Chapter 330 Heavenly Court
Countless armies rushed into the fairyland with Tianzun and the immortal emperors, and countless people wept with joy!

Even many great emperors, immortals, immortal kings and quasi-immortal emperors were all deeply moved.

In order to become immortals, they gave up almost everything and struggled all their lives. The supreme being in the restricted area even gave up his emperor status in order to wait for the road to immortality to open, and hid in the restricted area by beheading himself.They put family, friendship, love, all aside, just to become immortals.

But now, becoming a fairy is so simple, which makes many people feel unreal.

The ultimate and most sought after goal is suddenly realized, and it seems that there is nothing left to do in this world.A great sense of emptiness arises spontaneously.

At this time, many mortal immortals, immortal kings, and immortal emperors are looking at the fairyland. They can see the essence of the fairyland at a glance. As the Heavenly Lord said before, the fairyland is damaged and there is no room for more immortals.Even if they enter together, it may cause problems in the fairyland.

"The Immortal Realm has experienced a great war and was shattered. This is just one of the fragments of the Immortal Realm evolved, so the Immortal Dao Law will prevent anyone who wants to enter the Immortal Realm for self-protection." Chaos Tianzun said lightly.

"Well, look!" As he said, Tianzun pointed to the distance, into the nothingness outside the fairyland.

Everyone looked at the past, but they couldn't see anything, and only those who were above the realm of the Immortal King could see that outside the Immortal Realm they were in, there was endless nothingness, and in the chaos of nothingness, there were one after another. In the world, in the direction that Tianzun pointed, there is also a world, and that world is exactly a fairyland.

Everyone looked in other directions again, and then saw several fairylands in the endless distance.

Sure enough, as Tianzun said, the fairyland was shattered by...

So, here comes the question again, what happened back then that could break a whole piece of Immortal Domain into countless pieces?

"So, what we are waiting to do now is to restore the Immortal Domain and perfect the laws of the Immortal Domain!" said the Great Emperor Wushi.

Although the Demon Lord and the others are not from this world, they have fought together for 50 years and have already understood their respective worlds thoroughly. It is not surprising to see this scene.

"As an immortal emperor, it's not easy to restore the fairyland?" the devil asked.

Everyone laughed, it was indeed very simple.With their strength, as long as some worlds are opened up in the chaos, and then merged with the fairyland, the laws will complement each other, and the world will naturally... be complete.

"No need to be so troublesome!" Chaos Tianzun shook his head, he stepped on the fairyland, and the fairyland trembled three times. Tianzun said: "Broken fairyland, come back!"



The voice of Chaos Heavenly Venerate centered on the Immortal Realm, spread out to all directions, spread in the void and chaos, and spread in the heavens, I don't know how far it has spread.Only a little echo came back.


There was a sound of Weng, and Xianyu made a trembling sound, and then the whole Xianyu shook, and there was a longing emotion from Xianyu, as if he was longing for something.

After an unknown period of time, everyone saw a stream of light flying towards this place in the endless distance, and the speed was beyond imagination.But when it got closer, it slowed down, and then collided with the fairyland, the fairyland shook again, and then radiated bright fairy light, the Tao turned into endless light rain, flying all over the sky, and the laws of the fairyland evolved into various The divine beast is flying, it is cheering and jumping for joy.

Afterwards, countless streamers flew from all directions and quickly merged into the fairyland, which were broken fragments of the fairyland.

Immortal Domain is expanding infinitely outward every day, and the laws of Immortal Dao are also updated at any time. Countless Immortal Domain residents suddenly came to a strange place and felt panic, but then they were shocked to find that the place they were in was still Immortal Domain , but the territory has become wider, and the Tao has become more perfect.

"Er and other soldiers are divided into eight groups, facing eight directions, to suppress all turmoil in the fairyland." Tianzun said to the people behind him.

"Tianzun, if there are those who refuse to accept, how should we deal with it?" Someone asked.

"Those who are not convinced, you are allowed to kill them. From now on, there can only be one voice in the fairyland." Tianzun said.


Among the reincarnated people, all those below the quasi-immortal emperor were ordered to go.For the first fusion of the Immortal Realm, there will definitely be no shortage of immortal-level masters, and there will be many ambitious people who want to take this opportunity to do great things. Chaos Tianzun will naturally not give them this opportunity. He merged the Immortal Realm to leave the base of the Chaos Temple in the lower realm , rather than letting everyone compete for territory.

