My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 329 Ascend to the sky, step on the song

Chapter 329 Ascend to the sky, step on the song

The elder brother of the empress came back after tens of thousands of years, and the aura on the empress' body became blurred, like a fairy. At this moment, the empress' mood changed again.

The gods were extremely shocked by the talent of the empress, how long has it been since the breakthrough, and has she made progress?But then they somewhat understood.

"I don't want to become a fairy, I just wait for your return in this world of mortals!"

A word from a ruthless person shocked the eternity. This is her avenue and her obsession. If she becomes an emperor with her obsession, how many ruthless people are there in the world?They asked themselves if they were empresses, they would definitely not be able to do this.

Now, the ruthless brother finally "returned", and the ruthless obsession was naturally over.The empress' state of mind naturally also improved, and she immediately became complete.

All the previous efforts were just to "wait for your return".Having obsessions is beneficial to cultivation, but this obsession should not be too strong, otherwise it will become an obstacle to cultivation and cause inner demons.The ruthless man broke this common sense by himself and sang along the way.Although her cultivation base has improved, it also caused some instability in her mood. Otherwise, with her talent, she would definitely become a fairy before Wu Shi.

Now that her dream has come true and her obsession is gone, her state of mind is naturally complete, and her strength has improved accordingly.

After a while of sighing, everyone turned their attention to the battle of Xianyu.They also saw the legendary empress elder brother, there was nothing different, his cultivation was only in the quadrupole realm, the lowest existence among the crowd, he became famous only because he had a powerful elder brother controlling the empress.

Now that I've seen it, I naturally don't take it to heart, it's just an episode.


In front of the ancient forbidden land, the war song has been blown, the battle flag has been erected, and the team fighting for the immortal road is mighty. Once the masters of this world hear so many masters appearing, in order to become immortals, they will naturally not let go of such an opportunity. Then came.

The sonorous battle song resounded through the heavens, the melody of war wafted all over the world, and the struggle for immortality began.

Chaos Tianzun put away and shrunk countless times the ancient bronze coffin, which is now the Chaos Temple. After his sacrifice and expansion, this magic weapon has not changed, but its power and function are many times stronger than before. Chaos People who cultivated in the late Yuan Dynasty can directly suppress and kill people, and it can even travel through the heavens and worlds, and travel the long river of time, it is not powerful.

The army is mighty, with Tianzun leading the way, followed by Hunyuan powerhouses such as Dugu Baitian, Demon Lord, Empress, Wushi, etc., followed by Ye Fan, Chen Nan, Qingdi, Duan De, Renwang and other quasi-humans. Immortal emperor masters, followed by some immortal kings, reincarnated people at the level of red dust immortals, and finally there are strong men who cover the sky, including quasi-emperors, great sages, saints, and saint kings.

Using the power of the masters of the two worlds, the endless army covered the sky and covered the earth, flooding this star field, and Chaos Tianzun led many strong men to fight on the immortal road.This is much more magnificent than the Supreme Conquest of Immortals in the restricted area many years ago, and at the same time, it is also many times stronger.

The whole universe is trembling, people did not expect to see such a magnificent scene!
Endless figures flooded the Big Dipper Starfield, boundless, they followed Tianzun, ready to climb the road to heaven, to step on the road to immortality!
The battle song resounded throughout the universe, they ascended to the sky, and the army covered the sky!

Tianzun spit out a word lightly.Then everyone saw in front of the barren ancient forbidden land, the cosmic barrier seemed to be a heavenly gate, which was slowly opening, and a huge path ran through it, and a strange world appeared.

"Is this... the Immortal Realm!" Everyone was trembling, excited and uncontrollable.

It was not the right time, nor the right place, and the fairy road had not yet opened, but all this was nothing to Tianzun, just because he could open it whenever he wanted. .

"This is the fairy road, but we haven't reached the fairyland yet, because we still have an old friend on our way." Tianzun said lightly.

