My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 328 Empress' Brother

Chapter 328 Empress' Brother

After 50 years, Chaos Tianzun put away the Heavenly Dao of the God Tomb World, which also means that this mission is over.

Time has no meaning for the strong who have achieved the Chaos Heaven, just because time comes from chaos, they can control time at will.The time of their cultivation is calculated in Yan Ji, or Chaos Years.

Tens of thousands of years have passed here, while other places may have only passed a few days.

In the Temple of Chaos, many reincarnations gathered, and now the strong in the world of the tomb of the gods have also become members of the temple, so they are naturally called reincarnations.

Chaos Heavenly Venerable appeared, looking at the many reincarnations, he nodded with satisfaction.Everyone's strength has improved, and of course there are also casualties, all of whom died in the battle against the sky.

Those who are dead will naturally pass the test, and will be eliminated by the temple. Even if they are resurrected, they can only stay in the Shrouding Heaven Realm.

The more you pay, the more you will be rewarded.

Today, among the crowd, there are six Hunyuan powerhouses, namely Dugu Baitian, Demon Lord, Chen Zhan, Ghost Lord, Empress, and Wushi.There are also six masters of the Zhunxian Emperor (Yasheng), namely Duan De, Chen Nan, Ye Fan, Qingdi, Ren Wang, and Chen Zu.Immortal Kings (King of the Kings of Heaven, Quasi-Sages) include Qijue Tiannv, the God of Time and Space, the Old Man of the Tomb, the Ancient Battle Soul of the Starry Sky, the Supreme Totem, Heiqi, Chu Xiangyu, the Eight Souls of the Chen Family, and the Daode Tianzun, etc.There are also dozens of Hongchen Immortals (Golden Immortals of the Great Luo), and there are even more people who are strong in the Great Emperor. As for those below the Great Emperor, there is none, because those who do not reach the level of the Great Emperor have already been eliminated.

It can be seen from these people who have made breakthroughs that it takes a certain amount of time for the strong to settle. Some life insights and experiences cannot be realized only by comprehension, but only by experience.Most of the strong people in the world of the tomb of the gods have lived for tens of thousands of years or tens of millions of years. The accumulation of thousands of years has made them have a deep foundation and can break through quickly, but what the Zhetian Realm lacks is this kind of time foundation.

However, there is no way to do it, who made the Shrouding Realm lack of longevity.If you want to be strong, you can only accumulate slowly.

Judging from the current strength of the Chaos Temple, it is not too strong in the heavens and the world, but it is not too weak, but in the eternal world, it can only be regarded as a weak force.

"You have made a breakthrough in your strength. Now, do you need to complete the next task? This task is very simple for you, and it is to enter the fairyland!" Chaos Tianzun said.

Everyone smiled knowingly after hearing this, simple?That's right, they have learned about the Immortal Realm from the temple. Immortal Realm lacks even immortals, and there are not many Hongchen Immortals, but they now have a large group of Hongchen Immortals, and it is naturally extremely simple for them to conquer the Immortal Realm .

However, they are still a little excited, not for anything else, just because entering the fairyland is the common ideal of emperors and monks from generation to generation from the age of mythology, to ancient times, ancient times, and now, so many peerless emperors Tianzun and Tianzun have all failed on the road to becoming immortals. Although they have become immortals now, their feelings are not so easy to let go. Entering the fairyland is a dream that has carried generations. Today will be in the hands of their generation Realization, the exciting feeling, is difficult for ordinary people to understand.


In front of the original barren ancient forbidden land, Chaos Tianzun appeared with a group of reincarnations.Tianzun didn't immediately attack Xianlu, but said to the Empress, "Isn't your matter over?"

When the empress heard the words, her eyes moved slightly, obviously she was a little excited.

She looked up at the sky and stretched out her hand to grab it. Between the changes of the situation, a looming long river of time appeared. The river flowed slowly, running through the past, modern and future, and the shadows of countless people struggled in it.

In this river, you can see the past, future, and present, countless people, countless ancients, and countless latecomers!
As long as you don't jump out of the long river of time, everything, whether it's people or things, is in it.



