gritted his teeth, with a determined expression on his face, he shattered his comprehension of Taichu Dao without hesitation, Daojun's face turned pale.

Destroying one's Dao foundation is hundreds of times more terrifying than directly attacking oneself. One is damage to the body, but the other is damage to the Tao. The body is easy to recover, but the Dao is hard to recover. .

"The beginning of chaos, the formation of the universe, the opening of the Dao, the creation of the five elements, the movement of the space, the formation of things, the intangible and the intangible, for the years, for the space..."

Daojun's complexion changed again, he smashed the Dao of Absolute Beginning, and at this moment, the Dao of Space and Time came again, he smashed the Dao again without hesitation, his face became even paler.

"The creation of the universe, there is light and darkness, life and death, positive and negative, yin and yang, water and fire...Yin and yang complement each other, Tai Chi is born..."


(End of this chapter)

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