Others, such as the demon lord, the empress, etc., and even some mortals and powerful emperors, can see that there is a fault at the end of the fairy road, which leads to another world, which is not the fairyland.

Tianzun looked at it at a glance, and there was a divine light coming from the fault, and the endless chaotic air surged. After a few breaths, the divine light disappeared, and there was only endless fairy light, which was ethereal and extremely peaceful.There, a road appeared, a road leading to heaven and immortality.

Obviously, the broken fairy road was picked up by Tianzun.

The mighty, endless army stepped on the fairy road and entered a strange world.It does not belong to the fairyland, nor does it belong to the human world, but the gap between the fairyland between the two, a special fairyland with a little immortality, it is also vast and boundless, and there are masters in it.

This is a big world that has been artificially evolved, and it wants to evolve towards the fairyland, so as to make up for the incomplete world.

The fairyland is damaged, there are no more immortals, only cracks appear occasionally, but no one can seize the opportunity to enter the fairyland.Because the law of the fairyland will block anyone who wants to enter, for self-protection.The Immortal Emperor fell from the crack in the Immortal Realm back then. He has been looking for the way back, but unfortunately he couldn't find it.

If you want to enter the Immortal Realm, you must become an immortal in the world of mortals to penetrate the passage between the two worlds and truly enter.Only immortals can mend the broken world.

"Your old friend has appeared." Tianzun said with a chuckle.

As soon as Tianzun's words fell, an inexplicable energy appeared, devouring everything, and the world slowly evolved into a tripod, trying to refine everyone.

"It's him, it really didn't die!" Emperor Wushi whispered softly, he had entered this world, so he naturally knew some things.

"If he is not dead, then send him to die. Emperor Zun, come out!" Tianzun said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, the world was shaken, and everyone was in an uproar.

According to legend, Emperor Zun is one of the ancient gods in the age of mythology. Later, he became an emperor again, so he called himself Emperor Zun, which means Emperor Zhong Tianzun.In the age of mythology, it is said that he was the same as he is now, using the power of the heavens to attack the immortal road, but unfortunately he was plotted against by the undead emperor in the final battle, and he was counterattacked, resulting in his death.

Now, a person who was supposed to die for eternity has been looking down on the earth and never died.

"It's me, looking down on the eternity, refining a furnace, this world will become my cauldron, and I will take you to become immortals!" A majestic voice sounded, he wanted to refine everyone's Dao fruit and swallow them all.

Emperor Zun left many runes in both the human world and this world. He intends to refine the two worlds into a cauldron in one fell swoop, and he will get the Supreme Immortal Artifact.

After hearing this, everyone present didn't have the slightest worry, but looked at Emperor Zun with a full face. There are so many masters here, not only the Hongchen Immortal who is at the same level as him, but also the Immortal King who is stronger than him , Immortal Emperor, Immortal Emperor master, what is his Emperor Zun?No matter how good the plan is, it will appear fragile in the face of absolute strength.

"My boy, have you forgotten your master?" A voice came from the crowd, it was Duan De.Now Duan De practiced the way of reincarnation of life and death, and became a strong quasi-immortal emperor.

"How could you appear here?" Emperor Zun was startled, and then he felt several people who were as powerful as him, and there were even a few people he couldn't see through, and his expression changed.

"Hey! Are you really my apprentice?" Duan De shook his head. He remembered the relationship he had with Emperor Zun who was also a teacher and friend when he was the Lord of the Underworld, so it was difficult to say anything else.He shot out the divine light directly, and slaughtered the emperor who was a mortal fairy, and his blood splashed into the void.

"Okay, this is just a small episode, let's continue!" Tianzun said.


Tianzun spit out a word again, and a huge portal suddenly appeared in front of him. This gate is boundless, with fairy light flying, light and rain filling the sky, colorful clouds and fairy sounds.

The real fairyland has arrived!

(End of this chapter)

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