Three years later, no fragments of the Immortal Domain returned. Everyone knew that the Immortal Domain was about to be completed, and the fragments that no longer appeared now may have been completely shattered.

However, today's fairyland is enough. Today's fairyland has really expanded by more than a hundred times. Not only has the territory become extremely vast, but the laws have also been perfected. In addition, the fragments of the endless fairyland have evolved individually over the years, creating a world. At this moment Integrating into the Immortal Realm is equivalent to the incorporation of countless worlds. This is stronger than the undamaged Immortal Realm before, and can withstand the existence of the Immortal Emperor.


Suddenly, there was a sound of Weng, and then the celestial light criss-crossed, the sky was full of rays of light, the light and rain were densely covered, and the Tao sang joyously, and various visions evolved, such as dragons flying into the sky, white phoenix dancing, red bird fluttering, and white tiger leaping...

Three days later, the Immortal Territory was shaken, and everyone could feel a burst of cheers and joy from the bottom of their hearts.

Everyone knows that Immortal Territory has been completely perfected.

Tianzun set up the rules for receiving and guiding the fairy world, anyone who reaches the fifth step of the saint realm in Xiantai, or above the saint, can ascend to the fairyland!

Therefore, in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, many people with enough cultivation felt a dark attracting force come down and pick them up.

In the Immortal Realm, the laws are perfect, and the longevity substance is sufficient, everyone can live forever!

Afterwards, Chaos Tianzun brought everyone to the center of the fairyland, where Tianzun opened up a heavenly court, called the Chaos Heavenly Court.However, it is not that Tianzun is the emperor of heaven, but that Tianzun randomly separates out a quasi-immortal emperor who is cultivated as a chaotic clone and sits in the heavenly court.His true self is going to the eternal realm, so naturally he will not stay in the lower realm.Ye Xie, the blood-drop avatar back then, was just a guide of the reincarnated people. After his mission was completed, he naturally disappeared.

Tianzun began to seal the immortal official:
"Seal the ancient battle spirit of Xingkong as Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole, and guard the Xingkong!"

"Seal Jiuyou as Southern Jiuyou Great Emperor!"

"Confer Sakyamuni as the Buddha Emperor of the West Tathagata!"

"Feng Ji Xuanyuan is the Yellow Emperor of the North!"

"Confess Shennong as the Eastern Flame Emperor!"

"Confer the Great God of Time and Space as the Immortal King of Time and Space, and sit in the City of Time and Space!"

"Seal the old man who guards the tomb as the Lord of the Underworld!"

"The eight souls of the Fengchen family are the eight gods of war in the heavenly court, commanding the military power in the heavenly court!"

"Feng Daode Tianzun is the Supreme Lord of the Heavenly Court."

"Feng Hua Yunfei is Qin Emperor, and sits in Taixuan City!"

"Feng Yaoguang..."

"Feng Zhang Bairen..."

"The most powerful fire element in history..."

"The strongest fighting god in history..."


Chaos Tianzun divided up the masters of both worlds at once, only those who are above the quasi-immortal emperor or a few potential immortal king-level masters, such as Supreme Totem, Hei Qi, Ye Fan, Chen Nan, and the empress, the devil and others, They didn't get any entrustment, because he was going to take these people to the upper realm.

As for those people in the Immortal Domain, some of them were unable to keep up with their cultivation, and some had exhausted their potential. He left them in the lower realms to fight for him in the heavens and myriad realms.

He needs a steady stream of masters to supplement the strength of the Chaos Temple, and he wants to make the Chaos Temple still extremely powerful in the upper realm.Of course, this is just an ideal, and it will take endless time to realize.

All the immortal officials took their positions and went to complete their tasks.

And Tianzun took six Hunyuan powerhouses and several quasi-immortal emperor masters, preparing for a time journey.

There must be a reason for the damage of the Immortal Realm. Everyone is going to explore one or two, and Chaos Tianzun also wants to confirm his guess in his heart.If his predictions are correct, they can go to the Eternal Realm without going through the ascension journey.

(End of this chapter)

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