Suddenly, there was a scream, and then several screams, and several people saw bloody eyes and tears, and they screamed in pain. They wanted to use mana to restore, but this pain seemed to be incurable, and the pain was still unbearable. Tolerate.

Those who have not broken through to the Da Luo Jinxian will suffer backlash when they see the long river of time, and they will be blind and unable to see anything clearly.Only the powerful of Da Luo or above can see this long river of time. The higher the cultivation level, the more and more clearly he can see.

Chaos Tianzun frowned, flicked his sleeves lightly, several streamers of light flew out, healed the eyes of several blind people, and then looked up at the sky.

As soon as this long river of time appeared, the void suddenly trembled, countless black clouds gathered in the sky, the breath of doom was brewing, and countless lightning flashed, as if they were about to strike down and turn everyone into flying ashes.

The long river of time is a thing against the sky. Usually, it will only appear in front of people when it breaks through Da Luo and transcends time. Otherwise, it will not appear under normal circumstances. Before transforming into a human being, this is not tolerated by the heavens and the earth, so the heavens and the earth will send disasters and catastrophes to punish the empress.

In the blink of an eye, the vast world of thunder was condensed above the void, and the thunder was constantly changing, some were blue, some were blue, some were purple, some were black, and so on.All kinds of colors are constantly changing, and slowly, the thundercloud world has become nine colors.

In the cloud of calamity, thunder flickered, ready to strike down at any time. Its power was unimaginably strong, and a single ray could kill a powerful emperor.

The mighty thunderclouds oppressed down, bringing boundless coercion, and even more severe coercion on people's hearts and souls.

The vast thundercloud fully covered most of the void, and the edge could not be seen at a glance. The coercion was so strong that it was shocking, and all the strong people in the shrouding world could feel it.

The empress frowned, as if she was impatient, and with a thought, a huge black vase was formed in the void above everyone's heads by the law of the great way. The black vase stood upright, emitting a faint black light. Can feel a lore breath.

On the black vase, there is a black mandala flower engraved, emitting a faint light, which is so weird.

Suddenly, the vase rotated, and the mouth of the bottle faced the boundless thundercloud above, and an extremely strong intention of devouring burst out. Above the mouth of the bottle, a huge black hole appeared, and the black hole rotated like a huge funnel, swallowing the boundless thundercloud .

The Empress didn't care about anything else, she had a serious expression on her face, she stretched out her hand and caught a boy from the downstream of the long river of time.

It was the... elder brother who had been dead for hundreds of thousands of years since the Empress.

At this moment, the thunder in the sky became more violent, the sky and the earth were in turmoil, and the endless thunder seemed to destroy the world. If there is no black avenue bottle above, I am afraid that this world will be wiped out.Just like the way of heaven destroys the world in the world of the tomb of the gods, no one can escape.

The empress grabbed it hard, but... couldn't catch it.

The young man under her seemed to be connected to the whole world. When the empress exerted her strength, the whole river of time became swayed, the boundless river set off huge waves, and the water of time became turbulent.


The Empress let out an angry cry, regardless of the trembling of the long river of time, and the backlash of the Dao of Time, she grabbed hard and finally arrested the boy.


The boundless waves condensed by the law of the great way bombarded the empress, and the long river of time became furious. The counterattack force of the avenue of time was also extremely fast, invisible and qualityless, but extremely deadly. If it was allowed to bombard the empress, the empress would probably die. The jade died without fragrance.

Seeing this, Chaos Heavenly Venerable faintly uttered a word: "Scatter!"

In an instant, both the thunder in the sky and the Avenue of Time bombarding the Empress dissipated, and the boundless river of time gradually calmed down from the turbulent state, and then disappeared into the void.

"Thank you!"

The empress cherished words like gold as always, and nodded lightly to Chaos Tianzun.Then without waiting for his answer, he turned his gaze to the young man in front of her, the elder brother of the Empress.

"Sister?" The Empress' elder brother looked blank. He remembered that he was going to die, but how could he be here now, and he also saw his younger sister, who had also grown up.How is this going?

"Brother!" The empress was very excited.

"younger sister!"

"elder brother!"


At this moment, in the eyes of the two, there was no one else. Obviously, they had selectively forgotten everyone.

Everyone: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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