My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 342 One person and one cow

Chapter 342 One Man One Bull

To be more precise, there are two creatures, one beast and one man, and they are fighting.

The whole body of the monster is hundreds of feet tall, covered with black hair, emitting black light, and its shape is a bit like a cow. It has a pair of pointed horns that emit golden light, a pair of big straight ears, and a pair of black and shiny eyes. Turning around, the four hooves are like four huge pillars, stepping on the ground, you can feel the ground trembling slightly.It also has a long tail, and when it flicks, it looks like a huge stick dancing, making a "whoosh" sound.

On the opposite side is a human being, standing still above the sky, with long white hair hanging loose, dancing with the wind, and a pair of silver wings fluttering slowly behind his back, this is a man in his forties, There is a silver forehead line on his forehead, which adds a bit of mystery to him.

The man held a large black knife in his hand. The edge of the knife was slightly raised, and it was still stained with drops of bright red blood.

At this moment, the man is staring coldly at the monster that looks like a black bull. Obviously, a big battle is going on between them.

Judging from the aura of the two, the two are evenly matched, neither is too weak, and has the cultivation base of the sixth level of Hunyuan.

Chaos Heavenly Venerable cast a spell to hide the figures of everyone, watching the battle quietly.

On the battlefield, the middle-aged man erupted with infinite fighting intent, a tyrannical fighting intent, condensed like a substance, soaring into the sky, shocking people's hearts, but in this world, it can't cause much waves, just because this world is too big. It is strong, and the suppression of consciousness and so on is also very serious.

The two looked at each other for a few breaths, and suddenly moved.

I saw the middle-aged man let out a cold snort, and an extremely powerful aura erupted from his seemingly thin body. The black long knife in his hand turned into a gray streak in the air, and slashed towards the monster like a thunderbolt. .

With a knife, across the sky, Fengyun backed away, followed a certain path, and slashed down obliquely, with great coercion, cutting out the supreme sharpness, shattering the space.

At this moment, the aura of the middle-aged man was constantly rising, and in a trance, there was a tendency to suppress the monster, reaching a terrifying level!

On the other hand, that monstrous beast seemed to be as immobile as a mountain, allowing the opponent to press him down, I would stand still.Seeing that terrifying knife was approaching, the monster finally moved.

"Your uncle, you actually made a sneak attack!" The black bull monster suddenly said such words that ruined the atmosphere.


The monster roared towards the blade light, the roar was earth-shattering, the mountains shook and the ground shook, and the terrifying blade light was shattered in an instant, the blade light shattered into several pieces and fell to the ground.

"Boy, try your master Niu's power!"

Immediately, from the two horns of the monster, two sharp golden rays of light rushed out, straight to the sky, piercing through the void, in a daze, like two sharp spears, stabbing towards the middle-aged man.

The terrifying monster, with just two horns on its head, has the power to penetrate the world. If it is in the lower realm, it may poke a big hole in the whole world!

"Naughty beast, today I must destroy you."

However, the man seemed to have known this beforehand. His strength was similar to that of a monster. Seeing the monster attacking, he took advantage of the situation and made another slash. The two horns were chopped off.

There is no doubt that this is a pinnacle duel. The two opponents are evenly matched. If one is not careful, he will be killed by the other.

Amidst the loud bang, the mountains and rivers trembled for a while, and the tyrannical knife light collided with the two horns, and they all shattered.At the same time, the pair of silver wings behind the man spun like two sharp blades, rolling up endless blade light, and a storm of blades had risen, slashing towards the monster.


The man spun around and protected himself with his wings. The edges of the two wings were like countless sharp knives, and they all slashed at the monster's body, making a clanging sound. The wings thrust forward like two sharp saws, hitting on the monster's body cutting.

But the defensive power of the monster is not low. Slashing its wings on the body is like cutting a stone with a big knife, emitting sparks. There are only a few bloodstains on the monster's body. The blood stained the body, and it did not cause too much damage. harm.


"It hurts you to death, Mr. Niu, your uncle, I just robbed you of a few Dao fruits, what's the matter?"

The monster roared loudly in pain. It flicked its tail behind it like an iron board, and directly broke one of the man's wings. The monster seized the opportunity and cut its tail again with an unstoppable momentum. , discount the other wing of the man.

The man was beaten upside down and flew several miles away, crashed into a high mountain, broke the mountain, and just fell down.

"Cough cough..."

The man coughed up a stream of blood from the corner of his mouth. Obviously, he was seriously injured.He quickly got up, put away the broken wings behind him, and hid aside.

The monster leaped up, stomped on the place where the man had just fallen, splashed a burst of rocks, the ground collapsed, and the vegetation was shattered in a radius of several miles.

Obviously, the force of this kick is extremely terrifying. If you let it step on your body, you will probably be crushed by it even in the late Hunyuan period.

"Beast, court death!"

Injured by a monster, the man's face was not very good-looking. He sneered coldly, his eyes became extremely terrifying, and he swung the big knife in his hand, with the terrifying law of domineering swords, thousands of sword lights appeared, forming a world of swords , The light of the sword suddenly appeared, surrounding the monsters and beasts, everything in the world was a sword.

When the monster suddenly saw such a situation, it was startled, but it reacted instantly, and roared again at the sky-filled sword light, the sound shook the sky.

Countless sword lights disappeared and turned into fragments, but countless sword lights appeared again, forming a storm of blades, and slashed towards the monster.

In this way, two creatures of equal strength fought in this piece of heaven and earth. This battle was destined to be a protracted one, and it would not end in a short while.

"How?" Primal Chaos Heavenly Venerable asked as the people who had hidden themselves watched the battle below.

"I always feel that the strong people here seem to be very ordinary." The Great Emperor Wushi pondered for a moment and said.

"Oh?" The corner of Tianzun's mouth curled up in an interesting arc.

"This kind of combat power doesn't seem to match the corresponding realm. I feel that when we reach that realm, we will be much stronger than this." Wushi continued.

The rest of the people also nodded in agreement. Obviously, they thought that although the strong men here had a high realm, they lacked combat power.

"Yes, this is indeed the case. I am afraid that all the strong here will have such a situation." Chaos Tianzun said.

"Oh? Why is that?" The rest of the people were puzzled.

"Why? Go down and catch them, and you'll know at a glance."

Chaos Heavenly Venerable said, he had some guesses in his heart that there might be treasures of mass-produced Hunyuan powerhouses in this world, but it is precisely because of these things that they are not as good as Hunyuan powerhouses who really came from their own comprehension powerful.

Chaos Heavenly Venerable no longer concealed his figure, and as soon as his figure moved, he came to the place where the two were fighting.


A faint voice appeared, which surprised the two creatures who were fighting. How could a creature suddenly appear in this place, and they couldn't find it. But then, another thought was, what is this person looking for? Do you want to be a fisherman?
Just as the two creatures were about to struggle, they found that their bodies were not under their control, and they just stood still. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't move an inch, and they were terrified.

As soon as Tianzun stretched out his hand, he covered the sky with his big hand, and caught the two creatures in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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